![Shell Scripting Online Courses, Training with Certification](https://top10onlinecourses.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Shell-Scripting-Online-Courses-Training-with-Certification.png)
Shell Scripting is a command which provides the interface for users to interact with the operating system. People who are searching for Best Shell Scripting Online courses, this is the right platform to choose the best course. This Unix Shell Scripting takes input as commands and then it the command which gives the output. In this course, you will learn about the UNIX Operating System and its Unix Command Usage, Unix System Architecture , etc. You will also learn Bash Programming, Bash Programming, Awk, Grep , etc. and also you will get to know about how the shell scripts with the help of project-based training. In this world, there are various number of Shell Scripting Online courses available on the internet. Out of them, our expert panel handpicked some of the best courses which are listed below:
Table of Contents
#1 Unix Shell Scripting Certification Training – Edureka![]()
In this course you will learn about Unix Shell Scripting from scratch onwards in a detailed manner. This course will help you to become an expert in Unix and Shell Script. In this course, you will learn about Introduction to the UNIX Operating System, Different flavors of Unix, Unix Command Usage, Unix System Architecture , etc. This course provides you the course completion certificate by the end. This course enrollment had already started and you can enroll now if you are interested. In this course, nearly 3K+ satisfied learners are there.
Key points:
- In this course, you will learn about General Utility Commands, Handling Ordinary files and Filters, Shell script operation, Shell Programming , and Networking , etc.
- In this course, you will get to know how to write, execute and debug Shell Scripts from scratch onwards in an easy way.
- You will Understand different UNIX Operating Systems with Architecture and its different layers.
- After completion of this course, you will easily work on fields like Unix Infra, Unix Testing , and Unix Development , etc.
Rating: 4.4 Out of 5.
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
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#2 Shell Scripting: Discover How to Automate Command Line Tasks – Udemy
The instructor Jason Cannon who is a professional system administrator, author and consultant created this Shell Scripting: Discover How to Automate Command Line Tasks online course. This course also provides you the course completion certificate by the end. By taking this course you will learn about the shell programming for Linux, Mac and Unix and how to write shell scripts like a pro and also how to automate tasks using shell scripts. In this course, nearly 26k+ students are enrolled and learned Shell Scripting Online course from scratch onwards with the guidance of the instructor. This course is included with 2 hours of on-demand video and 25 downloadable resources.
Key points:
- In this course you will learn about the shell programming that are used for Linux, Mac and Unix operating systems and also how to write shell scripts like a pro and solve real world problems.
- This course also helps you in learning about the creation of complex scripts by taking the advantage of advanced bash shell features and about Shell Script Checklist and Template.
- By taking this course you will get to know about the topics like Wildcard, Wildcards in Shell Scripts, Wildcard Scripting, Case Statements, While Loops, Debugging Essentials and tips etc.
- By the end of this course you will gain knowledge on the Debugging Essentials, Debugging tips, A shell script template and how to quickly find and fix the most common shell scripting errors.
- The instructor of this course teaches you about the How to accept and process command line arguments, Real-world examples of shell scripts from my personal collection.
Rating: 4.2 out of 5.
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
#3 Linux Shell Scripting: A Project-Based Approach to Learning – Udemy
Linux Shell Scripting: A Project-Based Approach to Learning is the online course created by Jason Cannon and he is an author, consultant and Professional system administrator. This course provides you the course completion certificate by the end. This course helps you in learning about Bash Programming, Bash Programming, Awk, Grep etc. and also you will get to know about how the shell scripts with the help of a project-based training. In this course nearly 15k+ students are enrolled and learned Shell Scripting from scratch onwards. This course is included with the 11 hours on-demand video, 9 downloadable resources, 8 articles and also the full lifetime access.
Key points:
- This course is all about the way of shell scripting like Bash Scripting, Awk, Bash Programming, Grep etc with the help of project-based training and name shell scripts of yours.
- By taking this course you will be able to create variables in your own shell scripts. You will also learn how to create random data so you can do things like automatically generate strong passwords for user accounts.
- In this course you will about how to use cryptographic hash functions, shell built-in commands, operating system commands, command pipelining and also how to combine standard output and standard error.
- The instructor of this course teaches you about the concept of making the decisions by using if statements and then performing several different kinds of tests and also how to check the exit status of commands.
- By the end of this course, you will gain knowledge on how to write the scripts that execute commands on other systems and how to parse, analyze and then report the CSV files, log files , etc.
Rating: 4.5 Out of 5.
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
#4 Bash Shell Scripting: Crash Course For Beginners – Udemy
The instructor Francesco Santi who is a Consultant in data analysis and strategic planning and also Ph.D. Researcher created this Bash Shell Scripting: Crash Course For Beginners online course.. This course also provides you the course completion certificate by the end. This course helps the beginner who wants to learn Bash Shell Scripting and it Starts from the Command Line then finishes with a real-world hell Script Project. In this course, nearly 3k+ students are enrolled and learned Shell Scripting from scratch onwards. This course is included with the 5 hours on-demand video, 27 downloadable resources, 8 articles and also the full lifetime access
Key points:
- The instructor of this course teaches you about how to automate tasks with the help of Shell scripts and how to create the Shell Scripts that are used to solve the real- .
- And this course also teaches you about How to deal with variables scope, how to use the command line, How to use arithmetic expressions and also How to loop through folders and files with for and while loops.
- By taking this course you will be able to make decisions based on variables strings and files along with the help of if-else statements and also you will be ae able to write shell scripts on your own.
- In this course you will gain knowledge on the important concepts that are used for the shell scripting like Redirect, Find, Grep, Pipe, Change Owner, command Substitution, Change Permission and Change Ownership to Folders
- By the end of this course you will cover the complete introduction and basics of the shell scripting like Editors, The First Script, Script Open, A script that creates another Script and IF Conditions, Arithmetic Expressions , etc.
Rating: 4.5 Out of 5.
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
#5 Bash Shell Scripting Tutorial for Beginners – Udemy
This Bash Shell Scripting Tutorial for Beginners online course is created by the instructor Yogesh Patel who is a Programming Enthusiast and Software Developer. By taking this course you will get to know how to automate frequently performed tasks by using Bash Shell Scripting. This course also provides you the course completion certificate after the learning. By the end of this course, you will have strong knowledge of shell scripting. In this course, nearly 7k+ students are enrolled and learned Shell Scripting. This course contains the 10 hours on-demand video and 18 articles.
Key points:
- In this course you will learn about the Linux command line tutorials like ls command, cd command, cat command, mkdir Command, rmdir commands, touch command, top command, kill command etc,
- You will cover the topics like directory permissions, Numerical permissions, file permissions, useradd command, Basic Group Management, userdel command, Head and Tail Commands etc.
- By the end of this course you will gain knowledge on the File test operators, Perform arithmetic operations, Floating-pointath operations in bash and they will be taught to you with the help of many examples.
- This course helps you in learning about the Array variables, WHILE Loops, UNTIL loop, FOR loop to execute commands, Select loop, Functions, Local variables, Readonly commands etc.
- The instructor of this course teaches you about how to automate frequently performed tasks and by the end of this course, you will be efficient, effective and comfortable at the shell scripting.
Rating: 4.3 Out of 5.
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
Instructors from these courses are well experienced and they will teach in a practical way so that you will be provided with all the necessary information that is present in the course. Those who are interested to learn the shell scripting then you can go through any of these courses that are mentioned above. This course contains many assignments and made with hands-on projects in which you will cover the topics like arrays variables, WHILE Loops, UNTIL loop, FOR loop to execute commands, Select loop, Functions, Local variables, Readonly commands , etc. You will definitely be happy by taking this course because these courses also provide you the course completion certificate. After getting the certificate if you add this to your resume it gives you more weightage at interview time. Hope you are satisfied with our article and we expect and please you do share this article with your friends and coworkers via social media websites like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, hike, WhatsApp , etc.
Best Shell Scripting Books:
#1 Shell Scripting: How to Automate Command Line Tasks Using Bash Scripting and Shell Programming by Jaosn Cannon
#2 Classic Shell Scripting by Arnold Robbins
#3 Wicked Cool Shell Scripts, 2nd Edition: 101 Scripts for Linux, OS X, and UNIX Systems 2nd Edition by Dave Taylor
#4 Beginning Shell Scripting 1st Edition by Eric Foster-Johnson
#5 Shell Scripting: Expert Recipes for Linux, Bash, and more 1st Edition by Steve Parker
#6 Shell Scripting Tutorial by Steve Parker