Chef is an automation tool that provides a way to define infrastructure as code. The students who are looking for the best Chef Software courses, this is the correct platform for learning the course. Chef can run in client/server mode, or in a standalone configuration named “chef-solo”. In client/server mode, the Chef client sends various attributes about the node to the Chef server.
Chef can be integrated with cloud-based platforms such as Internap, Amazon EC2, Google Cloud Platform, OpenStack, SoftLayer, Microsoft Azure and Rackspace to automatically provision and configure new machines. Many no of Chef courses available in the IT market, from them our expert’s panel handpicked some best Chef courses for you which are listed below.
Table of Contents
#1 Understanding Chef: The Practical Guide – Udemy
This Understanding Chef: The Practical Guide is the online learning course created by the Eduonix Learning Solutions and this is meant for creating and distributing high quality technology training content and satisfied more than 1 million students with 200+ courses. By taking this course you will learn about the step by step process that is used to manage your software infrastructure with the help of Chef. The configuration management tool that is used for dealing with machine setup on virtual machines, physical servers etc is known as chef software. This course teaches you about practical applications of Chef and how to setup web infrastructure with the help of Chef. in this course nearly 300+ students are enrolled. This course is included with 9.5 hours on-demand video and 7 downloadable resources.
Key points:
- In this course you will learn about the configuration management and about the process on how to setup web infrastructure with the help of Chef and also about the practical applications of Chef.
- The instructor of this course teaches you about the trade tools like Chef Development Kit, Chef Workflow, Ruby Features, Advance Ruby and also about the conclusions of ruby and its conclusions.
- By taking this course you will be mastered with the configuration management and core concepts of provisioning and also you will pass the Chef certification exam and be able to gain the Chef certification.
- You will also be taught on how to build the cookbook, LAMP Stack and also how to install the Components, Maria DB, and how to create the Default Database and how to run a recipe.
- This course also helps you in gaining knowledge on the topics like Attribute Precedence, Chef Attributes, Splitting our Infrastructure, lab architecture, Wrapper cookbook creation, and also Chef Environments, Encrypted Data Bags etc.
Ratings: 3.8 out of 5.
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
#2 Chef Fundamentals: A Recipe for Automating Infrastructure – Udemy
The Chef Fundamentals: A Recipe for Automating Infrastructure is the online course created by the instructor Robin Beck who is a Technical Trainer with the help of Chef Software which is the platform for the DevOps workflow. This Chef-Certified beginner’s guide is used to develop cookbooks locally and distributing changes with a Chef Server. The configuration management tool that is used for dealing with machine setup on virtual machines, physical servers etc is known as chef software. By taking this course you will gain knowledge on how to utilize and describe Chef terms like Resources, Cookbooks, Recipes etc. in this course nearly 12k+ students are enrolled. This course is included with 10 hours on-demand video and 105 downloadable resources.
Key points:
- This course helps you in gaining the knowledge on what exactly is the Configuration Management and about the Chef’s core components, terminology, architecture and you will have a basic understanding on most commonly used tools.
- By the end of this course you will be able describe and utilise the Chef terms such as Chef Server, Resources, data bags, Recipes, Cookbooks and about their environments and roles.
- In this course you will learn about the topics like Cookbook Components, how to organise the recipes with the cookbooks and about the include recipe method, chef-client etc.
- You will also get to know about how to Add Node Details to the Web Application, how to access the Node Attributes, why and how to use the Template Resources and about Embedded Ruby
- The topics that you will cover in this course are cookbook_file, remote_file, Troubleshooting Process, how to Reconfigure the Vagrant Environment, how to Add a Member to the Load Balance.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
#3 Chef for the Absolute Beginners – DevOps – Udemy
This Chef for the Absolute Beginners – DevOps is the online learning course created by the instructors Mumshad Mannambeth who is Best Selling Instructor and also author and Yogesh Raheja who is a Cloud Coach, consultant, automation and devops. In this course you will learn about the automation without scripting with the help of Chef and they are taught with integrated hands-on labs. The configuration management tool that is used for dealing with machine setup on virtual machines, physical servers etc is known as chef software. This course helps you in learning about the chef concepts like Chef Resources, Chef Architecture etc. In this course nearly 4k+ students are enrolled. This course is included with 2 hours on-demand video.
Key points :
- By taking this course you will get to know about the Chef language and how to be comfortable with the Chef language and also how to get automated into the daily repetitive tasks with the chef and his environment.
- This course also teaches you about the topics like Chef Workstation and about how to create the VMs on AWS and about the process of Workstation Installation and how to setup Chef Clients.
- The instructor of this course teaches you about the chef concepts in which the topics like Chef Architecture, Chef Resource Documentation Walkthrough, Chef DSL, Chef Recipe, chef Cookbooks etc.
- The topics that you will cover in this course are Chef RunLists, Cookbook Dependencies, Server-Client Model, Workstation Connectivity and also how to Get Familiar with Chef DSL.
- You will also gain knowledge on concepts of automation like Imperative Programming Patterns, Convergence, Declarative Programming Patterns, and also about the Idempotency.
Ratings: 4.5 out of 5.
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
#4 Mastering Chef the Devops Way by School of DevOps® – Udemy
This Mastering Chef the Devops Way by School of DevOps® is the online learning course created by the instructor Gourav Shah and he is a Premium Instructor and devops trainer and author who satisfied nearly 21k+ students with his teaching. This course is considered as the most comprehensive Chef course in which you will learn about how to write the Infrastructure as a Code and manage it at scale with Chef. The configuration management tool that is used for dealing with machine setup on virtual machines, physical servers etc is known as chef software. By the end of this course you will be able to create data driven and dynamic modules with the help of templates and parameters. In this course nearly 100+ students are enrolled. This course is included with 6.5 hours on-demand video.
Key points:
- In this course you will learn about the Pull Model Centralized Configuration Management, Four Approaches to Manage Infrastructures, Idempotence and Convergence.
- This course teaches you about the variations between Declarative Approaches and Procedural and also how and when to get started with Chef and Puppet and more about the configuration management.
- By taking this course you will get to know Anatomy of a Generator, Cookbook and how to create the Java Cookbooks and also about how to get into the environment of Cookbook.
- You will also learn about the Deployment Specs and Strategy, Chef Supermarket, Community Cookbooks Selection Criteria, Templatizing motd configurations, Attribute Precedence Order etc.
- The instructor of this course teaches you about the concept of Deploying new version of Application, Idempotence Test, and also how to create the roles for App Servers, Load Balancer, and Nested Roles.
Ratings: 3.9 out of 5.
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
#5 Chef Essentials: Mastering the Basics of Config Management – Udemy
This Chef Essentials: Mastering the Basics of Config Management is the online learning course created by the instructor Alex Glover who is an experienced and Senior Cloud Architect in both internal private clouds and leveraging public cloud providers. And this course teaches you about how to automate your server configuration and management and how to master chef Essentials and accelerate your career. The configuration management tool that is used for dealing with machine setup on virtual machines, physical servers etc is known as chef software. By taking this course you will get to know about the chef concepts and terminology. In this course nearly 1k+ students are enrolled. This course includes 3 hours on-demand video and 3 downloadable resources.
Key points:
- In this course you will learn about the chef concepts and Chef terminology and also about the concepts of configuration management like idempotence and more about the Essentials of chef.
- This course also teaches you about the concept of Implementing the attributes and also about how to leverage Erubis templates for dynamically configuring servers and applications.
- By taking this course you will get to know about the precedence and also about the concept of Automating the server configuration by using the recipes of Chef and cookbooks.
- The instructor of this course teaches you about how to use the Chef tutorials and training and you will also be taught about the linux and how to carry the concepts with the help of labs and many videos.
- You will also gain knowledge on the cookbooks, outline cookbook components, cookbook directory structure, and also about the Templates, Attributes, cookbook file and Run-lists etc.
Ratings: 4.7 out of 5.
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
#6 Chef for Absolute Beginners – Udemy
The Chef for Absolute Beginners is the online course created by the IT Skills In Demand which is meant for Demanding Skills Thought in a Simplified Way. by taking this course you will gain knowledge on chef from OpsCode and thought in a step by step process. The configuration management tool that is used for dealing with machine setup on virtual machines, physical servers etc is known as chef software. This course also teaches you about All the Concepts and Terminologies that are associated with Chef and also how to Automate, Managing of your LINUX Servers with the help of Chef. In this course nearly 1k+ students are enrolled. This course includes 1.5 hours on-demand video.
Key points:
- This course helps you in learning about how to Automate and Manage your linux Servers with the help of Chef and how to Configure and Setup your Infrastructure as Code, on Hosted Chef.
- You will also learn about all the terminologies and Concepts that are Associated with Chef and also about the process of creating the cookbooks and how to write the recipes and how to Manage Organization, Roles, nodes etc.
- The instructor of this course teaches you about how to Setup Environments and Roles within Chef in a step by step process and more about the ecosystem of chef and Different Flavors of Chef.
- By taking this course you will get to know about Traditional Terminologies, Cookbooks,, Resources, Recipes,Attributes and also about the resources like Service Resource, File Resource, Execute Resource etc.
- By the end of this course you will be able to bootstrap the node and expand the recipe and also about how to manage linux Servers with the help of Chef and more about the how to create cookbooks and write recipes.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5.
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
Chef has huge demand in the job world. Instructors are always ready to share the information regarding this Chef course. Students who are interested to learn this you can pick up anyone from the above-mentioned courses. By doing this course people will get job opportunities such as a software engineer, migration delivery consultant, software generalist, etc. After completion of this course, you will receive a course completion certificate. If you add this certification to your resume, you will get more weightage at your interview time. We request you to share this article with friends and colleagues via Facebook, LinkedIn, Whatsapp, hike, etc.