As response to the changing IT trends we can see the more updates in Cisco Career certification exam. And as per the good scoring in the CCNA exam many are striving a lot. It is not too easy to get passed in this CCNA exam. But, to make it easy for you to get passed in this CCNA exam here our experts of panel handpicked some of the best courses and listed below. These courses have the complete content which is encompassed with fundamentals of the networking subnetting, OSI model, Access Control Lists (ACLs), hubs, switches etc. here we recommend you to take these best CCNA online courses for clearing the CCNA Certification exam these courses are beneficial because,in these CCNA online courses you can also see some hands on projects and these courses are being taught to you by the well experienced instructors.
Table of Contents
#1 The Complete Networking Fundamentals Course. Your CCNA start – Udemy
The Complete Networking Fundamentals Course is the best course which was created by the instructor by the instructor David Bombal, he has the 15 years of experience in network training and also along with him some experts also help you and you can also become an expert. This course is very helpful for the one who wants to move their career through the CCNA and you will be learnt with the fundamentals of the networking. This course is included with the 55 hours on-demand video, 75 articles, 1 downloadable resource along with the full lifetime access. This course also provides you the course completion certificate after the completion of the course. In this course nearly 39k+ students are enrolled.
Key points:
- In this course you can learn about the IP addressing and subnetting, OSI model, Access Control Lists (ACLs), hubs, switches and routers and also network fundamentals and how to build simple LANs.
- About Binary versus Decimal, Convert Binary to Decimal, Hexadecimal conversion theory and demos, Demo of MAC addresses and ARP cache, Network versus Host portion and IPv4 Address format (Street Analogy) and Address Classes are learnt by you in this course.
- The topics like IP Subnetting, Ethernet history, Broadcast domains, UTP & Cross Over Cables, MAC Addresses, CSMA/CD and Collision domains, 10base2, MAC addresses,etc. are being taught in this course.
- The instructor of this course teaches you about What is a bridge?, How does a Hub forward traffic?, How do switches forward traffic? Etc
- VLSM, Router on a stick and creation of topology, Router on Stick Simulation, SPAN network overview & Test before SPAN are also being discussed in this course.
Ratings: 4.8 out of 5
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
#2 Cisco CCNA 200-125 – The Complete Guide to Getting Certified – Udemy
This Cisco CCNA 200-125 – The Complete Guide to Getting Certified is the top rated CCNA online course and this course is created by the instructor Neil Anderson and he was a the one whose mission is to build the best Cloud and Data Center systems engineers. This course is included with the 36.5 hours on-demand video, 33 articles, 219 downloadable resources along with the full lifetime access. This course also provides you the course completion certificate after the completion of the course. In this course nearly 19k+ students are enrolled and the instructor is the most experienced with all the best teaching who can answer the questions and teaches with many labs.
Key points:
- By the end of this course you will learn about the GNS3 Installation and Configuration, Cisco Packet Tracer Installation and Configuration and GNS3 and Packet Tracer Installation Notes and FAQ.
- In this course you will get knowledge about the host to host communications like The OSI Reference Model, The TCP/IP Stack, The Upper OSI Layers and The Lower OSI Layers etc.
- This course teaches you on The Transport Layer Header, TCP and UDP and the network layers like Slash Notation, The IP Header, How to Count in Binary, The Subnet Mask etc.
- You will also learn about the subnetting in which the topics like Subnetting Class C Networks and VLSM, Subnetting Large Networks, Variable Length Subnet Masking with Subnetting Practice Questions.
- You will get to know on how to develop the skills to work on enterprise production networks and how to explore routing and switching technologies work in real world environments etc.
Ratings: 4.8 out of 5
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
#3 CCNA 200-125 Video Boot Camp With Chris Bryant – Udemy
The CCNA 200-125 Video Boot Camp is a online course created by the instructor Chris Bryant who also created free CCNA, CCNP, and CCNA Security courses. This course is included with the 62.5 hours on-demand video, 3 downloadable resources and along with the full lifetime access. This course also provides you the course completion certificate after the completion the course. This course also crossed almost the 84k+ students enrollment. This course also provides the black friday promotion and in that you can easily get the CCNA security free course when you join to the instructors CCNA video bootcamp.
Key points:
- In this course you will be taught with the video bootcamps on the topics of CCNA exam models with some trick-free methods of teaching on how to perform binary, hex, and decimal conversions all the way through tough EIGRP and OSPF configurations etc.
- The instructor of this course teaches you about the working of OSPF as like LSAs and Adjacencies, The Adjacency States, RID Fix, Pings, and Shows, Point-to-Point Network Build, etc.
- Bandwidth Lab, Multiple Routers, One Broadcast Segment, Changing The Port Cost Calculation, Default-Information Originate Command, Total Stub Areas, ABRs, ASBRs, And Other Router Types etc are also being learnt by you in this course.
- This course helps you in gaining knowledge on the CCNA security with some privilege levels such as Intro To Custom Levels, The Autocommand and One-Time Password Options, Role-Based CLI Begins etc.
- And about What’s A Firewall such as Stateless and Stateful Filtering, Proxy Firewalls, Personal Firewalls, Zone Pairs, Basic Firewall Lab With CCP etc are also being taught by the instructor of this course
Ratings: 4.6 out of 5
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
#4 Cisco CCNA R/S (200-120 & 200-125): The Complete Course – Udemy
The instructor Lazaro Diaz created this complete cisco CCNA course and in this course you will cover all the needed concepts with the hands on projects and many labs that are necessary for the 200-120 and also the new CCNA 200-125 exam. This course is perfect guide for the people who are preparing for the CCNA R/S certification exam. This course is included with the 47 hours on-demand video, 122 downloadable resources and also the full lifetime access. In this course nearly 40k+ students are enrolled. This course also provides you the course completion certificate after the completion of the course.
Key points:
- You will learn about the definition of the ethernet works and how to access to the ethernet and the OSI model along with the TCP/IP model.
- The instructor will discuss the different standards we use when we cable a network using UTP cabling and what cable you would create when connecting devices to your network.
- Classifying an IPv4 Address, default subnet mask and default number of host, the format of an IP address and why and how it is used, understanding what a private IP address is are being taught by the instructors of this course
- In this course you will learn about how to setup the diagram into binary format and its different positions, how to count for subnet from the starting point given and find not only your increment importantly in the position.
- This complete course you will learn how to subnet, IPv6 addressing, transition mechanism, cisco three layer model etc which are helpful for gaining the CCNA certificate.
Ratings: 4.3 out of 5
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
#5 Cisco CCNA Packet Tracer Ultimate labs: CCNA Exam prep labs – Udemy
The Cisco CCNA Packet Tracer Ultimate labs: CCNA Exam prep labs is the online course which is more helpful for the people who are preparing for the CCNA exam and this course is created by the instructor David Bombal who has the 15 years of experience in network training and also along with him some Experts helping you become an expert. This course is included with the 21 hours on-demand video, 136 downloadable resources along with the full lifetime access and this course also provides you the course completion certificate after the completion of the course. In this course nearly 9k+ students are enrolled.
Key points:
- In this course you will gain knowledge on how to get prepared and revise and get passed in the CCNA and the CCENT exam and also how to ace with the situations of the exam.
- By taking this course you will cover the topics like DHCP Server configuration with 2 labs, router on a stick and about the broadcast and collision domains which are helpful for the CCNA exam.
- This course also helps you in learning the VTP Troubleshooting, and you will also know what happens and how to disable the spanning tree.
- You can answer the Packet tracer networks such as the power on and hostname configuration, port configurations, VTP and VLAN, access ports and trunk ports etc which may come for the CCNA exam.
- By the end of this course you will be able to answer all the questions regarding the Local spans, remote spans, static routes, port security which are major concepts of the CCNA exam.
Ratings: 4.9 out of 5
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
In this updating IT World getting a good job is very essential and it is possible with the CCNA Certification you can also get the multiple job opportunities if you gain this CCNA certificate. And you can join any of these online courses because, these days online courses are most likely prefered courses because, these courses saves your time and money and also you will be provided with the course completion certificate after the completion of the course. If you are in favour and likely to this article then we are requested to do share this (via Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter …) and in case of queries please do comment in comment box.
Best CCNA Books:
#1 Cisco CCNA in 60 Days 3rd Edition by Paul W Browning
#2 Cisco CCNA Simplified: Your Complete Guide to Passing the Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching Exam by Paul W Browning
#3 CCNA Routing and Switching Complete Study Guide: Exam 100-105, Exam 200-105, Exam 200-125 2nd Edition by Todd Lammle
#4 Ccna Icnd2 200-105 Off Cert Guide 1st Edition by Odom
#5 Ccna Security 210-260 Official Cert Guide by Omar Santos John Stuppi