Here Best Violin Online Courses
Table of Contents
#1 Cracking the Violin Code!
Learn violin online with the detail it is taught in the most prestigious Music Schools and Conservatories.
It is a very convenient way to learn to play the violin, from the comfort of your own home! Just keeping a regular practice routine of 15-20 min a day will let you pick this beautiful instrument quickly and play your favorite songs in no time.
“Cracking the Violin Code” is an online course which introduces you to violin playing in a very detailed and progressive way. Even if you have no previous experience and knowledge about how the violin works and how we play it, here you will find most of the information you will need: you will learn how to hold the instrument in a most natural way, how to play all the strings, and some of the most popular beginner’s violin tunes. Along the way, I will describe how we read music notation and you will start reading music, however, you will still be able to play the songs at the end, even if your music reading skills are not fully developed (preview lectures 33 and 35).
Video violin lessons are a very convenient way to learn to play this beautiful instrument, as you have the freedom to go at your own pace, revisit particular lectures multiple times or skip parts with which you already feel comfortable. This course starts with an introduction of the parts of the violin and the way we make sound. After that, you learn how to hold the bow, followed by a few exercises clarifying the body posture and alignment, which leads to the violin position and the way we support the instrument with the left arm. All of that is explained and demonstrated in detail, with a lot of attention on anatomy and focus on the natural way of using our body. We continue with learning how to play on open strings, emphasizing the different parts of the bow arm movement. As soon as you are comfortable with it, you can start using your left hand fingers, play a few exercises on all the strings and start learning the songs. Since all of the exercises I am recommending are very intuitive, just keeping a regular practice routine of 15-30 min a day would be enough for you to pick them up quickly and help you progress by creating healthy habits.
you will learn
- Build a very intuitive and healthy violin and bow hold
- Start learning some of the most popular tunes on the violin and impress your friends
- Learn to read music notation
- Learn very reliable practice strategies, which you can use to learn new songs
#2 Complete Vibrato Mastery
A system for taking violin, viola, and fiddle students from no vibrato, or a problematic one, to beautiful expression.
Through 11 hands-on video lessons learn a systematic vibrato method that will take any violin, viola, or fiddle student with no vibrato experience to an expressive, consistent vibrato in 3-6 months.
More experienced players will gain skills for improving their vibrato technique while learning to create more seamlessness and variety, in preparation for various applications across the Classical music time periods, as well as other music genres.
You’ll learn how to troubleshoot and fix issues common with students trying to learn vibrato, such as a vibrato that makes you sound out of tune, issues with the 1st or 4th fingers, a vibrato that is too fast or too slow, as well as issues with form, cohesiveness, initiation, and continuous vibrato.
We’ll explore ideas for musical interpretation, cover historical and modern applications of vibrato, the prerequisites needed for successfully learning vibrato, vibrato warm-ups, and even a flashy modern vibrato cousin great for adding to your Rock or Blues improvisations.
you will learn
- develop a consistent and beautiful vibrato, from the beginning stages of the technique through advanced applications
- fix vibrato issues that may have previously held you back, such as a vibrato that is too fast or too slow, inconsistent, non-existent, as well as issues with particular fingers
- demystify vibrato and take it from a technique you either “get” or you don’t, to an achievable, expressive tool you can master
- understand and apply the most appropriate vibrato for each musical situation, phrase, and genre
- understand the historical and modern applications of vibrato for masterful interpretations
- learn to apply the right kind of vibrato to fiddle waltzes and airs, plus, add a dose of cool with a Rock and Blues vibrato technique
#3 Learn the Violin – No Music Experience Necessary!
A beginner’s guide to playing the violin, starting from square one with holding the violin and ending with short songs.
This course covers the basics such as holding the violin and bow properly and tuning the instrument. It progresses through the scales and culminates in learning a few simple songs. It is taught by video lessons with straightforward, easy to follow instructions. There is also some supplemental material to help guide you along the way. There are lectures on the extras such as the proper way to hold the instrument, as well as lectures focusing on different techniques to improve your playing.
This course is a very low pressure way to get to learn a new instrument. Without the time commitment and cost of weekly private lessons, students will be able to discover the joy of playing the violin without any added pressure.
If you have ever had any interest in learning a musical instrument, then this course if for you. It starts with the basic foundations and builds from there, so you do not need to have any previous music experience. If you want to be able to enjoy playing some simple songs on the violin, but would also appreciate having the correct technique while doing so, then you would greatly benefit from this course.
you will learn
- By the end of this course you will be comfortable holding the violin and bow and will be ready to take on more challenging songs.
- After completing this course, you will have the equivalent of 6 – 12 months worth of private lesson teaching under your belt.
- By the end of this course you will be comfortable playing in first position on the violin.
- After finishing this course, you will be able to play some scales and a few basic songs on the violin. You will be able to take this knowledge to learn new songs on your own.
- This course will teach you about dynamics: what they are, how to play them, and how to incorporate them into your music.
#4 Learn the Violin – Scales and Fundamentals
A beginner’s guide to technique and one octave scales on the violin.
This course covers the basics such as holding the violin and bow properly and tuning the instrument. It covers a couple of different bowing techniques and then goes through both the major and minor scales. It is taught by video lessons with straightforward, easy to follow instructions. There is also some supplemental material to help guide you along the way. There are lectures on the extras such as the proper way to hold the instrument, as well as lectures focusing on different techniques to improve your playing.
This course is a very low pressure way to get to learn a new instrument. Without the time commitment and cost of weekly private lessons, students will be able to discover the joy of playing the violin without any added pressure.
If you have ever had any interest in learning a musical instrument, then this course if for you. It starts with the basic foundations and builds from there, so you do not need to have any previous music experience. If you want to be have a great technical foundation on the violin, and want to learn the scales, which are the building blocks of all songs, then you would greatly benefit from this course.
you will learn
- By the end of this course you will be comfortable holding the violin and bow and will be ready to learn any beginner song.
- You will be comfortable playing every note in first position on the violin.
- You will have the equivalent of 6 – 12 months worth of private lesson teaching witha focus on scales under your belt.
- You will be able to play all of the one octave scales on the violin. You will be able to take this knowledge to learn new songs on your own.
- You will learn some different bowing techniques.
#5 Learn the Violin – Bowing Techniques
Master all of the bow strokes and improve your musicality.
This course covers all of the different bowing techniques for the violin. It covers both on the string and off the string techniques. There are also helpful practicing tips as well as different exercises for mastering each bow stroke. Learning the different bow strokes will greatly improve your ability to add musicality to the songs that you are already playing or learning to play.
This course is a very low pressure way to get to improve technique on the violin. You will be able to improve upon the knowledge you already have, and take these new bowing techniques and apply them to any piece of music that you are working on.
This course consists of all video lectures. It will be as if you are having private lessons from me. I will break down each bow stroke, cover different ways to practice them, and give helpful tips.
you will learn
- By the end of this course you will know every bow stroke for the violin.
- You will be able to perform both on and off the string bowing techniques.
- You will improve your musicality by adding these bowing techniques to the songs that you are working on.
- You will be able to play more challenging music.
Best Violin Books:
#1 Violin For Dummies, Book + Online Video & Audio Instruction by Katharine Rapoport
#2 Play Violin Today! Beginner’s Pack: Level 1 Book/CD/DVD Pack (Play Today!: Level One) by Kaitlyn Hahn
#3 Step One: Teach Yourself Violin Course: A Complete Learning System Book/3 CDs/DVD Pack by Antoine Silverman (Mar 1 2004)
#4 The ABCs of Violin for the Absolute Beginner: Violin, Book 1 by Janice Tucker R
#5 I Can Read Music: A Note Reading Book for Violin Students (Volume 1) [Spiral-bound] [1991] Joanne Martin
#6 Play Violin Today!: A Complete Guide to the Basics Level 1 (Ultimate Self-Teaching Method!) by Hal Leonard Corp.