Selenium is a framework, which is used for web applications testing. Selenium provides you to write the tests by using java language. Students or testers who are searching for the best selenium with Java online courses this is right place to choose the course. From this selenium with java course you people will understand the concepts like basics of java programming, how to run the tests in the google chrome and firefox, webdriver java concepts, techniques for automating, webdriver architecture, mobile automation testing, taking the screenshots in the selenium, how to automate the web applications by using selenium, exception handling in java, cucumber behavior driven data framework, browsers configuration, database testing for the selenium, how to open the web browser with in the selenium, selenium webdriver basics and so on. Now a days there are multiple number of selenium with java online courses in the world from them our panel experts has picked some best selenium with java online courses that which are listed below.
Table of Contents
#1 Selenium WebDriver with Java -Basics to Advanced+Frameworks – Udemy
The selenium webdriver with the Java language online course is offered by Rahul Shetty. Here students will learn all about the basics of core java and selenium webdriver. And you are able to design the data driven, hybrid automation framework, page object from the scratch. You people will gain complete knowledge on log4j, jenkins, cucumber, html reports, maven, parallel testing etc. students will understand that how to verify the data integrity by the gui of application. This selenium course includes assignments, 47 articles, 307 downloadable video resources and 51 hours demanded videos with full period support. Students are able to write the code for the automation test cases.
Key points:
- Here you people will understand the topics like installation of java, eclipse, how to download the selenium, run the tests in the google chrome and firefox, troubleshooting errors in the browser, webdriver java concepts etc.
- Students will understand the concepts like locator identifiers in the selenium, identifying the locators with the developer tools, differences between the absolute and relative xpath, how to handle the static dropdown with the webdriver API etc.
- Instructor will explain the concepts like how to handle the autosuggestive dropdowns using the selenium, handling the java alerts by using webdriver API, synchronization by using the selenium, techniques for automating etc.
- You are able to learn the concepts such as element hidden, identifying the frames from the html views, how to handle the table grids in the web page, taking the screenshots in the selenium, cross browser testing with the selenium grid, mobile automation testing etc.
- Here you will also understand the topics like performance testing in the selenium, cloud testing with the selenium sauce labs, cucumber behavior driven data framework, java oops basics for the selenium and so on.
Rating: 4.6 Out of 5
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#2 Selenium WebDriver Training with Java and Many Live Projects – Udemy
People who wants to enhance their automation testing skills then this selenium training with Java online course will help you to gain the automation testing skills. Rahul Arora was created this selenium course. Here more than 122k pupils are doing this selenium course. Students will learn the process of automating the web applications with the selenium. You people can work with the utilities such as dockers, grid for the parallel execution, apache POI API, jenkins, log4j API etc. you people can able to design the more complexed frameworks and how to design the interactive reports by using the xslt, extent reports and so on. This selenium course includes 22 downloadable videos, 18 articles and 79.5 hours on demanded videos.
Key points:
- Students will learn the topics like selenium, API, how to run the test by the selenium IDE, core java, installing and configuring the java, loops, if statements, non static and static methods, exception handling, arrays, oops inheritance, polymorphism etc.
- Instructor explain about the concepts like selenium RC introduction, features, configuration of eclipse IDE and selenium API, downloading and configuring the maven, java configuration, browsers configuration, webdriver architecture and basics, etc.
- You are able to learn the topics like synchronization explicit wait, implicit wait, handling the drop down list, handling web tables and checkboxes, xpath and css locators, selenium webdriver advanced features, testng framework, creation of interactive reports etc.
- Learn the topics like how to install the appium in windows and mac os, how to handle the flex applications, Junit ant configuration, keyword driven automation framework with the jenkins, page object model with the github and jenkins and so on.
- Students will learn the concepts like database testing, SVN configuration, cucumber BDD framework with the page factories and POM etc.
Rating: 4.4 Out of 5
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#3 Selenium WebDriver With Java – Novice To Ninja + Interview – Udemy
Selenium with java language online course was created by Lets Kode It academy. Here 23k+ candidates are enrolled to learn this Selenium with java language course. Students will understand about the web automating frameworks and you are able to implement and design the structured automating frameworks. You will perform the cross browser testing by utilizing the selenium grid and learn about the testng framework. Here instructor providing 343 downloadable video resources, 11 articles and 41.5 hours demanded videos. Students will understand the topics like gherkin language, behavior driven testing by using the cucumber and know how to write more effective testing code.
Key points:
- Students will learn the concepts like how to install the java, eclipse and maven softwares, data types of java, default variable values, arrays, string methods, differences between the string buffers, string builders and string, return type, class, constructor etc.
- You people will understand the topics like conditional statement, for loop, switch statement, static keyword, inheritance, access modifiers, method overloading, exception handling, method overriding, how the inspecting of elements was done by utilizing the chrome devtools etc.
- Instructor will also explain the concepts like selenium webdriver, how to add the selenium webdriver to the java docs, how to run the tests on firefox and google chrome, various ways to locate the elements, css selector, xpath etc.
- Here students will learn the concepts like selenium webdriver web elements, properties, how to handle the synchronization issues, executing the javascript commands, how to switch the windows, iframes, action class, keypress events by using the action class etc.
- You will understand the topics like automation framework, setting the testng, log4j2 introduction, automation framework, testng advanced features, how to run the tests parallely, data providers, data driven testing, webdriver event listener and so on.
Rating: 4.5 Out of 5
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#4 Selenium WebDriver-JAVA|Best for Beginner|Framework-Live App – Udemy
People who are interested in learning the software automation testing then you can take this selenium with java online course. Here more than 6k pupils are doing this selenium with java online course. T World academy was created this online course. You will learn all the basic concepts of java and know how to perform the automate test by utilizing the selenium java and webdriver. Here six articles and 36.5 hours on demanded videos are included in this selenium course. You people will learn that how to automate the real time applications and you can also design the frameworks from the scratch. Students will understand the basics of java ike constructors, objects, variables etc.
Key points:
- You will learn how to install the selenium, java and eclipse softwares. Students will understand the topics like element locator, html basics, element locator with name, id, class, locating the element with the xpath etc.
- Students are able to learn the topics like condition handling, for loop, while loop, string handling, multidimensional arrays, reading the file with the file reader, how to read the data with bufferedreader, how to write the data by the buffered writer etc.
- You people will learn the concepts such as selenium documents, public and private access modifier, protected access modifier, type casting, common keywords of java, oops concepts such as multiple inheritance, abstraction, polymorphism, interface etc.
- Instructor will discuss the topics like features of java 8, Junit, testng, webdriver, exception handling in java, debugging, assertions, advanced reporting options, data driven framework, integration with the jenkins, API testing, katalon components etc.
- Learn about the concepts API automation, data files, test suites, operations on the browser, writing the BDD test case, uses of xpath and css in katalon studio and so on.
Rating: 4.3 Out of 5
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#5 Selenium WebDriver with Java & Cucumber BDD – Udemy
The Selenium with Java online course was offered by Tim Short. Students will learn that how to write the realistic automated test scripts for the web applications and learn how to integrate the java with selenium. Here 10k+ peoples are registered to learn this Selenium with Java online course. Students are able to find the elements on web page and can simulate the user behavior. You people will understand that how to robust the custom libraries and test frameworks. Instructor will explain that how to automate the user actions among the multiple browsers, how to export the selenium IDE into the java code, how to modify the test data, how to record the selenium IDE and so on.
Key points:
- You people will understand that how to install the selenium IDE, how to run the selenium IDE, modification of test data, creation of login test outline, how to open the web browser with in the selenium etc.
- Students will learn the topics like html, DOM, how to find the elements by using chrome, capturing the text on the page, simulating the user actions on the web page, new account application overview, firebug and firefox etc.
- Instructor will discuss the concepts like opening the firefox browser, item locator, comparison of priority and methods, how to utilize the variables for parameterize data, cross browser testing, creation of driver factory and so on.
- You are able to learn the topics like webelements, radio button algorithm, checkbox algorithm, Junit framework introduction, assertions, class variables in the framework, installing the testing of framework in the eclipse, testng assertions etc.
- Students can understand the concepts like page object model, implementation of login and dashboard page class, implementing step definitions with the selenium and so on.
Rating: 4.3 Out of 5
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#6 Selenium Webdriver with Java (Basics + Advance + Architect) – Udemy
Students who wants to learn more about the automation testing then you people must take this selenium with Java online course which is created by Rahul Arora. Students will learn the concepts such as selenium IDE, webdriver advanced topics, basics of java, hybrid framework, report generation, selenium grid, page object models with factories, data driven frameworks etc. here 3k+ candidates are learning this selenium with Java online course. Students can able to automate more complexed web applications by using the selenium. You will also understand that how to design the frameworks from the scratch such as cucumber BDD, hybrid, data driven, page object model etc. learn how to manipulate the css, locators and xpath.
Key points:
- You people will learn the concepts like selenium, API, running the tests with the selenium, installation of java, configuration of variables, features and basic java programming, java methods, objects, classes, loops, exception handling etc.
- Students will learn the topics like oops inheritance, benefits of overriding and overloading, oops interfaces, java streams, generating the logs, reading the excel files, wrapper classes, collections arraylist, reflection API etc.
- Learn the concepts such as selenium RC, architecture of RC, features, handling the captchas, capturing the screen shots, selenium configuration, browsers configuration, xpath, css locators, selenium webdriver, creation of dynamic xpath, uses of properties of files etc.
- Instructor explain about the selenium webdriver basics, handling the javascript alerts, handling the web tables and synchronization issues, handling the jquery calendars, API integration with the selenium, report generation, selenium grid 2, testNG etc.
- You are able to learn the topics like database testing for the selenium, data driven and hybrid automation framework, git github, installation of intellij IDE, cucumber JVM, appium testing ios web application, android and ios driver and so on.
Rating: 4.3 Out of 5
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
Here trainers are determined all the essential information for you regarding to this selenium with java article. If anybody interested in learning this selenium with java course then choose any course from above mentioned courses. By doing this selenium with java course you people will get the job opportunities like java developer with selenium, automation test engineer, test engineer, selenium tester, selenium automation developer, selenium java tester, mobile automation tester and more. Students jobs career will increased by adding this selenium with java course certificate in your resumes. Please share this selenium with java article to your folks, coworkers through instagram, facebook, linkedIn, whatsapp, hike etc. here instructors will compulsory clear out your doubts and queries.
Best Selenium with Java Books:
#1 Test Automation using Selenium WebDriver with Java: Step by Step Guide by Mr Navneesh Garg
#2 Absolute Beginner (Part 1) Java 4 Selenium WebDriver: Come Learn How To Program For Automation Testing (Black & White Edition) (Practical How To Selenium Tutorials) by Rex Allen Jones II
#3 Java 4 Selenium WebDriver: Come Learn How To Program For Automation Testing (Black & White Edition) (Practical How To Selenium Tutorials) by Rex Allen Jones II
#4 Selenium Webdriver in Java: Learn With Examples by Mr. Sagar Shivaji Salunke
#5 Advanced Selenium in Java: With Examples by Mr. Paul Watson
#6 Selenium Framework Design in Data-Driven Testing: Build data-driven test frameworks using Selenium WebDriver, AppiumDriver, Java, and TestNG by Carl Cocchiaro