Selenium is a tool used for testing the websites automation. Testing can also done with C# programming language. Students who are searching for the best selenium with C# online courses then this is most favorable place to do the course. Selenium is used for testing the web applications. Here from this selenium with C# course you people will understand the concepts like how to create the selenium automation framework, writing the tests in the plain english, setting the selenium webdriver, how to convert the report to html report, extraction of content from the websites, how to build the generic framework model by C#, automation testing frameworks (hybrid, keyword driver etc), how to extent the report with the selenium and specflow C#, basics of C# programming, how to write the simple BDD codes by using the selenium, behavioral driven development, updating the frameworks with the multiple browser and so on. Our panel experts has selected some best selenium with C# online courses for you that which are listed below.
Table of Contents
#1 Selenium WebDriver with C# for Beginners + Live Testing Site – Udemy
The selenium webdriver with the C# online course is offered by Tod Vachev (robotics engineer). Students learn how to write the tests in the plain english and learn how to work with the alter boxes, check and input boxes, radio buttons and so on. You people are able to create the selenium framework and know how to work and use with the names, css path, xpath selectors. Here 4k+ candidates are learning this selenium webdriver online course. Students are able to learn the topics such as how to create the selenium automation framework and know how to run the tests in the mobile devices. Instructor will explain about how to take the screenshots by using the selenium webdriver and also explain how to use the browsers.
Key points:
- You people learn how to install the visual studio, how to setup the selenium webdriver, name, ID, xpath, class, how to handle the exception in selenium webdriver, how to select the right selector, text input field, alert box, radio button, assertion, test scenario etc.
- Students will understand the concepts like automation framework, page object model, configuration, navigation, how to structure the framework, how to convert the report to html report etc.
- Learn the topics like enabling the parallelization, refactoring the framework, size of elements, location, execution of javascripts with the C#, drop and drag elements, how to use the different drivers, how to control the location, size of the diver and so on.
- Instructor explain about the topics like how to extract content from the websites, using the string formatting, how to save the extracted content and extend the sitemap from the websites etc.
- You are able to understand the topics like how to setup the appium for running the tests in android devices.
Rating: 4.3 Out of 5
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#2 Automation framework development with Selenium C# (Advanced) – Udemy
The Development of Automation Framework by the Selenium C# online course is offered by Karthik KK (software architect, youtuber and consultant). Students will understand about the automation framework and you can able to build the hybrid automation framework. Here 1k+ peoples are registered to learn this Automation Framework by the Selenium C# online course. Instructor explains that how to choose the best automation framework for the project. They are providing five articles, 26 downloadable video resources and 10.5 hours on demanded videos with lifetime support. Learn how to build the generic framework model by C# and you people can able to develop the industry standard frameworks.
Key points:
- Students will understand the topics like automation framework introduction, learn different automation testing frameworks such as hybrid, keyword driver and data driven, various automation framework models such as BDD model and page object model etc.
- From the designing automation framework section you will learn the topics like framework design, creation of framework structure with the visual studio, deployment, framework development, page object models, handling the webdriver objects and so on.
- You people will understand the topics like developing helper components, database extension helper, configuration of development in the classical way, extension of webelement and webdriver, refactoring, specflow and BDD introduction etc.
- Instructor will explain the concepts such as updating the frameworks with the multiple browser, pickles the reporting system for the specflow, consuming the execution of automation report systems web services etc.
- Students will also understand about the configuration of extending framework, extent the report with the selenium and specflow C#, implementation of cross platform support, modifying the hooks, step class, base namespace, page object model class and so on.
Rating: 4.4 Out of 5
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#3 BDD with Selenium Webdriver and Specflow using C# – Udemy
The BDD with specflow and Selenium Webdriver by using C# online course was created by Rahul Singh Rathore (software developer). Students will understand all about the selenium webdriver by using the specflow C#. you people will understand that how to utilize the the selenium webdriver for testing the web based applications and learn all the advantages of selenium webdriver over the selenium RC. here more than 2k candidates are learning this online course. Instructor was providing 85 downloadable video resources and 25.5 hours demanded videos. Students will also understand about the C#. students will be able to learn the topics such as triggers, generation of reports, creation of project configuration etc.
Key points:
- Students will learn the basic concepts of C# programming like creation of console applications, data types, inheritance, abstract class, interface, static variables, methods, exception handling etc.
- You people will learn the topics like firepath, firebug, css locator, relative xpaths, functions, descendant and preceding axes view, ancestor axes view, how to set the selenium webdriver, page navigation, structure of framework etc.
- Instructor will explain about the handling the web elements, web element identifying, handling the dropdown list, dynamic waits webdriver wait class, expected conditions class, default wait class, webdriver advanced features, page object model etc.
- Learn the concepts like data driven framework, excel data reader, keyword driven framework, generation of report, file upload, behavior driven development, creation of console logger, team foundation server, parallel execution etc.
- You are able to understand the topics like how to handle the web table by selenium, firefox driven by using the selenium, how to use the selenium extras page objects, how to test in the multiple browser and so on.
Rating: 4.4 Out of 5
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#4 Selenium WebDriver Masterclass with C# – Udemy
The Selenium webdriver with the C# programming online course was offered by Nikolay Advolodkin (automation test engineer). Students will understand the procedure that how to design the selenium webdriver frameworks from the scratch by using the C#. you people will learn how to utilize the selenium webdriver and know how to create the html reports. Instructor will explain the process of creation of log files by that you are able to debug the automation. Students will understand how to perform the parallel test execution with the nunit and also learn how to utilize the identification mechanism for finding the objects in the web page. You people are able to learn that how to utilize the page object patterns for developing the high quality tests.
Key points:
- You people will learn the topics such as class library and unit test project, basics of debugging, short cuts in the visual studio, variables, using the string interpolation, formatting the text by using the concatenation, testcontext, assertions, testclass etc.
- Instructor will discuss the concepts like exception attribute, math with the integers, floating points, decimals, if else statement, relationship and equality operators, objects and classes, writing the constructors, string class, scope of declarations etc.
- Students will understand the concepts like while loops, sentinel and counter controlled repetition, break, continue statement, do while loops, method overriding and overloading, lists, arrays, advanced oop concepts, selenium interfaces, exception handlings etc.
- You are able to learn the concepts such as delegates, lambda and regular expressions, automation testing, benefits of selenium webdriver, how to set the selenium webdriver resources, web elements, navigation, manipulation, framework development etc.
- Instructor will also explain the topics like page objects, applitools test manager, dashboards, regions, logging to the test automation, TDD for the automation frameworks, developer tools and so on.
Rating: 4.3 Out of 5
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#5 Automate application with Specflow and Selenium C# – Udemy
The Automate Application with the Selenium C# and Specflow online course was offered by Karthik KK (software architect and consultant). Students will understand about the Gherkin Language and you people will also understand the specflow and its enhancement by the visual studio IDE. here more than 2k pupils are enrolled to learn this Automate Application with the Selenium C# and Specflow course. You will learn about the behavioral driven development and learn how to create the selenium test cases by the specflow definitions. Instructor was providing 6.5 hours on demanded videos and certificate with full period support.
Key points:
- You people will understand the topics such as details of gherkin syntax, introduction to the specflow, know how the definitions and features are working together to get the job, scenarios of specflow, how to work with the multiple data by using tables etc.
- Students will learn the topics like scenario context, how to work with the dynamic tables by using the dynamics of specflow assist, advanced binding types, specflow bindings, specflow context injections, scoped bindings, argument transformation etc.
- Instructor will explain about the dynamic table conversation, know how to work with the external data, specflow and excel issues with the visual studio, passing parameters for testing method from nunit console runner, running the specflow scenarios in parallel etc.
- Learn the topics like extent reporting introduction, generation of report dynamically with the extent reporting and specflow steps, extent report with the KLOV reporting, BDD with the selenium specflow and POM etc.
- Students will learn that how to write the simple BDD codes by using the selenium.
Rating: 4.4 Out of 5
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
Here students can able to test the web applications by using selenium. If anyone interested to learn this selenium with C# online course then choose any course from above mentioned courses. Instructors are determining all the required information about this selenium article. Students will get more job opportunities by learning this best selenium with C# online course like automation test engineer, selenium with C# test analyst, testing engineer, software tester, quality assurance engineer, software test analyst, selenium developer, software development engineer and more. Students will clearly understand all the concepts of selenium with C# article. If you are gratified with this selenium with C# article, then share this article with your buddies, coworkers through whatsapp, linkedIn, twitter, instagram, hike etc. here instructors will compulsory clear out all the doubts and queries of students.
Best Selenium with C# Books:
#1 Selenium WebDriver Recipes in C#: Second Edition 2nd ed by Zhimin Zhan
#2 Selenium Webdriver in C#.Net: Learn With Examples by Mr Sagar Shivaji Salunke
#3 Test Automation using Selenium Webdriver 3.0 with C# by Mr Vaibhav Mittal & Mr Navneesh Garg
#4 Selenium WebDriver Recipes in C#: The problem solving guide to Selenium WebDriver in C# (Web Test Automation Recipes Series) (Volume 4) by Zhimin Zhan