If you are Looking for Best Front End Web Development / HTML, CSS, Js Online Courses with Certification this best place to select right course . By learning HTML you can design web page very easily. For creating web page you have to learn some elements like, HTML local storage, embedding videos and audio in web page, drag and drop and etc. if you learn about CSS then you can also know information about CSS rules and you can also learn how to develop good programming habits. Javascript is one of the programming language. In all web browsers the Javascript language will be supported. In the world there are various online courses are there , our Panel of Experts handpicked some of Best HTML, CSS, Js Courses for you and those are listed below .
Table of Contents
#1 Become a Front End Developer – Udacity
The Front End Web developer nanodegree online course was created by Udacity. Richard Kalehoff, Pete Lepage, Peter Lubbers, Andrew Wong, Michael Wales, Julia Van Cleve, James Parkes, Cameron Pittman and Karl Krueger are the instructors of this nanodegree program. Students will learn all the basic concepts of CSS, Javascript and HTML programming language and you people will learn the web foundations, Javascript and DOM, object oriented Javascript, Javascript tools and so on. Here students will get the certificate of completion at the final stage of their course.
Key points:
- From the part-1 The building blocks of front end development, you people will learn the topics like HTML syntaxes, CSS syntaxes, know how to write the code very fast, building of HTML elements, responsive web design, writing readmes etc.
- Javascript and the DOM is the part-2, here you are able to learn about the document object model, creation of content with the Javascript, performance and working with the browser events.
- Object Oriented Javascript is the part-3, from this students will understand the concepts like web accessibility, navigating contents, ARIA, maintenance of focus by using offscreen content, keyboard design patterns, classes, objects, functions, ES6 functions, etc.
- Javascript tools and testing is the part-4, here instructors will explain about the web tooling and automation, productive editing, expressive live editing, optimizations, writing of test suites etc.
- Front end applications is the part-5, from this part you people will understand the concepts like Javascript design patterns, Javascript promises, Asynchronous Javascript, front end frameworks, offline web apps, introduction of service worker and so on.
- You are able to learn about the high conversion web forms, client server communication, shell workshop, version control with the git and github and introduction of jQuery.
Rating: 4.7 Out of 5
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#2 Web Design for Everybody (Basics of Web Development and Coding) Specialization-Coursera
Charles Severance is an associate professor in University of Michigan. He will teach you about HTML5, CSS3 course and also about Javascript. You can learn how to create interactive web experiences with the help of Javascript. By learning this technologies you can develop the websites with high quality and you can also design and implement a responsive site. The Charles will provide five course and after completing the course they will give you some projects to complete. by doing these projects you will get practical knowledge and skills.
Key points:
- In course 1, he will teach about HTML5. To learn complete course it will take three weeks. By learning this course you can design webpage very easily.
- In second course you will learn about CSS3. In CSS3 course you will learn how to write CSS rules, how to develop good programming habits and how to develop test code. To learn CSS course it will take four weeks.
- In third course, Charles will teach you how to interactivity with Javascript. You will also learn Javascript language and also some other concepts like, looping, functions and etc. it will take four weeks to learn complete course.
- He will teach about advanced styling with responsive design in course four. By learning this course you can create your own site.
- In course five you can learn about web designing. Here you will also learn the HTML5, CSS3, interactive with the javascript, advanced responsive designs.
Rating : 4.5 out of 5
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#3 Web Development Certification Training-Edureka
Edureka is one of the best website which will provide complete information and this website is having good supporting option (24/7). In Edureka you can learn five website course. These courses are basics for HTML elements, introduced new feature in HTML5, styling the HTML elements with the help of CSS, by the CSS3 you can develop the websites in Amazon storage service. In Edureka you can also learn scrollspy, Jumbotron, madals and etc. by learning all this courses you can build the projects.
Key points:
- You can create web page with HTML by learning some elements like, HTML local storage, embedding videos and audio in web page, drag and drop and etc.
- you can learn about CSS3 text effects and different text fonts. You will also learn HTML elements and multiple features about CSS3.
- In edureka website you can learn about Javascript and you can also learn how to manipulate DOM (document object model) elements. You can also learn jQuery, bootstrap scrollspy and jQuery UI in edureka website.
- You will also learn about Ajax XMLhttp object and know about how to retrieve the response and how to make a call. You can also add social plugins in the web page which are provided by the facebook, quora, twitter etc.
- You can also create the countdown timer by using the jQuery timer API. you also learn how to add the jQuery to the pages of HTML.
Rating : 4.5 out of 5
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#4 Web Applications for Everybody Specialization-Coursera
Charles severance will teach you about web applications specialization. He is also an Associate Professor in University of Michigan. He will teach you, how to build dynamic database backed web sites. You can also build this web sites by using PHP, jQuery and MySQL. You can also increases the skills how to build the websites and you can also improve the skills about HTML, PHP, Javascript and CSS. to teach about web applications he is providing four courses. After completing the course he will also provide you certificate.
Key points:
- He will teach you basics of web applications and also how to build web applications in PHP (hypertext preprocessor). Here you will also understand about the hypertext markup language.
- You can also learn about SQL (structured query language). Here you can know about basic syntax of SQL and also about single table queries. Here you will learn the installation procedure for the MAMP, text editor and learn how to create the SQL databases.
- He will teach you, by using PDO (Portable Data Objects) how to connect MySQL in PHP. you will also learn how to avoid the double position data and learn how to implement the flash messages.
- In this course you will learn Javascript language and you can also gather all information about jQuery and Json. you will also understand the event handling and you know how to exchange the data between the running code in the server.
Rating : 4.3 out of 5
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#5 HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers-Coursera
Yaakov Chaikin will teach about HTML, CSS and JS from Johns Hopkins University. His Graduate in Computer Science in the whiting school of Engineering and he is also principal enterprise architect and software developer with a Columbia, Maryland consulting firm. He will teach you how to code your webpage and how to implement your webpage with HTML and CSS. you can learn all this things with in five weeks. For every week he will provide some videos and articles to learn in detail.
Key points:
- First week he will teach you about HTML5 basics by providing instructional videos. He will teach everything by showing the videos. You will also learn the essential HTML5 tags.
- Second week you will learn basics and complete course about the CSS3. Yaakov will also teach you advanced concepts in CSS3 like floating, conflict resolution etc. he will also provide you practice quizzes to improve the students knowledge.
- In third week, he will teach you about coding the static restaurant site and to explain it in detail he will interact with clients. You will learn about the navbar layout, drop down menus, text etc.
- He will teach you about Javascript in fourth week like why JS is most powerful and how the Javascript language is useful.
- In fifth week you can learn how to build web applications by using Javascript. Here you will learn how to manipulate the web page by using javascript object model API.
Rating : 4.9 out of 5
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#6 Responsive Website Development and Design Specialization-Coursera
Responsive website development and design specialization website was created by the team Dr Mick Grierson, Ohene-Djan, Dr Matthew Yee-King, and Dr Kate Devlin, Dr Marco Gillies, Dr James from university of London and Goldsmiths university of London. who will teach about the responsive website development. They will teach you how to build all foundational skills of technologies and and also about website development by using Javascript, HTML and CSS. you will also learn how to apply multi user web application by using meteor.js framework and you can also learn advanced topics like, animation, APIs and data visualization. They will teach everything by six course. After completing all course they will provide you certificate.
Key points:
- In first course they will teach you about basic of responsive website like, CSS, Javascript and HTML. it will take four weeks to complete this course.
- You will learn about responsive web design in second week. In this course you will learn how to develop interactive designs and professional website.
- You can learn about meteor.js development in third course. Here you will learn how to implement security features, user authentication and by using mongoDB, how to create multi user website.
- They will teach you about how to create web application development by using MongoDB and Javascript course four.
- In fifth course you can practice responsive website tutorial and examples of interactive web applications such as images, sounds and collaborative.
- They will teach you about design capstone and responsive website development in sixth course.
Rating : 4.3 out of 5
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#7 Build Responsive Website Using HTML5, CSS3, JS And Bootstrap-Udemy
Irfan Dayan is an expert in web developer, HTML5, CSS3, Freelancer and Javascript. He is the senior web developer from last 7 years. His passion is teaching in online and also he started teaching by Udemy. Now he was training 60k+ students. He will teach you best web development skills. Irfan will teach you how to build modern responsive website by learning jQuery, HTML5, Javascript, Bootstrap and CSS3. you will learn complete things about web development from how to start the project to how to finish the project. It is having 17 downloadable resources, 8 hours on demand video, and 16 articles. Everything will be available in full lifetime access.
Key points:
- By learning all things you can build modern websites. The modern websites will look great on all small and large screens. He will also teach about media queries. By learning media queries you will get perfect website for responsive design.
- From web design guidelines you will learn the concepts like web colours, images and icons for web, white spacing, typography etc.
- You will learn the basics of HTML, CSS model box, class selectors, ID selectors, bootstrap grid system and you will understand how to add the bootstrap toe the web pages for small businesses etc.
- Irfan will teach you complete code to get real responsive website. By learning complete code it is easy to build website.
- You will get the complete knowledge about HTML5, Javascript, CSS3, jQuery and Bootstrap after completing the course.
Rating : 4.3 out of 5
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#8 The Complete Web Development Course – Build 15 Projects-Udemy
Development Island company was founded by Issam and he is also director for the same company. In internet he will provide best technology courses. Issam is having two master degrees in Management and Engineering from Ecole Centrale Paris and Cranfield University. He is excellent in teaching, web development and simulation. He will teach you the complete web development courses. The web design courses are like, HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, wordpress and etc. by using wordpress you can create best blogs and also professional websites. He will also teach you how to build website content. You have to build website content by using HTML5 and CSS3 and you can also add stunning styling for your content. It is having full lifetime access, 67 hours on demand video, 1 articles and 155 downloadable resources.
Key points:
- By using latest web technologies you can design best powerful websites with high professional level to earn more money.
- Issam will also teach you how to build dynamic database websites by using some web technologies like, Ajax, mySQL and PHP (hypertext preprocessor).
- After learning all professional websites you can design games, mobile apps and best websites for your best career.
- He will teach you how to build responsive websites by using twitter bootstrap and those websites will suitable for all the devices.
- After learning the course you can create mobile apps. You can also upload all those apps in Google Play and IOS app store.
- To connect your website with Google maps, Google plus, Facebook and twitter, you have to use advanced skills of web professional.
Rating : 4.5 out of 5
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#9 Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3 – Udemy
Jonas Schmedtmann is a designer, web developer and teacher. He complete his master’s degree engineering and he started building websites from 2007. His passion is teaching. He started teaching by Udemy and now he was training 300k+ students. He will teach the students about basic & advanced HTML and CSS. to learn this course no need of any experience about coding and design. Here you can learn How to develop real world websites with Attractive Designs and Latest Functionalities like Responsive Website Design. He will Explain jQuery effects like Sticky navigation, animations and scroll effects with Real world examples. It is having 7 downloadable resources, 11.5 hours on demand video, and 11 articles and everything will be available in full lifetime access.
Key points:
- The huge project will teach you everything about HTML5, CSS3 and instructor will also teach how to get start with both HTML5 and CSS3.
- Here Jonas Provide all Resources like Downloadable lectures and example project codes and pdf’s to students
- To build the professional website for scratch, he will Explain you 7 real world steps and tested formula.
- You will learn the basics of web design like typography, layout, spacing and know working with icons, images etc.
- After the course you know how to stand out your website from the crowd and with simple tips and simple web design guidelines.
- E-Book : You can also get “Best Resources for Web Design and Development with HTML5 & CSS3” for Free of cost .
Rating : 4.6 out of 5
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#10 The Complete Front-End Web Development Course!-Udemy
Joseph Delgadillo and Nick Germaine are the instructors for complete front end web development course. They both are training for 115k+ students. In this course you will learn how to start front end web developer by using CSS, jQuery, HTML, Bootstrap and Javascript. To learn this course no need of any previous experience. Once you start learning this course then definitely you will love the front end web development. You will learn how to build a HTML text site in simple way, with the help of Javascript how to build a program website. It is having total 15 hours on demand videos and full lifetime access. After completing the course they will also provide you certificate.
Key points:
- By learning this course you can cover almost all popular web development frameworks. They will teach you basics of web development with the help of HTML.
- You can also learn how to program by using Javascript. By doing this course you can learn about Bootstrap framework, CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) and also about jQuery.
- By using CSS you can also create style web page and you can also build Pipboy by using Bootstrap. You can also learn how to create Google chrome extension and you can also publish them after creating.
- From web development basics you will learn the topics like HTML tables, HTML elements such as section, footer, header, article, main etc.
- You will also learn the advanced concepts of HTML like forms, images, radio buttons, checkbox, meta tags etc.
Rating : 4.3 out of 5
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Javascript language, HTML and CSS are easy to learn. Above we show you some best online course. If you have interest then you can learn by selecting any course which is suitable for you. After completing the course they will provide you certificate with your name. You can also add your certificate to your resume and it will be more helpful for your career options. By learning this course you will get jobs like Python developer, analytics developer, software engineer, full stack developer and more. If you like this article you can share it with your friends and also in social media. If you have any Queries you can ask in comments.
Best Front End Web Development Books
#1 HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites 1st Edition by Jon Duckett
#2 Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics Fourth Edition by Jennifer Robbins
#3 Sams Teach Yourself HTML, CSS, and JavaScript All in One 1st Edition by Julie C. Meloni
#4 HTML: and JavaScript QuickStart Guides – HTML QuickStart Guide and JavaScript QuickStart Guide by ClydeBank Technology
#5 Get Coding!: Learn HTML, CSS & JavaScript & Build a Website, App & Game by Young Rewired State
#6 Building Android Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Making Native Apps with Standards-Based Web Tools Second Edition by jonathan Stark & Brian Jepson