Best Backend Web Development Online Courses, Training with Certification-2022 Updated

Best Backend Web Development Online Courses

#1Node, SQL, & PostgreSQL – Mastering Backend Web Development

Become an in demand software engineer by taking this course on Node, SQL, PostgreSQL, and backend web development. As one of the most popular web development stacks today, learning Node, SQL, and PostgreSQL is a must. Knowing these languages and frameworks will open doors and jobs for you.
In this project-based course, you’ll learn how to build Node, SQL, and PostgreSQL applications by building three full projects. You’ll discover some techniques widely used in the industry today. And you’ll find out how to use notable libraries like Express and Pg.
You will skyrocket to the top of the talent pool because you can build backend web applications. The backend is the heart of services and products. So knowing how to write the backend is the other highly crucial skill looked for by top software companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and more.
In this course, you’ll get familiar with Node by building an application from the start. First, you’ll learn how to use the native Node modules to build a server.
Second, you’ll build a more in-depth application with Node and Express to learn how to a build an api with a complete set of http request methods.
Next, you’ll dive into SQL and PostgreSQL to build a solid foundation around these tools. After, you’ll build an api that combines all the previous concepts with Node and PostgreSQL so that you understand how to create Node apps that work with advanced databases.
If you’ve already gone through the the quick JavaScript and web development tutorials online, then this course will take you to the next level.

#2 Backend web development with Django 2 – Build 8 projects

1. Front end basics
If you have taken my Complete front end developer Bootcamp or any other such course where things like HTML and basics of CSS got cleared, then you are good to go for next requirement. This is a backend focused course and we will not be talking much on stuff like “How to change background color”.
2. Python Basics
Django is based on python and it will be a good idea to clear your python basics before taking this course. Things like Loops, If Else, Functions, and Classes are used in this course, with an expectation that you are aware of it. You don’t need to be a guru in python but at least syntax should be comfortable for you.
Why Django?
While designing BackEnd course, there were a lot of option but I asked a question a that If I could go back in time and suggest me the easiest backend framework to get started, what would it be. Most tech startups use Django because it is easy to implement. You can focus on what you are building instead of other framework issues.
On top of that, it is backed by Python, One of the top most favorite programming language of people at the internet.
What will we be building in this course?
This course is totally focused on beginners. Goal here is not to scare you from programming jargons. Course is totally based on projects and each project will focus on a specific issue that we will deal.
Project 1. – Getting basics of Django
Project 2. – Breaking website into templating
Project 3. – Interaction with Database
Project 4. – Blog with static pages and unique URL
Project 5. – Handling forms and taking input from user
Project 6. – A CRUD blog from user input
Project 7. – A TODO list with sqlite3
Project 8. – Login, Logout and Signup

#3 Web Application Development with Spring and Angular: 2-in-1

Contents and Overview
This training program includes 2 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.
The first course, Using Spring and Angular for Web Application, covers frontend and backend integration to create your messaging application. This course teaches you how to use Angular and Spring to create a fully working messaging web application. Learn advanced concept of Angular such as routing, observables, material design, and how to use it to create a messaging/notification component. Develop a Web Socket notification service. Create a messaging/notification application. Publish and maintain your application in production.
Finally, you will also learn the new features of Angular 5. By the end of the course, you’ll be ready to launch your own creations into the World.
The second course, Building a Web Application with Spring and Angular, covers creation impressive applications using Angular and Spring. The course will teach you how to use Angular and Spring to create a fully working data form storage web application. The first of the three sections of this course is about front-end technologies. In this part, you will learn the basic concept of Angular such as templating and directives and how to use them to create a form component.
By the end of the course, you will understand the different components and Storage services and how to integrate them into your application.
By the end of the course, you’ll develop production-ready web applications from scratch, exploring the new features of Spring and Angular version 5.

We Advice you to learn via Online Courses, Rather than Books, But We Suggest you use Books Only for reference purpose

Best Backend Web Development Books:

#1 Fundamentals of Web Development (2nd Edition) by Randy Connolly & Ricardo Hoar
#2 Flask Web Development: Developing Web Applications with Python 2nd Edition by Miguel Grinberg
#3 Node.js Web Development: Server-side development with Node 10 made easy, 4th Edition by David Herron
#4 Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript: With jQuery, CSS & HTML5 (Learning PHP, MYSQL, Javascript, CSS & HTML5) 5th Edition by Robin Nixon
#5 Learning Web App Development: Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques 1st Edition by Semmy Purewal

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      Top 10 Online Courses