AWS Lambda is a computing service which makes easy while building the applications. People who are seeking for the best AWS Lambda online courses then this is most favorable place to do the course. AWS Lambda is used to design the backend services. From this AWS Lambda courses you people will understand the concepts such as global infrastructure of aws, services overview of aws, fundamentals of of AWS Lambda, how to manage aws resources, basics of identity access management, policies and roles, serverless architecture, lifecycle of the serverless, how to create the accounts for developing the AWS Lambda functions, serverless design layers and patterns, how to cleanup the serverless stack, implementation of thumbnail services, how to deploy and build the serverless solutions, know how the dynamodb organizes the data, specific options and features of api, how to add the authorization to the api gateway, how to host the spa without any servers and so on. In the world there are multiple number of AWS Lambda online courses from them our panel experts have been picked some best AWS Lambda online courses for you that which are listed below.
Table of Contents
#1 AWS Lambda and the Serverless Framework – Hands On Learning! – Udemy
The AWS Lambda and serverless Framework online course is offered by Stephane Maarke. Here more than 10k candidates are doing this AWS Lambda and serverless Framework online course. Students will learn that how deploy and develop the AWS Lambda functions with the serverless. You people can able to deploy the real world projects which are interacted with the api gateway, dynamodb, s3, cloudwatch and EC2. students can able to write the AWS Lambda functions and you will understand all the advanced and fundamentals of of AWS Lambda. You will learn about the YAML and can manage the deployment by using the code. This AWS Lambda course includes five articles and 2.5 hours on demanded videos.
Key points:
- Students will learn the overview of AWS Lambda, installation process of serverless, deploying the functions, how to run and update the functions from the cli, know how to fetch the function logs from cli, how to cleanup the serverless stack etc.
- Instructor will teach about the creation of AWS Lambda functions by using the runtime, AWS Lambda functions timeout, settings of memory, IAM permissions for the lambda functions, environment variables in the AWS Lambda, vpc for the lambda functions etc.
- You people will learn the topics like S3 thumbnail generator services overview, implementation of thumbnail services, rest api service overview, how to build the rest api, how to test and deploy the rest api and so on.
- Students are able to understand the topics such as lambda services overview, how to deploy the ec2 stop and start lambda functions and learn about serverless framework and AWS Lambda.
Rating: 4.4 Out of 5
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#2 AWS Fundamentals: Building Serverless Applications – Coursera
The AWS Fundamentals online course is created by Amazon Web Services. Here more than 5k pupils are already registered to learn this AWS Fundamentals online course. Students can able to deploy and build the serverless solutions. Here you people will understand about the AWS serverless architecture and framework. Rick Hurst, Jonathan Dion, Adam Becker, Bobbie Atristain and Wes Gruver are the instructors of this online course. They will explain all about the amazon api gateway, AWS Lambda, amazon lex, amazon dynamodb and how to deploy the serverless solutions. After this online course students will surely create the serverless solutions by utilizing the AWS.
Key points:
- In first week students will learn the topics like serverless computing, amazon lex, procedure for creating the serverless websites with the amazon S3, how to create the simple bot by using the lex, creation of s3 bucket and configuration as the static web sites.
- Next you people will learn about amazon cloudfront introduction, amazon api gateway, creation of cloudfront distribution and some practice exercises such as amazon api gateway and cloudfront.
- In the third week instructor explain about amazon identity access management, serverless computing with the AWS Lambda introduction, amazon dynamodb introduction, creation of amazon dynamodb functions and also some practice exercises like IAM, lambda etc.
- In the last week you will understand the concepts such as how to extend the application, how to add the channels and learn how to make the amazon lex very smart. From the practice exercises students will gain more knowledge on AWS Lambda.
Rating: 4.6 Out of 5
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#3 AWS Serverless APIs & Apps – A Complete Introduction – Udemy
The AWS serverless Apps and APIs online course was created by Maximilian Schwarzmuller (founder of Academind institute). Here more than 30k pupils are doing this AWS serverless Apps and APIs online course. Students can able to run, secure and build the apis without any servers by using the aws api lambda and gateway. You people can able to add the user authentication to the serverless application. This AWS serverless Apps and APIs course includes 51 downloadable video resources, assignments, 30 articles and 7.5 hours demanded videos with full period access. Students will learn how to run the code on demand in cloud and can host the spa without any servers.
Key points:
- Students will learn the concepts like AWS, how to build the serverless api, core serverless services, api gateway and its roles, how to access the api gateway console, api gateway features, specific options and features of api, creation of api etc.
- You will also understand the topics like creation of resource and method, AWS Lambda, how to connect the lambda functions to the api gateway endpoints, creation of lambda functions, event in the lambda function, access the lambda logs, extraction of data etc.
- Instructor will explain the concepts of data storage with the dynamodb like how the dynamodb organizes the data, use the dynamodb with the lambda, differences between the sql and nosql, creation of tables in dynamodb, how to map the dynamodb responses etc.
- You people will learn about how to add the authorization to the api gateway, creation of custom authorizer functions, how to retrieve the users from the custom authorizers, AWS cognito, hosting the serverless SPA, AWS Lambda triggers, serverless apps, security and so on.
Rating: 4.6 Out of 5
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#4 Build a Serverless App with AWS Lambda – Hands On! – Udemy
Build the Serverless Applications with the AWS Lambda online course is created by Frank Kane, Brian Tajuddin and sundog education academy. Students will learn how to build the chat applications by the aws services. Here 6k+ pupils are enrolled to learn this AWS Lambda online course. You people will able to manage the permissions and can able to access the policies by using the IAM. instructors discuss the uses of cros for managing the client side security in the serverless applications and also explains about the creation of sdk with the api gateway. You people can able to design and architect the serverless applications and can able to create the user login system with the cognito.
Key points:
- Students will understand about the overview of S3, addition of static data for the websites, basics of javascript syntaxes, javascript parallelism, how to access the static data from the javascript, overview of lambda functions, IAM and policies introduction etc.
- You people are able to learn the topics like creation of policy for lambda functions, lambda triggers, how to run the lambda functions with the test data, how to retrieve the conversations by api, cors activity solutions, how to call the api from websites etc.
- Instructor will teach the topics such as overview of dynamodb, creation of dynamodb tables, how to create the data in the dynamodb, overview of api gateway, methods, models, resources, creation of api structure in the api gateway, stages of api gateway etc.
- Students will learn about overview of cognito, creation of user pool, list users in api and sites, creation of verification and sign up page, adding the logout and login, lambda versions, overview of cloudfront, monitoring, how to use the stage variables and so on.
Rating: 4.6 Out of 5
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#5 AWS Lambda & Serverless Architecture Bootcamp (Build 5 Apps) – Udemy
The AWS Lambda and the Serverless architecture online course is offered by Riyaz Sayyad. You will understand about the deployment of automate serverless with the aws cd/ci tools such as codepipeline, code commit and code build. Here more than 2k candidates are enrolled to learn this AWS Lambda and the Serverless architecture online course. You people will learn how to document the serverless apis by using the swagger and api gateway. Instructor will explain how to build the serverless web application, ios and android mobile applications, lot app, alexa skills, rest api etc. you will also know how to deploy and develop with the aws sam and serverless framework.
Key points:
- Students will learn the concepts like serverless and its working, creation of lambda functions, integration of AWS Lambda function with the api gateway, architecture of serverless, variables setup on the macos, addition of serverless services in aws etc.
- You people will understand the concepts such as lambda permission models, context objects, lambda handler syntax in the node js, event objects and sources, error handling and logging, AWS Lambda limits, deploying the lambda functions with the zip files etc.
- Instructor will discuss the topics like path parameters, cors configuration for the lambda proxy integration, creation of lambda function and api endpoint, body mapping templates, creation of api documentation, dynamodb, data types etc.
- You are able to learn the topics like dynamodb indexes and partition basics, local and global secondary indexes, creation of dynamodb, features of dynamodb, client sdk generation, serverless deep dive etc.
- Students will understand about the accelerating the serverless development with serverless framework, streaming the data processing with the AWS Lambda, building the serverless rest api etc.
Rating: 4.6 Out of 5
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#6 Rocking AWS Serverless – A Real World Guide – Udemy
The AWS serverless online course is created by Rajdeep Saha (cloud architect). Students will understand total ecosystem of the serverless like sam, comprehend, step function, xray, cloud9 and so on. You people will learn how to secure the serverless by utilizing the api key, secrets manager, resource policy etc. instructor explain how to create the serverless architecture and also discuss about the lifecycle of the serverless. This AWS serverless online course includes twelve downloadable video resources and nine hours demanded videos. Students will acquire knowledge on api gateway and lambda and also know how to deploy the AWS Lambda.
Key points:
- Students will understand the differences between the lambda, datacenter and EC2, creation of new aws account, aws role, alias and lambda version etc.
- From the aws cli section you will learn different ways to use the aws cli, how to setup the aws cli by ec2, creation of lambda from the ec2 aws cli, updating the lambda from aws cli etc.
- From the aws cloud 9 section you will learn the topics like importing, deploying and testing the lambdas from the cloud9, debugging the lambda from the cloud9, lambda external dependencies etc.
- You people will understand the concepts like aws api gateway, components of aws gateway, how to monitor the api by using cloudwatch metrics, cloudwatch logs insight, differences between the cloudwatch logging and cloudtrail, query parameters etc.
- Instructor will explain the concepts like security of api gateway, serverless storage, tracing the lambda and api gateway, serverless design layers and patterns, aws well architected framework and so on.
Rating: 4.5 Out of 5
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#7 Building a Serverless AWS lambda API on AWS in java – Udemy
People who wants to learn how to write the serverless codes then you must join in this Building the Serverless AWS Lambda API on the AWS online course. Here more than 1k students are learning AWS Lambda online course. Students will understand all the fundamentals of AWS Lambda and learn how to avoid the mistakes and pitfalls. You people are able to utilize the triggers for the lambda aws functions and you will understand how to design the api by using the amazon api gateway and AWS Lambda functions. Instructor explains that how to call the functions of lambda from the java code and also explain the security concepts of aws services.
Key points:
- From the introduction section you will learn the topics like different tools, how to create the accounts for developing the AWS Lambda functions in java programming etc.
- You will understand the concepts such as how to setup the AWS Lambda in the IDE, implementation of functions of AWS Lambda, how to deploy the AWS Lambda functions on the aws, creation of AWS Lambda serverless functions and so on.
- From the calling the serverless functions section instructor explains about api gateway call to the AWS Lambda functions, how to call the AWS Lambda functions from another aws services, how to setup the aws IAM permissions and direct java call to AWS Lambda functions.
- Students will learn the advanced AWS Lambda functions such as dynamic image resizer by using the AWS, creation of aws s3 bucket for storing resized images, resizer class design, createurl method, how to test the api on the aws api gateway etc.
Rating: 3.9 Out of 5
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#8 Fast Track AWS Serverless for Developers – Udemy
The AWS serverless for the developers online course was created by Venkat Ganesh Thoppae (solutions architect). Students will understand how to design the serverless web services by utilizing the api gateway and AWS Lambda. You people will learn how to manage the api gateway, lambda and IAm with the AWS cli and you are able to schedule and log the events in the cloudwatch. Here instructor provides three hours on demanded videos and fourteen downloadable videos. Students are able to create the policies, users and roles by using the aws iam. Instructor will also discuss how to integrate the AWS Lambda and api gateway by various techniques.
Key points:
- From the aws introduction section you will learn the topics like global infrastructure of aws, services overview of aws and management of aws resources. You will understand how to create the aws account.
- From the identity access management section you people will understand the concepts such as basics of identity access management, policies, roles, groups etc.
- Students will learn the concepts such as installation of aws cli on windows and mac operating systems, configuration of aws cli, filtering the aws cli outputs, management of IAM by the aws cli etc.
- From the serverless architecture AWS Lambda section students will learn the concepts like serverless architecture and AWS Lambda introduction, cloudwatch, configuration of AWS Lambda, programming model of java, aliases, versioning etc.
- From the serverless architecture api gateway section you people will understand about the api gateway introduction, controlling the api access, techniques of lambda integration, swagger api, creation of rest api from the swagger and so on.
Rating: 4.1 Out of 5
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Where instructors are hoping that you people are gratified with this AWS Lambda online courses, they are determining all the important information of this AWS Lambda courses. Those who are interested to do this AWS Lambda course then choose any course from the above mentioned courses. By doing this AWS Lambda courses students will get the job opportunities like aws developer, aws cloud developer, backend developer, aws engineer, research engineer, aws cloud infrastructure engineer, data engineer, support engineer and more. Your career will increased by adding this AWS Lambda courses certificate to your resume. here instructors are able to clear up your doubts and queries about this AWS Lambda. Please share this AWS Lambda article with your folks, coworkers through facebook, whatsapp, linkedIn, hike, instagram, twitter etc.
Best AWS Lambda Books:
#1 AWS: Developers Guide to AWS Lambda The Ultimate Beginners Guide by Dennis Hutten
#2 AWS Lambda in Action: Event-driven serverless applications 1st Edition by Danilo Poccia
#3 AWS Lambda Quick Start Guide: Learn how to build and deploy serverless applications on AWS by Markus Klems
#4 AWS Automation Cookbook: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment using AWS services by Nikit Swaraj
#5 Mastering AWS Lambda: Learn how to build and deploy serverless applications by Yohan Wadia & Udita Gupta
#6 Serverless Applications with Node.js: Using AWS Lambda and Claudia.js 1st Edition by Slobodan Stojanovic & Aleksandar Simovic
#7 AWS Lambda: A Guide to Serverless Microservices by Matthew Fuller
#8 AWS Command Line Interface: User Guide by Amazon Web Services