Now a days React Js is gaining popularity day by day. Here we listed some of the Best React Js Online Courses and this is the right place to select best course. React Js is an Javascript library. complete concept of React, Javascript web developer by using ES6, concepts of firebase and Auth0, front end web development by using React, front end applications based on Javascript, Bootstrap, UI designs, Javascript frameworks, user interface developing skills and etc. all this topics will covered in below courses. In the world we are seeing many React Js online courses. From all the courses, out expert panel picked some of the best React Js online courses and those are listed below.
Table of Contents
#1 Become a Professional React Developer – Udacity
Learn that how to become a professional react developer from this nanodegree online course. Andrew Wong, Tyler McGinnis and Richard Kalehoff are the instructors of this nanodegree online courses. Here you people will learn that how to build the declarative user interfaces for web with the react. You will get more experience in the CSS, HTML and Javascript. Here you will infer the topics like fundamentals of react, redux and react, react native. They will provide certificate of completion at the final stage of nanodegree program. And also understand how to build the user interactives for the android and ios with react native.
Key points:
- From react fundamental course you will learn the topics like rendering UI with the react, know why the react is used, management of state, render UI with the external data and also know how to manage the app location with the react router. A book lending app is the project in this course.
- React and Redux is next course, here you will understand the concepts like redux middleware, asynchronous redux, managing the state, real world redux etc.
- You will learn that how to build the dynamic application from the scratch.
- React native is the third course, from this you people will learn the concepts such as styling, layout, navigation, react native vs react, running with the react native, features of native etc. mobile flashcards is the project in this course.
- You people will learn that how to create the react applications which will run in the android and ios devices.
Rating: 4.6 Out of 5
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#2 Front-End Web Development with React-Coursera
Jogesh K. Muppala is an Associate Professor in Hong Kong University. In this course he is going to teach you about front end web development by using react. This course is created by Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. If you know basics of web technologies then this course is very easy to learn. You will learn about how to develop front end applications based on Javascript. You can also build react applications by using Javascript ES6. they will also teach you about concept of Bootstrap and also about UI designs. You will also learn about how to develop the applications in single-page by using React router. They will also teach you about Flux architecture and also about how to design controlled forms. You will also learn about how to build powerful application in React-Redux. It will take four weeks to learn this course.
Key points:
- In this course you will learn about how to develop Javascript applications and also about React library. Here you will learn about JSX and react components.
- They will teach you about in react how to to design single page applications. You will learn how to design the single page applications by using react router.
- You will also learn about by using react how to build functional front end web applications.
- They will teach you for React-Redux application how to design the architecture by using redux.
- You will also learn the different types of react features. You can also design React applications by using Reactstrap.
Rating : 4.8 out of 5
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#3 ReactJS with Redux Certification Training-Edureka
Edureka is one of the best website which will teach you best online course. In this course they are going to teach you about reactjs with redux. They will teach you about all the skills which are used to build powerful application in redux. In this course you will be trained with best professional. They will also teach you about reactjs components and also about reactjs Architecture. You will also learn about Async Actions, React Redux, Data Flow and etc. they will also teach you about JavaScript MVC and also about SPA. you will also learn about features of react and also about dataflow in react. They will also teach you about advanced features of react.
Key points:
- You will also learn about react and also about how to use react. They will also teach you about feature and also about advanced features of react.
- You will also learn about how to use data flow in react. They will also teach you the concepts of React Router and also about Discuss Middleware. You will also learn about how to do react in redux.
- You will learn the basics of Redux, react router, middleware, advanced features of Redux etc. they will also explain the async flow and async actions in the react.
- You will learn that how to test the react and also learn about data flow and its usage in the react. You can also write applications, run in different environments and also know how to test.
Rating : 4.3 out of 5
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#4 React 16 – The Complete Guide (incl. React Router 4 & Redux)-Udemy
Maximilian Schwarzmuller is an instructor on Udemy and he is also a Professional Web Developer. He is expert on Python and also on other programming languages. He also founded Academind for the people to give best online courses. He started the web development on back end. But now he is also a front end web developer by using modern framework. He is also having successful YouTube channel and also he is having 5-star rated courses. In this course he is going to teach you about complete concept of react. You will also learn about router and redux. 66K+ students enrolled their names to learn this course. In this course you will also learn about animations. He will also teach you about basics of next js and also about the redux. If you know basics of programmings then you feel very easy to learn this course. It is having 157 downloadable resources, 44 articles, 33.5 hours on demand videos and it is also having full lifetime access.
Key points:
- You will learn about how to build powerful reactive web apps.
- By learning this course you will become a react developer. He will also teach you about complet concept of Javascript.
- You will also learn about http content in the react apps. He will also teach you about advanced topics of redux.
- You will understand the applications of multi page and single page, destructuring, different arrow functions, imports, exports, Js array functions etc.
Rating : 4.7 out of 5
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#5 Complete React JS web developer with ES6 – Build 10 projects – Udemy
Igneus Technologies is one of the best online coaching center. Here the students will trained with high quality content. They will also teach you about new technologies. Igneus Technologies is one of the world’s most trusted provider of myriad of services and training programs center. It is one of the open source technology. They was trained 114k+ students. In this course they are going to explain about complete concept of Javascript web developer by using ES6. they will also teach you how to build the projects based on reactjs. You will also learn about concepts of firebase and Auth0. If you know fundamentals of Javascript, HTML and CSS then this course is very easy to learn. This course is best for the people who are web developers and also for the app developers. They will teach you about in react js how to build web apps. It is having 2 downloadable resources, 3 articles, 12.5 hours on demand videos and it is also having full lifetime access.
Key points:
- You will learn about how to build a solid profile in react js by using 10 unique projects,.
- They will teach you about component life cycle methods and also about props, components and etc.
- You will also learn about how to build web apps by using Google login feature and Auth0 login systems. They will teach you about how to build web apps by using web API.
- You will also learn about complet concept of modern Javascript AKA ES6.
- You will learn by using database and login how to build web apps.
Rating : 4.3 out of 5
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
React Js is an open source Javascript library. It is used to build the user interface and also used for building the single page applications and also multiple page applications. If you want to learn about React Js then you can select any course which will be suitable for you. By doing this course you will get jobs like react developer, react Js native engineer, Javascript developer etc. They will also provide you certificate with your name at end of the course. This certification will give more weightage to your resume. If this article is more helpful for you, then please share it with your friends and also social medias like Twitter, Facebook and etc. If you have any Queries you can ask in comments.
Best React js Books:
#1 React.js Essentials: A fast-paced guide to designing and building scalable and maintainable web apps with React.js by Artemij Fedosejev
#2 React.js Book: Learning React JavaScript Library From Scratch by Greg Sidelnikov
#3 Building React.js Applications with Redux 1st Edition by David Geary
#4 Beginning React by Greg Lim
#5 Learning React 1st Edition by Kirupa Chinnathambi
#6 React Quickly: Painless web apps with React, JSX, Redux, and GraphQL 1st Edition
by Azat Mardan