Here Best Piano Online Courses
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Table of Contents
#1 How to play Piano – Go from a Beginner/Intermediate to a Pro
Piano Course with lessons to learn from that teach Scales,Chords,Playing piano by ear,Music Theory,Improvisation & More!
Below are the different sections that this Course consists of:
- Introduction
- Getting Started
- The Development of Independence between the Right Hand and the Left Hand
- Brief Overview of what is to Come in the Course
- Musical Intervals
- Scales/Major Scales
- Practical Exercises that you can do to master all the 12 Major Scales
- Minor Scales/Natural Minor Scales
- Harmonic Minor Scales
- Melodic Minor Scales
- Scale Degrees
- More about Musical Intervals
- Chords (Triad Chords)
- Major Scale Triad Chords
- Natural Minor Scale Triad Chords
- Melodic Minor Scale Triad Chords
- Harmonic Minor Scale Triad Chords
- The Triad Chord Patterns in each Major Scale & in each type of Minor Scale
- 7th Chords, 6th Chords & Suspended Chords
- The Seventh Chord Patterns in each Major Scale & in each type of Minor Scale
- Scale Degrees for Chords (Number System for Chords within a Scale)
- Pentatonic, Chromatic & Blues Scales
- Chord Inversions & Arpeggios
- Sharps & Flats Explained Further
- Circle of Fifths
- The Primary and Secondary Chords in all Major and in all 3 types of Minor Scales
- How to Play Songs by ear and How to use different types of Chords in each Key
- Transposition
- Developing the ability to be able to play comfortably in all 12 Keys
- Rhythms & Improvisation
- Passing Chords | Using Diminished & Augmented Triad Chords as Passing Chords
- How to use Diminished 7th Chords and the uniqueness of Diminished 7th Chords
- How to use an Augmented Triad and the uniqueness of an Augmented Triad Chord
- Using 7th Chords in Chord Progressions
- How to use Secondary Dominant Chords to add Flavour to your Chord Progressions
- How to use Suspended & Diatonic Chords to add Colour to your Chord Progressions
- Modulation
- Cadences
- How to use Suspended Chords and Diminished Chords
- Improvisation (filling the empty Spaces in Songs with Piano runs, Licks & Riffs)
- Using non-diatonic Chords to add colour to your Chord Progressions
- Slash Chords
- The Sustain Pedal
- How to use Music to create different Atmospheres
- How to find the key of a song
- Extended Chords (9th, 11th and 13th Chords)
- Chord Voicings and How to use 9th, 11th and 13th Chords
- Altered Chords
- Modes
- The Classification of Modes into Major and Minor Modes
- Improvising with Modes
- Other types of Scales
- Conclusion
- Musical Documents to make references to whenever you need to

#2 Pianoforall – Incredible New Way To Learn Piano & Keyboard
Learn Piano in WEEKS not years. Play-By-Ear & learn to Read Music. Pop, Blues, Jazz, Ballads, Improvisation, Classical
Pianoforall is specially designed to take complete beginners to an intermediate level faster than any other method. You start with popular rhythm style piano (think of artists like Lennon & McCartney, Elton John, Billy Joel, Barry Mannilow, Lionel Ritchie, Coldplay, Norah Jones and so on) which means you get to sound like a pro right from the start.
You then expand step-by-step into Ballad style, Blues, Jazz, Ragtime, Improvisation and creating your own melodies. You will even learn how to read music AS you learn how to ‘play-by-ear’ and eventually you will be able to play some amazing Classical pieces.
The course is divided into 9 very easy to follow sections:
- Party Time – Play-By-Ear – Rhythm Style Piano
- Basic Blues & Rock ’n’ Roll
- Chord Magic & Inversions
- Advanced Chords Made Easy
- Ballad Style & Improvisation
- Jazz Piano Made Easy
- Advanced Blues, Fake Stride & The Entertainer
- Taming The Classics
- Speed Learning
Pianoforall is one of the only piano courses on Udemy that comes with exceptional supplemental material – each video has an accompanying PDF that you can print out and set on your keyboard. There is a complete PDF ebook at the end of each section. It’s very important to learn from printed instruction as well as video so that you can explore more written material after you finish the course.
#3 The Complete Piano Course – Master The Piano
#4 The Complete Piano & Music Theory Beginners Course
#5 Piano for Singer/Songwriters | Write Songs and Perform Live!
Perform and sing your favorite songs on the piano! Step by step, easy to follow modern keyboard lessons for beginners
Wielding the piano opens up a whole new world of creative possibilities.
In this foundational course, I teach you how to play piano as a singer/songwriter. It’s a unique method that takes somebody with zero musical experience and transforms them into a piano wielding singer/songwriter.
This method has been refined over the last 3 years as I’ve taught more and more artists in New York and Los Angeles.
Every lecture builds upon the previous lecture. I walk you through the whole process as efficiently as possible, taking every effort to find ways to cut your learning time in half.
Watch the lectures, complete the challenges, and enjoy playing! By the end you should be able to pick a song, adjust the song to most singable key for your voice, and accompany yourself on the piano.
You should take this course if you think you’d have fun playing the songs you love and exploring how piano wielding singer/songwriters like Carol King, Alicia Keys, and Ben Folds express themselves on the piano.
This is a foundational course for beginners. This course is meant to be an alternative to a traditional piano lesson schedule.
you will learn
- Learn how to read & interpret chords, so you can lookup & play your favorite songs
- Write songs on the piano
- Accompany yourself on the piano using a variety of rhythmic styles
- Accompany others on the piano (church, carol leading, play in a band, etc.)
- Adjust songs to the key perfect for your voice, ending vocal strain and improving your vocal quality
- Use musical terms to communicate to other musicians
- Prepare for gigs and open mics using a clear process
Best Piano Books:
#1 Adult All-In-One Course: Lesson-Theory-Technic, Level 1 by Willard A.; Manus, Morton; Lethco, Amanda Vick Palmer
#2 How To Play Keyboard: A Complete Guide for Absolute Beginners by Ben Parker
#3 Alfred’s Self-Teaching Adult Piano Course: The new, easy and fun way to teach yourself to play, Book & CD by Willard A. Palmer
#4 Piano Book for Adult Beginners: Teach Yourself How to Play Famous Piano Songs, Read Music, Theory & Technique (Book & Streaming Video Lessons) by Damon Ferrante
#5 Alfred’s Teach Yourself to Play Piano: Everything You Need to Know to Start Playing Now!, Book & Online Audio (Teach Yourself Series by
Morton Manus
#6 Piano Fun-Pop Hits For Adult Beginners Book/Audio Online by Brenda Dillon