Table of Contents
#1 AI For Everyone – Coursera
AI For Everyone is a non technical course created by the instructor Andrew Ng and he is a CEO, Founder Landing AI, Adjunct Professor, formerly Chief Scientist, and also a founding lead of the Google Brain. And this course is offered by the deeplearning.ai and in this course nearly 100k+ students are enrolled. In the syllabus of this course you will learn about the 4 topics and they are what exactly is the artificial intelligence, how to build AI Projects, and how to build AI projects in your company, role of artificial intelligence in the society. You will also gain additional skills like workflow of the machine learning projects, AI strategies, AI terminologies and workflow of Data science projects etc.
Key points:
- The syllabus of this course contains 4 topics and in each topic you will learn about the what exactly is artificial intelligence, how to build the AI projects, and how the Artificial intelligence is related to society.
- In the 1st topic you will learn about the terminology of AI, Non-technical explanation of deep learning in 2 parts and what the machine can do and what it can’t do with some examples with the help of 9 videos and 1 practice exercise.
- Workflow of a machine learning project and data science project and also how to choose and work with the AI project and also about the technical tools that are used for the AI teams are learnt in the 2nd topic of this course with the help of 8 videos and 1 exercise.
- In the 3rd topic of this course teaches you about the AI Transformation about the roles of AI team with the examples and and about the AI pitfalls with the help of 10 videos and 1 practice exercise.
- You will learn about the Adversarial attacks on AI, Adverse uses of the AI, AI and developing economies and about the AI jobs in the 4th topics with 8 videos and 1 practice exercise.
Ratings: 4.8 out of 5
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#2 Learn all the essentials for AI programming with Python – Udacity
Udacity providing the AI Programming with Python nanodegree program. Trainers of this nanodegree program are Grant Sanderson, Ortal Arel, Mat Leonard, Luis Serrano, Juno Lee, Jennifer Staab, Juan delgado, Mike Yi and Andrew Paster. Here students can learn that how to code by using Python. Instructors will explain some programming tools like Numpy, Pytorch and Python and also explain the important techniques of neural networks. You can able to understand the math concepts like algebra, calculus. You people will understand the process of creation of neural networks. You will gain the programming skills and can build the essential AI architecture.
Key points:
- Firstly students will understand all the basic concepts of Python like datatypes, functions, scripting, control flow, operators and classes.
- Using a pretrained image classifier to identify the dog breeds project students will learn the topics like Jupyter notebook, basics of numpy, anaconda, basics of matplotlib, pandas etc.
- From Linear Algebra instructors will explain the topics like linear combination, vectors, linear algebra in neural networks, linear matrices and transformations. You will understand the basic blocks of linear algebra.
- From the Calculus you are able to learn the concepts such as derivatives through geometry, integrations, calculus in neural networks, dot product and chain rule.
- From neural networks you people will come to know the topics like deep learning with the Pytorch, enhancing training techniques of neural networks such as dropouts, regularization and stopping.
- Here you will understand that how to write the code in Jupyter notebook and also know how to convert the developed code into Python applications.
Rating: 4.4 Out of 5
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#3 AI & Deep Learning with TensorFlow-Edureka
Edurekas Artificial Intelligence and Deep learning with Tensorflow is created by Industry professionals Based on the demand and requirements. In this course you can learn how to build Deep learning Networks from the Neural Networks. This course helps you to know the Software libraries like, Keras and Tensorflow. You can learn the concepts of Autoencoder Neural Networks(ANN), SoftMax function, Restricted Boltzmann Machine(RBM). 12k students was already trained.
Key points:
- In this course you can learn about the introduction of Deep learning. In this introduction you can learn how to solve the problems with deep learning which machine learning cannot solve.
- This Edureka provides you to learn the Basic Fundamentals of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and important topics of Statistics and Linear Algebra.
- You can learn the implementation Linear Regression Model and Logistic Regression Model. This course helps to learn with real time examples so that you can solve the problems in AI by you own with different techniques.
- In this course, you can understand how to build neural network with tensorflow, Convolutional Neural Networks and Recurrent Neural Networks, Keras API and Tensorflow API.
- From restricted boltzmann machine and autoencoder you will learn the concepts of applications of RBM, filtering with RBM, applications of autoencoders etc.
- You will also learn about sequential composition, functional composition, layers of neural networks, different models of TFlearn etc.
- It takes nearly two months to complete this courses.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
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#4 Expand Your Knowledge of Artificial Intelligence – Udacity
The Artificial Intelligence nanodegree program was created by Udacity. Instructors of this nanodegree program are well qualified. Peter norvig (research director in Google), Sebastian Thrun (founder of Udacity) and Thad Starner (professor) are the instructors of this program. Students will understand about the implementation of computer science algorithms. You are able to run the programs and see the outputs from the command line shell/terminal. Students are enable to understand the object oriented programming, statistics and probabilities. Students can able to understand about the essential concepts like planning, pattern recognition, optimization, search and so on.
Key points:
- You can enhance your skills by doing the projects. Firstly you will learn about the basics of artificial intelligence and also know how to install the software.
- From the Build a Sudoku Solver project you are able to learn that how to use the constraint propagation technique with the backtracking search and also know the process of solving the sudoku puzzles very efficiently.
- From Build a Forward Planning Agent project you will understand the topics such as classical search, optimization problems, automated planning. Here instructors will explain about the informed and uninformed search, simulated annealing, genetic algorithm, classical planning etc.
- From Build an Adversarial Game Playing Agent project you will understand the important topics like search in multi agent domains, optimizing and extending the minimax search and so on.
- From parts of speech tagging project students will understand the topics like dynamic time warping, hidden markov models, fundamentals of probability graphical models, bayes network, inference in the bayes nets.
Rating: 4.5 Out of 5
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#5 Deep Learning Specialization – Coursera
Deep Learning Specialization is offered by the deeplearning.ai and it is the venture of Andrew Ng’s who is striving for providing the comprehensive AI education beyond the borders. This course is included with the Self-Paced Learning Option, Graded Assignments, Course Videos etc. in this course nearly 200k+ students are enrolled. There are 5 courses present in this specialisation and they are deep learning and neural networks, Sequence Models, Convolutional Neural Networks, Structuring Machine Learning Projects etc. and every specialisation is included with hands on project. And after completion of every course in this specialisation you will get a course completion certificate.
Key points:
- Among the 5 courses the 1st course of this specialisation i.e., Neural Networks and Deep Learning help the deep learning engineers to master the deep learning which is the superpower and helps to build the AI systems.
- In the 2nd course i.e., Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization you will learn about the tensorflow and also by the end of the course you will be able to apply and also implement various optimisation algorithms.
- Structuring Machine Learning Projects is the 3rd course and in this course you will be able to diagnose the errors in a machine learning system and also prioritize the directions for reducing error.
- The 4th course named as the Convolutional Neural Networks helps you to know the stepson how to build and apply the convolutional neural networks and also how to apply the algorithms to variety of images and videos.
- The 5th course is about the sequence models and in this course you will learn about the sequence algorithms and also you will understand the Recurrent Neural Networks and how to build them and also commonly used variants like GRUs and LSTMs.
Key points: 5 out of 5
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#6 Machine Learning by Stanford University-Coursera
The Creator of this course is Andrew ng. He is the co founder of coursera and head of the baidu AI. He is also assistant of mathematical and computer science engineering in Stanford university. In this course he will teach you the concepts of supervised and unsupervised learning, Machine learning, Deep learning. He will teach you the the Algorithms which is used to build smart robots, websearch, computer vision, audio Medical Informatics and others. You will not only get the theoretical knowledge but also the practical knowledge so that you can solve the new problems by using different techniques.
Key points:
- In this class you will learn about the different techniques used in AI with more effective way so that it will help you to work yourself with practical knowledge.
- He will teach you the One Variable Linear Regression and Multiple Variable Linear Regression. It takes nearly two weeks to complete this course.
- In the third week you will understand the concepts of Logistic Regression and Regularisation. This logistic regression is used to know the email is either spam or not.
- In the fourth week, he will teach you about the importance of neural networks and how it works for digit recognition.
- And also you will learn about Machine Learning design system, Dimensionality Reduction, Anomaly Detection, Large scale Machine Learning and Many applications like, Photo OCR. You will this course within 3 months.
Rating: 4.9 out of 5
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#7 Artificial Intelligence : Build the Most Powerful AI-Udemy
Kirill Eremenko is the creator of this course. He is a data science management consultant with five years of experience. He has experience in the fields of finance, transport and other industries. Kirill has academic background in physics and mathematics. And also he is a data scientist. He will teach you the implementation and building process of Powerful Artificial Intelligence Model at home. And also in this course you will learn how to use ARS to compete with multi billion Dollar Companies. Nearly 3k+ students are enrolled to learn this course which is offered by Kirill in Udemy. Kirill Eremenko offers you the 4.5 hours on-demand video and 7 articles with full time life access.
Key points:
- In this course you can learn how to build an Artificial Intelligence and powerful AI Algorithms.
- And also you can learn how to implement the ARS algorithms which is 100 times faster and more powerful. you will understand the Augmented random Algorithms theory.
- In this course he will explains you with real time examples so that you can solve many problems by using different techniques.
- If you have some knowledge about maths and python programming then it is more advantage for you to learn in better way.
- He will train you the Artificial Intelligence to solve many problems like Google deepmind. You will also learn about convolution neural networks, deep learning implementation, deep learning visualization etc.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
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#8 Artificial Intelligence A-Z™: Learn How To Build An AI-Udemy
Hadelin de Ponteves is the Creator of this Artificial Intelligence course. He is an AI Entrepreneur and also he taught different scientific topics to the students. He received his Master’s degree in the field of Data science. Now he is the trainer to teach Machine learning, Deep learning and Artificial Intelligence. He helps you more to learn Artificial Intelligence and to become expert in AI. in this course he will explain each and every topic in detail so that you can understand easily. Nearly 67k+ students are enrolled to learn this course from Udemy. Hadelin de Ponteves offers 17 hours on demand Video and 17 Articles with full lifetime Access.
Key points:
- In this course, you can learn about the power of Machine Learning, Deep learning, Data Science, and you understand how to create and build an Artificial Intelligence for Real world Applications.
- In this course you will learn about Q learning, Deep Q learning, and Deep Convolutional Q learning. You will understand how to install the anaconda.
- He will also explain with real time examples and you can easily solve the Problems by using AI. You can learn about the A3C Algorithms.
- He will teach you the merging of Artificial Intelligence with Open Artificial Intelligence Gym in an effective way.
- You will also learn about Q-learning visualization, deep Q- learning implementation, deep Q-learning visualization, deep convolutional Q-learning visualization, deep convolutional Q-learning implementation etc.
- He will also explain about A3C visualization, implementation and artificial neural networks..
Rating: 4.3 out of 5
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#9 Artificial Intelligence: Reinforcement Learning in Python-Udemy
Lazy programmer Incorporation is the creator of this course Artificial Intelligence reinforcement learning in python. He received his Master degree in the field of computer science engineering with the specialisation of pattern recognition and machine learning.He is a big data scientist, full stack software engineer, and big data engineer. He frequently uses some of the big data technologies like, hadoop, pig,spark, hive, etc. In this course you can learn about complete information about machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Deep reinforcement learning in python. 17k+ students are enrolled for this course. Lazy programmer Incorporation offers you 8 hours on-demand video with full lifetime Access.
Key points:
- In this course they can explain how to build Artificial Intelligence, and deep learning with python. And also u can understand reinforcement in a technical level.
- They will explain how to supervise the Machine learning methods to Reinforcement Learning by applying Gradient.
- From this course you can the relation between psychology and reinforcement learning.
- In this course, you can understand how to implement the reinforcement learning algorithms in 17 different ways.
- From this course you can know some of the important concepts like, Dynamic programming, temporal Difference, Markov decision processes. Etc.
- If you have little knowledge in probability and python programming then it is an advantage for you to understand in a better way.
- From dynamic programming you will learn designing of RL programs, improvement of policy, iteration, value iteration in the code etc. from monte carlo you will learn about the control of monte carlo, monte carlo in code etc.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
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#10 Advanced AI: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Python-Udemy
Lazy programmer Incorporation is the creator of this course deep reinforcement learning in python. Instructor received his Master degree in the field of computer science engineering with the specialisation of pattern recognition and machine learning. He is a big data scientist, full stack software. By using deep learning and Neural network you can get the complete guidance to Mastering in Artificial Intelligence. Udemy is the best website for you to learn this course and 15k+ students are enrolled to learn from this course. You will get the the Certification with you name after completion of this course. Lazy programmer Incorporation team offers you to 6.5 hours on demand video with full lifetime access.
Key points:
- This team will teach you how to build different deep learning agents. You can understand what is Q learning and poly gradient methods with deep neural networks
- They will teach you the reinforcement with the use of RBF networks.
- In this course you can understand how to build deep Q learning by using Convolutional Neural Networks.
- By learning this course you can able to solve many problems by using advanced reinforcement learning algorithms.
- If you have basic knowledge in python, calculus and how to build CNN and RNN using TF then, this course helps you a lot to learn quickly.
- You will also learn about A3C, TD lambda, basics of tensorflow and theano etc.
Rating: 4.7 out of 5
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#11 Python: A-Z Artificial Intelligence with Python: 5-in-1-Udemy
Packt Publishing is the creator of Python Artificial Intelligence with python. Instructor is a good trainer and developer in the field of data analytics and devops and also he takes professionals in every field. This team will teach you the building process of real world Artificial Intelligence Application Udemy is one of the Best course to learn about python and artificial Intelligence and 142 students are enrolled to learn from this course. He will help you to bring your career in a good way. By the end of the you will be more confident and you can build your own Artificial Intelligence Projects with python. You will get the certification with your name after completion of this course. Packt Publishing in Udemy will offers you 8.5 hours on demand video with full lifetime access.
Key points:
- In this course they will teach you to learn about intelligent recommendation system and how to build Artificial Intelligence.
- And also you can also learn the concepts of convolutional Networks, deep learning,and reinforcement learning
- They will teach you how to develop the games by using Artificial Intelligence.
- By using stock market analysis you can solve any real life problems.
- In this course you can learn AI classification using Neural Networks, decision trees and random forests.
- You can learn supervised and supervised learning with python by using different regression techniques.
- They will teach you about probability and natural language processing so that you solve the problems by using these techniques.
Rating: 3.6 out of 5
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#12 Artificial Intelligence Projects with Python-HandsOn: 2-in-1-Udemy
Packt Publishing is the creator of Artificial Intelligence with python. He is a good trainer and developer in the field of data analytics, devops and also he takes professionals in every field. This team will teach you the building process of real world Artificial Intelligence Application Udemy is one of the Best course to learn about python and artificial Intelligence. In this course they can teach you the Real world Artificial Intelligence with Python Hands on. Udemy is one of the Best website to learn this course and Packt Publishing team will helps to clear your doubts regarding this course. 75 students are enrolled to learn from this course. After the completion of this course you will earn the certificate with your name. Packt publishing team will offers you 4 hours video with full lifetime access.
Key points:
- In this course they will teach you the Classification of images and text by using predefined categories. And Random forests, Decision trees and Neural networks are also used for the Classification.
- In this course you can learn about the Natural Language processing by using some libraries called Spacy and Textacy.
- You can learn how to Build Artificial Intelligence for gaming purpose by using the Deep reinforcement.
- For reinforcement learning you should get some knowledge about some popular libraries called Tensorflow and keras.
- You can learn about finding new music by building recommendation engine.
Rating: 3.2 out of 5
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#13 Artificial Intelligence: Advanced Machine Learning-Udemy
Eduardo Academy, Inc. is the creator of this course called ultimate Machine learning techniques with python. instructor is specialised in web development, data science, and Artificial intelligence. Udemy offers you to learn this course with better internal quality and make you sure to be perfect in this course. In this course they will teach you about the advanced skills that is required to perform different real world artificial Intelligence and machine learning techniques with different technologies. Udemy is one of the best website to learn this course and 375 students are enrolled to learn from this course. After the completion of the course they will give you the course completion Certification which is helpful to you in future. Eduardo Academy offers 3.5 hour Video and one article with Full lifetime Access.
Key points:
- You can learn the different features of text, images, Categorical Variables and how to handle manipulation, data extraction, exploration techniques to exploit the power of python.
- Here you know how to solve the real world problems by using different machine learning techniques.
- You can learn the regression algorithms and classification from the scratch in python for implementation of machine learning.
- They will teach you about the bagging and boosting techniques and these techniques are used for the Creation of ensembles of estimators.
- You can learn about the concepts of super vector machines and logistic regression and to classify certain documents and perform some machine learning tasks.
Rating: 3.4 out of 5
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Artificial Intelligence is used in different fields like industries, education, healthcare and more. Artificial Intelligence is easy to learn. Above we’ve shown you some of the Online Courses. If you are interested in this, then you can choose any course which is suitable for you. After the completion of the course, you will get the Certificate with your name. And you can add this Certification in your resume that will help you for your Bright career. If you like this Article, please share this with your friends and Social Media. If you have any queries about this article you can ask in comment Section.
Best Artificial intelligence Books
#1 Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach 3rd Edition by Stuart Russell
#2 Applied Artificial Intelligence: A Handbook For Business Leaders by Mariya Yao
#3 Artificial Intelligence with Python: A Comprehensive Guide to Building Intelligent Apps for Python Beginners and Developers by Prateek Joshi
#4 Artificial Intelligence For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) 1st Edition by John Mueller & Luca Massaron
#5 Artificial Intelligence By Example: Develop machine intelligence from scratch using real artificial intelligence use cases
#6 Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp 1st Edition by Peter Norvig
Relevant AI Books:
#1 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Business: A No-Nonsense Guide to Data Driven Technologies 2nd Edition by Steven Finlay
#2 Artificial Intelligence Programming 2nd Edition by Eugene Charniak & Christopher K. Riesbeck
#3 Unity 2018 Artificial Intelligence Cookbook: Over 90 recipes to build and customize AI entities for your games with Unity, 2nd Edition by Jorge Palacios