Here Best Anxiety Online Courses
Table of Contents
#1 Anxiety Boot Camp: A Guide to Beating Anxiety and Stress
Discover How to Remove Your Head Trash, Overcome Anxiety and Harness the Tools That Cultivate Inner Peace
Throughout Anxiety Bootcamp, you will learn how to:
- Develop and Strengthen Your Inner Resilience.
- Identify and Change Your Habitual Response Patterns.
- Take the First Steps Towards Being Rid Of Anxiety For Good.
- Overcome Future Challenges With Greater Confidence & Ease.
- Understand What Anxiety Is And Realise Where It Comes From.
- Develop Genuine Confidence That is Easily Recognised by Others.
- Remove Your ‘Head Trash’ & Harness the Tools That Cultivate Inner Peace.
Anxiety Boot Camp: A Complete Guide to Beating Anxiety, has been uniquely designed to provide you with truth based, & easy-to-digest information that’ll enable you to take control of anxiety and overcome it as quickly as possible.
Managing our negative emotions is a crucial life lesson that we seldom get taught about in school. So, by building your emotional intelligence, you’ll become able to manage your emotions in a more effective way, and take back full control of your life in the process.
#2 How to Stop Worrying & Overcome Anxiety Without Using Drugs
The Art of How to Deal with Stress & Anxiety Quickly and Naturally – Anxiety Relief That Works – Overcome Depression
What will I learn?
- How to Identify the Source of Your Worries
- How to Stop Worrying and Other Negative Thoughts Patterns Quickly
- How to Change Your Emotional State at Will
- How to Stop Anxiety in It’s Tracks
- A Simple Technique For Letting Your Worries Dissolve Naturally
- How to Allow Your Subconscious Mind to Come Up With Solutions to Problems For You, So you Can Rest Easy
- How to Easily Lower Your Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Minutes
- How to Choose Healthier Responses to Life’s Challenges
- Establish a Solid Morning Routine that leads to more Peace, Confidence and Composure, throughout Your Day
Learning how to dramatically reduce your worries and get rid of anxiety is one of the best things you can do for your mental, emotional and physical health.
There’s no need to spend hours and hours watching videos. I’ve boiled everything down to exactly what you need to know and exactly what you need to do to get lasting results fast.
#3 Overcome Anxiety and Panic Attacks
A Self Help Workbook Course for Anxiety Relief and Panic Attacks
This course is for designed for anyone who experiences anxiety in the form of excessive worrying, feelings of fear, or rumination; and also for those who feel stuck in life, and lack the motivation or the self-confidence to get things done and move forward. Anxiety is unavoidable, but this course will teach you how to change your relationship with it in order to stop it guiding your actions when it’s not to your benefit. Throughout the course you will learn, at your own pace, a set of simple yet powerful practices that you can incorporate into everyday life to help break the cycle of anxiety, stress, unhappiness and exhaustion.
The course is made of three major sections; Creating a Foundation. Dealing with Anxious Thoughts and Feelings, and Taking Action. There is also a section on Emergency Exercises, that can help you calm down in very anxious and stressful situations. You’ll be walked through the process step by step, with expert guidance all the way through and a course workbook with all the exercises and main points in detail. Each section provides daily exercises and tasks that require you to practise and take action, along with audio exercises that you can listen to on your computer, laptop, tablet, or phone.
The course is based on research and practices from mindfulness, health psychology, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
you will learn
- Positively change your relationship with anxiety and stress with an 8 Week structured course
- Effectively hand unhelpful thoughts and uncomfortable feelings
- Approach new challenges with courage
- Move out of your comfort zone when feeling stuck
- Build genuine confidence
- Engage in the present moment instead of being caught up in thoughts and feelings
- Break self-defeating habits
- Create a richer and more meaningful life
#4 How to completely cure anxiety forever – without medication
This anxiety management and removal course will help you to start feeling a little better every day from anxiety and panic attacks right from the moment you apply the strategies…. you can imagine how it feels to start improving day by day can’t you! By the end of the course you will have everything you need to destroy anxiety and remove it from your daily life.
After being diagnosed with Anxiety, Depression and Stress myself and suffering for many years I went on a mission to find out as much as I could about these horrible conditions. After attending many seminars, courses and webinars while reading countless books and listening to numerous audio programs I was able to put together a program that helped me.
Now I help others just like you and I, through Strategic Coaching, who suffer with the terrible condition of anxiety and all that goes with it. I have now turned my learnings in to this video course so that people from all around the world can use these easy to learn, simple to use tools, strategies and techniques
you will learn
- Implement tried and tested strategies to help yourself feel a little better every day from anxiety
- Uncover the tools to help yourself reduce and remove anxiety
- Discover and use the tools and strategies to address anxiety, anxiety disorders and panic attacks
- Identify and change habitual anxiety response patterns
- Master the steps towards removing anxiety forever
- Stop anxiety spiralling out of control
Best Anxiety Books:
#1 Dare: The New Way to End Anxiety and Stop Panic Attacks by Barry McDonagh
#2 The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook by Edmund Bourne PhD
#3 Hardcore Self Help: F**k Anxiety (Volume 1) 3rd Edition by Robert Duff Ph.D.
#4 The Anxiety and Worry Workbook: The Cognitive Behavioral Solution 1st Edition by David A. Clark & Aaron T. Beck
#5 Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic: Workbook (Treatments That Work) 4th Edition by David H. Barlow & Michelle G. Craske
#6 The Anti-Anxiety Diet: A Whole Body Program to Stop Racing Thoughts, Banish Worry and Live Panic-Free by Ali Miller RD LD CDE