R programming is one of the best Programming Language. Here we listed some of the Best R Programming Online Courses. By this courses you will learn about, complete concept of R programming, R studio, how to write the programs in R language, statistical analysis, data analytics, GGplot2, how to create variables in R, how to implement high-level statistical language, how to write R functions, how to develop software by using R programming language, how to do coding in R, how to write the programs in R, fundamentals of R, handling textual data, related tidyverse tools, how to use Development Environment, how to use Atomic Data Types and Vector indexing principles in R, statistical inference, Bayesian statistical inference and etc. Now a days we are seeing many R programming online courses. From all the course we selected some of best online courses and those are shown below.
Table of Contents
#1 Statistics with R Specialization by Duke University-Coursera
Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel, Colin Rundel, David Banks and Merlise A Clyde are the team who will teach you about concept of statistics with R. this course is created by Duke University. In this course you will learn about data analysis which is including inference. They will teach you about how to create data analysis reports and also about, in R how to design visualize data . they will teach you about statistical inference, Bayesian statistical inference and make data-based decisions. You will also learn about how to get communicate statistical results, critique data-based claims, how to evaluated data-based decisions and etc. you will also learn about how to design the projects by using all this skills. To teach you in detail they divided this course in to five different sub courses. After completion of course you will get certificate.
Key points:
- In course one they will teach you about how to explore the data and also about basic of probability theory. You will learn about various types of sampling methods, data visualization, statistics etc.
- In second course you will learn about statistical inference methods. You will aso learn how to setup the interpret p-values, tests of hypothesis etc.
- In third course they will teach you about multiple linear regression models and also about difference between continuous response variable and data set variables.
- In course four you will learn about Bayesian statistics and also about hypotheses.
- In course five they will teach you about statistics with R Capstone project.
Rating : 4.3 out of 5
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#2 R Programming by Johns Hopkins University- Coursera
Jeff Leek, Roger D. Peng and Brian Caffo are the team who will teach you about R programming language course. This course is created by Johns Hopkins University. You will learn about for effective data analysis how to use R programming language and also about how to write the programs in R. they will teach you about, for statistical programming environment how to install the software. You will also learn about how to implement high-level statistical language. You will also learn about how to read the data into R, how to write R functions, how to do coding in R, how to write the programs in R and etc. this course is suitable for the people who want to learn about any programming language. To learn this course it will take four weeks.
Key points:
- In first week you will learn about how to start with R programming language and also about nuts and bolts.
- In second week they will teach you about how to write the programs in R programming language.
- In third week you will learn about debugging tool also also about loop functions in R.
- In fourth week they will teach you about simulation and profiling in R.
- You will learn the concepts like lists and how to create the lists, factors and tapply factors, data frames and indexing dataframes, filtering frames, sorting dataframes, merging dataframes, shuffling data frames etc.
- You will also learn the programming structures like nested for loops, conditional statements, for loop, repeat loops etc.
Rating : 4.6 out of 5
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#3 Advanced R Programming by Johns Hopkins University-Coursera
Roger D.Peng and Brooke Anderson will teach you about Advanced R Programming course. This course is created by Johns Hopkins University. In this course they will teach you about all the topics which are involved in Advanced R programming like, object oriented programming, functional programming in R and debugging. All this topics are necessary for robust, developing powerful and also for reusable tools of data science. You will also learn about the concepts of benchmarking, robust error handling and etc. by learn this course you will develop custom software for your organization’s mission. It will take four week to learn this course.
Key points:
- In first week you will learn about concept of Advanced R programming and also about it’s functions. Here you will learn robust error handling, profiling, functional programmings of the R, benchmarking etc.
- In second week they will teach you about functional programmings and also about how to develop better data science software. Which will help you to become a software developer.
- In third week you will learn about debugging tools and also about profiling tools. Here you learn how to optimize the code more effectively.
- In fourth week they will teach you about how to implement object oriented programming and also about different methods of object oriented programming.
- You will also learn how to define the data types in R programming and also you learn how to develop the functionality of data types of R.
Rating : 4.3 out of 5
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#4 R Programming A-Z™: R For Data Science With Real Exercises!-Udemy
Kirill Eremenko is an instructor on Udemy and also a team member in Forex Trading Academy and he is also a data scientist. he is also having 5 years experience in transport, finance and retail. From Deloitte Australia he was trained by the best analytics mentors. In this course he will teach you about concept of R programming language. 69K+ students enrolled their names to learn this course. You will learn about R studio and also about how to write the programs in R language. He will teach you about statistical analysis, data analytics and also about GGplot2. You will learn about core principles of R programming and also about how to create variables in R. he will teach you about, in R programming language how to create for() loop and while(). You will also learn about rbind(), matrix() and etc and also about for your site how to customize Rstudio. It is having 2 articles, full lifetime access and it is also having 10.5 hours on demand videos.
Key points:
- You will learn about how to write great programs in R and you will also learn about concept of Normal distribution.
- He will teach you about what is financial data in R and also about how to work with Rstudio.
- You will learn about, in R how to build vectors and also you will also learn about logical, integer and character.
- Kirill will teach you, in R programming language how to build matrices and also about how to use it.
- You will also learn about Law of Large Numbers and also about what is the use of sports data in R.
Rating : 4.6 out of 5
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#5 R Programming For Absolute Beginners-Udemy
Bogdan Anastasiei is an assistant professor in University of Iasi and also an instructor on Udemy. He will also teach about Business Administration and Economics, quantitative methods for business and also about Internet marketing. He will also teach about how to implement projects by using marketing analysis and risk analysis. He will also written the articles about online communication techniques and also about internet marketing. On business consulting he is having 15 years experience and also having 21 years experience in teaching. In this course he will teach you about R programming language. 23K+ students enrolled their names to learn this course. You will learn about, in R programming language how to write the code and also about how to become a data scientist by learn this course. To learn this course no need of any previous knowledge.
Key points:
- In this course you will learn about how to work with vectors in R and also about matrices in R. how know how to install the R activities and packages.
- He will teach you about Manage data frames and also about how to build your own binary operations and functions. You will learn about vectors and how to create the empty vectors, filtering vectors, sorting vectors, functions etc.
- You will learn about how to factors will work and also about, in R how to create charts. You will learn about the arrays and matrices concepts like filtering matrices, indexing matrices, indexing multidimensional arrays etc.
- Bogdan will teach you about how the strings will work and also about how to write conditional statements and loops.
Rating : 4.3 out of 5
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#6 The R Programming Environment by Johns Hopkins University-Coursera
Brooke Anderson and Roger D. Peng will teach you about R Programming Environment course. This course is created by Johns Hopkins University. You will learn about in data science settings how to develop software by using R programming language. By learning this course you will get complete knowledge about R and also about how to using contributions in Data science settings. They will teach you about fundamentals of R, handling textual data and also about related tidyverse tools and etc. they will also provide you certificate with your names after completing the course. It will take four weeks to learn this course.
Key points:
- In first week you will learn about basics of R programming language and also about it’s data principles and syntax. And you will know how to read the data from R.
- In second week they will teach you about, in R how to do data manipulation and also about merge and filter. You will also learn how to manipulate the data in R.
- In week three you will learn about how to use R tools and also about regular expression and text processing. Here you will learn how to manage and get the computer memory when working with the R.
- In fourth week they will teach you about large Datasets. You will learn how to diagnose the problems.
- You will learn how to handle the large datasets and know how to handle the textual datasets.
Rating : 4.4 out of 5
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#7 R Programming Hands-on Specialization for Data Science (Lv1)-Udemy
Irfan Elahi is an instructor on Udemy and also a Data Scientist in Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu in Melbourne, Australia. He is having 5 years of experience in Machine Learning and Data Science. In last year he worked with different project of Machine Learning and Data Science by using different niches like Web, Telecommunication and etc. in this course he will teach you about R programming and also about data science specialization. 14K+ students enrolled their names to learn this course. You will also learn about R data analysis skills. He will teach you about how to set up R and also about for R how to use Development Environment. You will learn about in R how to use Atomic Data Types and also about how to create vectors in R by using multiple approaches. He will explain you about, in R how to use Vector indexing principles and also about working principle Matrices Dimension Property. It is having 12 downloadable resources, full lifetime access and it is also having 11 hours on demand videos.
Key points:
- You will learn about what are the Matrices Operations in R and also about it’s Important Functions.
- He will teach you about how to create R functions and also about how to use R functions. You will also learn about Data Frames and data analysis.
- You will learn about, in R how to perform Multiple ways of Web Scraping and you will also about Document Object Model and HTML in Web Scraping.
- Irfan will teach you about how to use advanced Web Scraping and advanced Data Frames techniques.
- You will learn about what are the implications in Vector Coercions and you will also learn about flatness property.
Rating : 4.5 out of 5
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#8 Learn R By Intensive Practice-Udemy
Selva Prabhakaran is an instructor on Udemy and also a data scientist. He is also the founder of r-statistics website. he is having 6 years of experience on machine learning and advanced analytics. He also do the projects which are related to data science by using Python and R programming languages. You will learn about concept of R programming in this course. 4K+ students enrolled their names to learn this course. It is easy to understand this course by knowing the basics of R. He will teach you about how to develop Real Data Manipulation Projects. You will also learn about how to write conditional control structures. It is having 4 articles, 4 downloadable resources, full lifetime access and it is also having 6 hours on demand videos.
Key points:
- In this course you will learn about how to solve the problems in R programming language.
- He will teach you about by using lubridate how to handle dates and you will also learn about by using stringr package how to manipulate strings.
- Selva will teach you about how to create data frames, vectors and matrices.
- You will also learn about how to apply functions and also about how to design logic.
- He will teach you about, from dataframes how to build aggregate,Melt and etc. here you will understand the installation steps of Rstudio and R.
- You will learn about the vectors, data frames, functional loops, R packages, functions, strings, dates, error handling, debugging etc.
Rating : 4.4 out of 5
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#9 R Programming: Advanced Analytics In R For Data Science-Udemy
Kirill Eremenko is a team member in Forex Trading Academy and he is a data scientist and also an instructor on Udemy. He is having good experience in Mathematics and Physics and he is also having 5 years of experience in transport, finance and retail. In this course he will teach you about Advanced Analytics in R for Data Science. 22K+ students enrolled their names to learn this course. He will teach you about Rstudio skills, Data science and also about GGplot2. If you have basic knowledge of R and data frames then this course is very easy to learn. You will learn about data analytics and also about statistical analysis. He will teach you about in R programming how to perform data preparation and also about in your dataframes how to find locate missing data. You will also learn about how to reset the dataframe index and also about how to apply Factual Analysis method. It is having 2 articles, 6 hours on demand videos and it is also having full lifetime access.
Key points:
- You will learn about how to apply functional works and also about when working with matrices how to use apply().
- He will teach you about, for apply statements how to add your own functions and also about how to use which.min() and which.max() functions.
- You will learn about in dataframes, how to find missing records and also about how to replace missing records by using Median Imputation method.
- Kirill will teach you about for replacing strings how to use gsub(), which() and sub() functions.
- You will learn about in R programming how to create time series plot and subset Lists. You will also learn about by using for() loop how to Recreate apply statement.
Rating : 4.7 out of 5
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#10 Practical Foundations of R Programming-Udemy
Geoffrey Hubona is an Associate Professor at 4 major state universities in the United States and also an instructor on Udemy. In Texas A&M International University, he is an associate professor of MIS. he will teach about how to design Advanced Programming, Business Data Visualization, Data Mining and Business Analytics by using R. He is also the founder of R-Courseware, Georgia R School and online educational organizations. He will also teach about data mining, structural equation modeling, linear and non-linear modeling, etc. you will learn about the concepts of R programming in this course. 500+ students enrolled their names to learn this course. He will teach you about R data structures and also about R functions. You will learn about R subsetting operations. If you know basic knowledge of any programming language then this is very easy to learn. It is having full lifetime access, 4 downloadable resources and it is also having 8 hours on demand videos.
Key points:
- You will learn about how to write the functions in R. He will teach you about what are the skills used for writing high quality code in R.
- You will also learn about by using R how to write high level applications. He will teach you about complete concept of subsetting and also about data structures.
- You will learn the data structures for R programming like attributes, creation of data frames etc.
- You will also learn about subsetting of the data frames, subsetting lists etc.
Rating : 4.5 out of 5
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R Programming is GNU licensed free software programming language and it is used for statistical computing and also used for graphical support. To learn this course no need of any previous knowledge and any previous experience. So, anyone interested to learn this course, select any course which are shown above. It will definitely helpful for your career options. If this article is useful for you then you can share it with you friends through social medias like, instagram, Twitter and etc. If you want to say anything about this article you can drop your comment in comment section.
Best R Programming Books:
#1 The Art of R Programming: A Tour of Statistical Software Design 1st Edition by Norman Matloff
#2 R for Data Science: Import, Tidy, Transform, Visualize, and Model Data 1st Edition by Hadley Wickham
#3 R Cookbook: Proven Recipes for Data Analysis, Statistics, and Graphics (O’reilly Cookbooks) 1st Edition by Paul Teetor
#4 R For Dummies 2nd Edition by Andrie de Vries
#5 The Book of R: A First Course in Programming and Statistics 1st Edition by Tilman M. Davies
#6 R: Easy R Programming for Beginners, Your Step-By-Step Guide To Learning R Progr (R Programming Series) by Felix Alvaro
Relevant resources:
#1 R: Learn R Programming In A DAY! – The Ultimate Crash Course to Learning the Basics of the R Programming Language In No Time (R, R Programming, R Course, R Development, R Books) (Volume 1) by Acodemy
#2 R: In 8 Hours, For Beginners, Learn Coding Fast! By Ray Yao
#3 Learning R: A Step-by-Step Function Guide to Data Analysis 1st Edition by Richard Cotton