PostgreSQL is a system used to manage the database. It is used for handling the workloads. Students who are searching for the best PostgreSQL online courses then this is the right place to select the course. From this PostgreSQL online courses you people will learn the topics like fundamentals of sql, how to use the sql aggregate functions, relationship between the sql and databases, logical operators, how to create the indexes for improving the search speed, how to modify the data in tables, managing databases, how to extend the applications of python by utilizing professional data storage, how to create the basic and advanced python applications, role management of PostgreSQL, analysis of data with the analytic functions, how to retrieve the data from the tables by using select queries, differences between PostgreSQL and mysql and so on. Nowadays there are multiple number of PostgreSQL online courses in the world from those our panel experts has selected some best PostgreSQL online courses for you which are listed below.
Table of Contents
#1 SQL & PostgreSQL for Beginners – Udemy
The SQL and PostgreSQL online course is offered by Jon Avis. here more than 4k peoples are learning this SQL and PostgreSQL online course. Students will learn how to design a database from scratch and you will also know how to retrieve the data from the tables by using select queries. You people will learn that how the data was filtered by using the where clause in the sql. Instructor will explain the process for creating, deleting and altering the tables from the databases in the PostgreSQL. This SQL and PostgreSQL online course includes 22 downloadable video resources, two articles and seven hours demanded videos. You are able to use the sql aggregate functions and can able to group the data by using the GROUP BY clauses.
Key points:
- You will understand the topics like database, know the relationship between the sql and databases, installation process of PostgreSQL, database tables, data types, foreign keys and primary keys, check the constraints, unique etc.
- Students will know about the topics like creation of actors tables, creation of table with the foreign key and junction table, how to delete the tables from the database, the addition of columns, how to change the columns of data types etc.
- Instructor will explain the concepts like data manipulation language, how to insert and update the data in table, retrieving the data from table, select queries, logical operators, limiting the number of results, concatenation etc.
- You are able to learn the concepts such as count aggregation functions, grouping data, max and min aggregate functions, database relationships, sql joins, left, right, inner and outer joins and so on.
Rating: 4.4 Out of 5
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#2 Learn SQL Using PostgreSQL: From Zero to Hero – Udemy
Those who want to learn about the sql query and PostgreSQL language then you people must take this SQL using the PostgreSQL online course which was created by Will Bunker. Here more than 3k candidates are enrolled to do this SQL using the PostgreSQL online course. Students will know how to handle the time and date data and you will also know how to modify and create the tables. This SQL using the PostgreSQL online course includes 158 downloadable video resources, six articles and 16 hours demanded videos. You people are able to create the indexes for improving the search speed. Students will learn the topics like concurrency and transaction control, subqueries, sql functions, window functions, data types and so on.
Key points:
- Instructor will explain how to install PostgreSQL on ubuntu, windows and mac operating systems, installation of northwind database, how to select the data from the table, counting results, how to search for specific text, basics of schema etc.
- You are able to learn the topics like database, schemas in psql, how to use the max and min functions, how to rename the columns with the alias, diagramming table relationships, grabbing the information, left, right, inner outer joins etc.
- Students will understand the concepts such as aggregation and grouping functions, combining queries, subqueries, how to modify the data in tables, indexes and performance tuning, database normalization and design, table constraints etc.
- You people will come to know the topics like common table expressions, views, windows functions, sql procedures and functions, array data types, triggers, importing the csv files, managing databases, security using roles, postgis introduction, users and so on.
Rating: 4.4 Out of 5
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#3 The Complete Python & PostgreSQL Developer Course – Udemy
The PostgreSQL and Python developer online course was offered by Jose Salvatierra, Rob Percival, and codestars academy. Here students will understand all about the python programming software. You will know how to extend the applications of python by utilizing professional data storage such as PostgreSQL. Here 20k+ pupils are enrolled to learn this PostgreSQL and Python developer online course. Instructors will explain how to create the basic and advanced python applications. This PostgreSQL and Python developer course includes twenty articles, 22 hours demanded videos and 21 downloadable videos. Students will understand all the advanced concepts like algorithms and data structures.
Key points:
- Students will understand how to install the python software on Windows and Mac operating systems, Python interactive shell, strings, numbers, variables of python, how to run a python file from the IDE, lists in the python, for loop, boolean expressions etc.
- Instructor will discuss the concepts like if statements of python, generating the random integers in the python, defining the methods in python, how to return values from methods in python, code of lottery application, creation of lottery numbers etc.
- You are able to learn the topics like installing the pycharm and python tool, setup the pycharm on mac and windows os, advanced dictionary of python, creation of application menu, classes in python, how to write the file in the python, save the csv files etc.
- Students will come to know the concepts like PostgreSQL introduction, advanced PostgreSQL and python, how to install the psycopg2 on windows and mac, virtual environment, python api and web, algorithms and data structures.
Rating: 4.5 Out of 5
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#4 Intro To PostgreSQL Databases With PgAdmin For Beginners – Udemy
The PostgreSQL database with the Pdadmin online course was created by John Elder (founder of Codemy). Here more than 3k students are learning this PostgreSQL database with the Pdadmin online course. Students will understand how to utilize the PostgreSQL database with the pgadmin 4 and also know how to take the data and put the data by using pgadmin. This PostgreSQL database with the Pdadmin online course includes two hours on demanded videos and one article with lifetime support. You people will learn about the sql commands like insert, delete, or, not, and, order by, select, insert into etc. you will know how to restore and backup the database.
Key points:
- Here students will learn the process of installation of PostgreSQL and pgadmin in local system, database, overview of pgadmin, know how to create the table columns, how to add the data to the table, select statements of PostgreSQL etc.
- You people will understand the topics such as where clause of PostgreSQL, wildcards of PostgreSQL, AND, OR, NOT, insert into, order by, and limit operators, PostgreSQL update and delete etc.
- Instructors will discuss the concepts like pgadmin menu walkthrough, PostgreSQL foreign keys, inner join of PostgreSQL, how to restore and backup the database of PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL join where hack, delete table, how to import and export the tables etc.
- Here students will understand how to set and use the PostgreSQL databases by the pgadmin 4. You will know how to create the reports with the help of data from the database. Students will know all the basics of databases.
Rating: 4.4 Out of 5
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#5 PostgreSQL Database Administration (DBA) for Beginners – Udemy
The PostgreSQL Database administration online course is offered by Bluelime Learning Solutions academy. Here more than 4k peoples are learning this PostgreSQL Database administration online course. Students will understand how to create the database, how to delete the records in the table, creation of view and table. Instructors were providing two downloadable resource videos, one article and 11.5 hours on demanded videos. Here you people will learn how to use the analytic functions and the aggregate. You are able to sort the data and filter the data and you can able to update the existing records into the tables. Students will also know how to restore and backup the database.
Key points:
- Students will understand about PostgreSQL and its uses, requirements of installation, PostgreSQL version 10 and version 9.6 installation on the windows and mac operating systems etc.
- You will come to know the concepts like database, server service, schema, table, functions, operators, PostgreSQL data types, how to filter the data by using the where clause, sorting the data, truncating the table, how to remove the duplicate records etc.
- Instructors will discuss the concepts such as creation of database and table with the pgadmin tool, how to use the select statement, subquery, delete, update and insert statement, PostgreSQL operators, PostgreSQL table joins, aggregate functions etc.
- Students will learn the topics like analytic functions introduction, creation process of table, row_number and rank functions, views introduction, advantages of using views, creation of updatable views, materialized views etc.
- You are able to understand about PostgreSQL triggers, role management of PostgreSQL, restore and database backup in PostgreSQL, management of tablespace and so on.
Rating: 3.8 Out of 5
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#6 Learn Database Design using PostgreSQL – Udemy
The Database Design by using the PostgreSQL online course is offered by Eduonix learning solutions and Eduonix tech academy. Students will learn about the PostgreSQL RDBMS and learn how to implement the web applications by utilizing the PostgreSQL. You people will understand about object relational model of the PostgreSQL and know how to build the complex systems by using PostgreSQL. This Database Design by using the PostgreSQL course includes 13 downloadable video resources, one article and 5.5 hours on demanded videos with full period access. Here students will learn the differences among the mysql and PostgreSQL.
Key points:
- You will learn the topics like overview of relational database, database concepts in the PostgreSQL, how to install the pgadmin and PostgreSQL, installation of xampp, psql command lines and phppgadmin.
- From the database development section you will learn the topics such as naming conventions, importing and exporting the database, creation of database and populating the database, structuring, diagramming, and normalization.
- From the writing sql section students will learn the concepts like fundamentals of sql, viewing and selecting the data, table joins, know how to update, insert and delete the data.
- You people will come to know the concepts like string functions, group by, aggregate functions, math functions basics, concat operators, application UI, addition of data, deleting and updating the data etc.
- Students will clearly understand how to implement the web applications by utilizing the PostgreSQL and how to design the systems by the PostgreSQL.
Rating: 3.7 Out of 5
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#7 Learn SQL using PostgreSQL Server – Beginner to Expert – Udemy
Learn the SQL with the PostgreSQL server online course is offered by Bluelime learning solutions. Students will understand how the database was created and extraction of data from the database. You people can able to design the triggers, tables, stored procedures, and views. Here more than 2k candidates are doing this SQL with the PostgreSQL server online course. Instructor will explain about how to remove the duplicate data, how to update the existing data into the database, how to group the data, extracting the data by using the sub queries, how to filter the data from the query etc. this SQL with the PostgreSQL server course includes 9.5 hours demanded videos and one article with full support.
Key points:
- Students will learn the concepts like PostgreSQL, sql, requirements of PostgreSQL installation, how to connect to the PostgreSQL database, how to download the sample PostgreSQL database, schema, installation of PostgreSQL on mac and windows os etc.
- You people will understand the topics such as creation of database and tables with pgadmin, how to insert the data in the table, reading and extracting the data from the table, deleting and updating the existing data in the table etc.
- Instructors will discuss about how to filter the data by using the where clause, truncating and dropping the table, how to sort the data with the order by, extracting the data with the comparison operators, extraction of data by the sql operators etc.
- You are able to learn the concepts like retrieving the data with the cross, join, left, full outer joins, how to group the data with the group by clause, aggregate functions, summarizing the data, analysis of data with analytic functions and so on.
Rating: 4.4 Out of 5
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#8 SQL & Database Design A-Z™: Learn MS SQL Server + PostgreSQL – Udemy
People who want to learn about the PostgreSQL then you can join in this SQL and database design online course. Here 3k+ peoples are registered to learn this ql and database design online course which was created by kirill eremenko, ilya eremenko and superdatascience team. Students can able to create the basic and advanced sql queries. You will learn that how to normalize the databases and can create inner, right, outer and left joins. Here instructors was providing three articles, and 12.5 hours demanded videos with full time support. Students will enhance their data analytics skills with the real world exercises on of data science and you will also understand about the design of database.
Key points:
- Firstly students will understand that how to install the software in the local system like pgadmin 4 and PostgreSQL on windows and mac os, ms sql server installation and the studio of ms sql server management for the windows operating system.
- From the preparation section you will learn the topics like investigating the consumers complaints, know the pgadmin, how to upload the consumer complaints ms sql and know the ms sql servers.
- You people will understand the basics of sql like theory select query, adding the filter by using the where in PostgreSQL, logical conditions such as or, and in PostgreSQL and ms sql, comments in the sql etc.
- Instructor explains the concepts such as analyzing the console games sales, how to upload the console games dataset, working with the arithmetic data types ms sql, database theory fundamentals, creation and joining the tables in sql, database design etc.
Rating: 4.4 Out of 5
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Here instructors are hoping that you people are fully gratified with this PostgreSQL article and they determined all the important information of this PostgreSQL article. If anyone interested to do this PostgreSQL online course then choose any course from the above mentioned courses. By doing this PostgreSQL courses students will get the job opportunities like database administrator, PostgreSQL developer, postgre database developer, database programmer, database consultant, software developer, application developer, python developer, full stack developer and more. instructors will compulsory make clear all your doubts about this PostgreSQL article. Students can also add this PostgreSQL courses certificate to your resume, which will improve job career. Please share this PostgreSQL article with your buddies, coworkers through hike, twitter, facebook, linkedIn, instagram, whatsapp etc.
Best PostgreSQL Books:
#1 Beginning Databases with PostgreSQL: From Novice to Professional (Beginning From Novice to Professional) 2nd Edition by Richard Stones & Neil Matthew
#2 Practical PostgreSQL by Joshua D. Drake & John C. Worsley
#3 Practical SQL: A Beginner’s Guide to Storytelling with Data by Anthony DeBarros
#4 Mastering PostgreSQL 11: Expert techniques to build scalable, reliable, and fault-tolerant database applications, by Hans-Jurgen Schonig
#5 PostgreSQL for Data Architects by Jayadevan Maymala
#6 PostgreSQL: Up and Running: A Practical Guide to the Advanced Open Source Database 3rd Edition by Regina O. Obe & Leo S. Hsu
#7 PostgreSQL 11 Administration Cookbook: Over 175 recipes for database administrators to manage enterprise databases by Simon Riggs & Gianni Ciolli &Sudheer Kumar Meesala
#8 PostgreSQL 11 Server Side Programming Quick Start Guide: Effective database programming and interaction by Luca Ferrari