Best IntelliJ Online Courses
Table of Contents
#1 Become an IntelliJ IDEA guru
If your answer is yes, then this course about IntelliJ is perfect for you: you’ll learn everything there is to know about IntelliJ and how it helps you become productive in every aspect of the development process.
This includes:
- Write code faster using auto complete and smart complete
- Quickly find and replace text across all your files
- Navigate your codebase like your backpocket
- Build and run Java programs from within IntelliJ (no need to go to the command line)
- Powerful editing with the multi-cursor
- Work with tabs to organize your files
- Integrate your projects easily with a version control system
- Add plugins for specific framework support (Spring, …)
- And much more
#2 Refactoring Java with IntelliJ IDEA
If your answer is yes, then this course about IntelliJ is perfect for you: you’ll learn everything there is to know about IntelliJ and how it helps you become productive in every aspect of the development process.
This includes:
- Write code faster using auto complete and smart complete
- Quickly find and replace text across all your files
- Navigate your codebase like your backpocket
- Build and run Java programs from within IntelliJ (no need to go to the command line)
- Powerful editing with the multi-cursor
- Work with tabs to organize your files
- Integrate your projects easily with a version control system
- Add plugins for specific framework support (Spring, …)
- And much more
#3 IntelliJ IDEA Tricks to Boost Productivity for Java Devs
How to become a real pro Java programmer:
If you want to become a real pro Java programmer, you need to master your keyboard and IntelliJ IDEA. You need to be able to navigate freely in your code base, find and modify code instantly. You need to know how to quickly select texts without using drag & drop. You need to be able to reformat and refactor any piece of code in a second.
Faster Java programmers barely use the mouse but do pretty much everything with keyboard. They use shortcuts and some secret tricks to generate more code with less typing in less time.
What is this course about:
This course is to reveal all those little-known tricks which can instantly boost your productivity with IntelliJ IDEA. In the end of this course, you will be able to write the same code in half the time or even less and generate perfectly formatted and well-organized code without effort.
Best IntelliJ Books:
#1 IntelliJ IDEA in Action: Covers IDEA v.5 by Duane Fields & Stephen Saunders & Eugene Belyaev
#2 IntelliJ IDEA Essentials by Jaroslaw Krochmalski
#3 Getting started with IntelliJ IDEA by Hudson Orsine Assumpção
#4 By Duane Fields IntelliJ IDEA in Action (1st First Edition)