Are you searching for best DevOps online courses, Here we are showing you some of the Best DevOps Online Courses. Here you can learn Concept of modern DevOps, Puppet, Docker, feedback loops, why automation is useful in DevOps, Agile, Git, DevOps Architect, deployment strategies, inter team collaboration, what are the advantages of DevOps, how to move Google faster by using feedback loops, how to build high-performing IT organization, data management, different types of cloud models and also about it’s services, DevOps fundamentals, software development life cycle, Nagios, Jenkins, concepts of continuous integration, continuous deployment, how to build CD (continuous integration) and CI (continuous delivery) pipelines, DevOps AWS, DevOps GIT, DevOps Maven and etc. all this topics will covered in below courses. In the world, we are seeing many online course. From all the courses our expert handpicked some of the best DevOps online courses which are shown below.
Table of Contents
#1 DevOps Masters Program-Edureka
Edureka is one of the best website which will teach you best DevOps online course. In this course you will be trained with best professionals. You will learn about continuous delivery and also about CI and CD. they will teach you about continuous monitoring and also about how to use the tools like, Git, Chef, Puppet and etc. they will also provide you 200+ hours of interactive learning classes. In this course you will also learn about Python, AWS development and etc. they will also teach you about different types of cloud models and also about it’s services. You will also learn about concepts of high availability and also about data management. It will take 20 weeks to learn this course completely.
Key points:
- From first week to third week you will learn about linux fundamentals and also about shell scripting. You will also learn commands of advanced Linux, operations of files, attributes of files etc.
- From third week to fifth week they will teach you about python essentials and crud operations. You will learn about data types, numbers, strings, conditional statements etc.
- From fifth week to ninth week you will learn about DevOps tools like, Git, Jenkins and etc.From ninth week to twelfth week they will teach you about Docker Hub and Docker containers.
- From twelfth week to eighteen week you will learn about AWS development and also about it’s services.
- From eighteen week to twenty week they will teach you about splunk and also about it’s dashboarding.
Rating : 4.2 out of 5
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#2 DevOps Certification Training-Edureka
Edureka is one of the website which will teach you about best online courses. In this course they will teach you about DevOps. In this course you will be trained with best professionals. By learning this course you will become best DevOps engineer. They will teach you different types of DevOps skills like, Delivery, Infrastructure and etc. you will also learn about how to build CD (continuous integration) and CI (continuous delivery) pipelines and also about Source Code Management. They was trained 26K+ students. They will also give you projects to develop by using the DevOps skills what you learn. You will learn about Selenium, Kubernetes, Jenkins and etc. if you know basis of Fundamentals of Java then this course is very easy to learn.
Key points:
- You will learn about by using Git how to do functionalities in DevOps and you also about what are the Common commands in Git.
- They will teach you about how Git will introduced maven and Jenkins and also about what are the different actions perform in Git.
- You will also learn about by using Jenkins how to do Continuous Integration in DevOps and also about by using maven how to do automating test for Jenkins.
- They will teach you about testing web elements, XPath and also about, by using Jenkins how to get integrate Selenium.
- You will also learn about concept of Puppet, Ansible and Docker. You will also learn about by using Ansible how to write execute ad-commands and also about various operations of Docker.
Rating : 5 out of 5
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#3 Learning Path: Modern DevOps-Udemy
Packt publishing is one of the best online coaching center and Packt is also an instructor on Udemy. They will teach about edge data analytics and also about programming languages etc. he will provide more than 4000 books and videos which are related to courses. In this course instructor will teach you about modern DevOps. 4K+ students enrolled their names to learn this course. In this course you will also learn about concepts of Puppet, Docker and also about Git. to learn this course no need of any previous knowledge and any previous experience. You will understand the feedback loops and also why the automation is very useful in DevOps. Instructor will teach you about how to transfer your data into graphite and you will also learn about Agile. It is having 15 hours on demand videos, 1 downloadable resources and it is also having ull lifetime access.
Key points:
- You will learn about, to your apps how to add resilient services and you will also learn about configuration management.
- Instructor will teach you about continuous deployment and also about by using Docker how to Explore opportunities.
- You will learn about, what are the features of Git used in the projects and you will also learn about reliability, rapid application deployment and etc.
- Instructor will also teach you about, what are the advanced techniques from medium to large organization and you will also learn about concept of Puppet.
Rating : 3.4 out of 5
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#4 Mastering DevOps-Udemy
Packt publishing academy created this course and it is also one of the online coaching center. It is started from 2004 and instructors will provide more than 4000 books and videos which are related to courses. Instructor will teach about now web frameworks, DevOps, programming languages and etc. they was trained 130K+ students. In this course instructors will teach you about how to become expert in DevOps. Here 1K+ students enrolled their names to learn this course. You will also learn about what are the advantages of DevOps and also about what are the DevOps tools. To learn this course no need of any previous experience. You will learn about deployment strategies and also about how to move Google faster by using feedback loops. Instructors will also teach you about how to apply systems thinking and also about how to build high-performing IT organization. It is having full lifetime access, 1 downloadable resources and it is also having 6 hours on demand videos.
Key points:
- You will learn about by using Continuous Delivery, how to build high quality software and you will also learn about how to breaking down silos.
- Instructors will teach you about how to apply the CAMS model and also about how to Maximize the throughput of the organization.
- You will learn about the concept of configuration management and also about how to use agile infrastructures.
- Instructors will teach you about how the monitoring is helpful for you. Here you will also learn the hack events, destructive testing and know how test with serverspec etc.
Rating : 3.9 out of 5
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#5 DevOps Fundamentals-Udemy
Syed Raza and Syed Ali are the instructor on Udemy. Syed Raza will teach about all the new technological skills to improve your career. His passion is teaching. From last 20 years he learned many technological skills and now he become expert in all those skills. He is also the CEO for ClayDeck E learning. Here he will provide high quality technology content to train the students. Syed Ali is having many years experience as a programmer. He started programming when he was 13 years. He is also having good experience in coding, implementation phases, different operating systems and also in sharepoint development. He is having good development skills as a web developer, wordpress and etc. he will also teach you about Python programming language. In this course they will teach you about DevOps fundamentals. 10K+ students enrolled their names to learn this course. It is having full lifetime access, 2.5 hours on demand videos, 2 downloadable resources and it is also having 2 articles.
Key points:
- You will learn about what is meant by Devops and also about how to use it.
- They will teach you about what is meant by continuous integration and also about how it is helpful in DevOps.
- You will learn about concept of Agile and also about how the scrum framework will fit in DevOps.
- They will teach you about continuous deployment and also about how to implement CI in DevOps.
- You will learn about software development life cycle and also about Scrum. They will also teach you about Agile and also about CI and CD.
Rating : 4.1 out of 5
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#6 DevOps Tutorial: Complete Beginners Training – 5 in 1 Bundle-Udemy
Up degree is an institute which will teach you about various IT domains. They will also work for different MNC companies like Flipkart, Microsoft, CISCO, Amazon and etc. they will teach about complete computer skills to get best job in IT Sector. They will teach with more practical with less theory. They trained 60K+ students. In this course they will teach you about complete concept of DevOps. 29K+ students enrolled their names to learn this course. You will learn about DevOps AWS, DevOps GIT, DevOps Maven and etc. to learn this course no need of any previous knowledge. They will teach you about Containerization tool, Integration tool, Management and Deployment tools and etc. you will also learn about object oriented programming like Encapsulation, Inheritance. It is having full lifetime access, 1 article and it is also having 8.5 hours on demand videos.
Key points:
- You will learn about how the DevOps will useful for the life cycle of software development.
- They will teach you about Devops best practices like Continuous Testing, Integration and Monitoring.
- You will learn about by using automation code and automation tool how to develop the infrastructure.
- They will also teach you about Continuous Development and Deployment, Configuration Management.
- You will learn about the docker architecture, docker engine, installation steps of docker and you will learn how to create the custom images.
- Instructors will also teach about networking linking containers, accessing containers, docker cluster etc.
Rating : 3.6 out of 5
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#7 DevOps with AWS CodePipeline, Jenkins and AWS CodeDeploy-Udemy
TetraNoodle Team and Manuj Aggarwal are the instructors on Udemy. Manuj Aggarwal is a technology enthusiast and also a investor. He is the CTO of TetraNoodle Technologies in Canada. He like to solve hard problems and also working with cutting edge technologies. He is in software industry from 1997. From 2001, TetraNoodle Technologies has been in the software business. They are also the part of many projects. They will give complete knowledge of DevOps with blueprint. In this course he will teach you about by using AWS (Amazon Web Services) codepipeline how to learn DevOps and also about Jenkins and AWS codedeploy. 6K+ students enrolled their names to learn this course. You will also learn about what are the skills used in DevOps and also about, in AWS cloud how to do continuous delivery and continuous integration. He will also teach you about continuous development. It is having 1 article, 3 hours on demand videos and it is also having full lifetime access.
Key points:
- You will learn about, in automated fashion how to do maintain control database schema.
- He will teach you about, in AWS CodeDeploy how to setup deployment notifications and automatic build.
- You will learn about in AWS RDS how to Deploy PostgreSQL database and you will also learn about importances of CD (continuous integration) and CI (continuous delivery).
- Manuj will teach you about by using Jenkins and AWS CodePipeline, how to build automated CD and CI pipeline.
- You will also learn about how to build AWS EC2 virtual machine.
Rating : 3.8 out of 5
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Best Devops Books
#1 The DevOps Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, and Security in Technology Organizations by Gene Kim
#2 The DevOps 2.1 Toolkit: Docker Swarm: Building, testing, deploying, and monitoring services inside Docker Swarm clusters (The DevOps Toolkit Series) (Volume 2) by Viktor Farcic
#3 DevOps For The Modern Enterprise: Winning Practices to Transform Legacy IT Organizations by Mirco Hering
#4 DevOps Handbook: A Guide To Implementing DevOps In Your Workplace by Tech World
#5 DevOps: 2 Manuscripts – DevOps Handbook and DevOps Adoption by Christopher Weller
#6 The DevOps 2.3 Toolkit: Kubernetes: Deploying and managing highly-available and fault-tolerant applications at scale (The DevOps Toolkit Series) by Viktor Farcic