Best Complete Web Development Online Courses
Table of Contents
#1 The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0
Over 12 chapters you will learn:
- How does the web work?
- Setting up your (free) hosting
- Javascript
- jQuery
- CMSs and WordPress
- Responsive Design
- PHP Coding
- MySQL Databases
- Putting it all together: Making a Twitter clone
- Bonus Chapter: How to make $10,000 while learning to code
#2 The Complete Web Development Course – Build 15 Projects
Here are a few examples of in-chapter activities:
- Embed a relaxing YouTube Video to your website (HTML)
- Create an online checkout form (HTML)
- Highway Speed Control (HTML & JavaScript)
- Outbound and Return Flight date pickers just like the Expedia Website (HTML, CSS, jQuery & jQuery UI)
- Car Mileage range using a beautiful slider (HTML, CSS, jQuery & jQuery UI)
- Interactive carousel slider (HTML, CSS, jQuery & Bootstrap)
- Create a responsive Contact Form (HTML, CSS, PHP & Bootstrap)
- What day of the week were you born? (HTML & PHP)
- Guess the date in 1000 days from now! (HTML & PHP)
- Calculate the route, distance and time between New York and Toronto. (HTML, Javascript, Google Maps API’s)
- Get the geographic coordinates and postcode of any address. (HTML, jQuery, Google Maps API’s, JSON)
And much more …
Following are some of the “FULL PROFESSIONAL PROJECTS” you will build throughout the course:
- Mathematics Tutorials Website (HTML & CSS)
- Maths Game (HTML, CSS & JavaScript)
- Fruits Slice Game (HTML, CSS & JQuery)
- App Landing Page (HTML, CSS & Bootstrap)
- Company Website (HTML, CSS & Bootstrap)
- Stopwatch App (HTML, CSS, jQuery & Bootstrap)
- Drawing App (HTML, CSS, jQuery & jQuery UI, Canvas, HTML5 Local Storage)
- Online Notes App (HTML, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP & MySQL) (Full 11h project)
- Highly professional Blog (WordPress)
- Distance Between Cities Website (HTML. CSS, jQuery, Google Maps)
- Freedom Website with Social Widgets (Facebook, Google+ & Twitter)
- Speed Reader App for the IOS and Google Play Stores
- Fully functional Car Sharing Website (HTML, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP & MySQL, Ajax, JSON, Google Maps
#3 Complete Web Development Course: HTML, Vue.js, PHP, MySQL
What you will learn from this course:
- JavaScript
- Responsive Web Page
- Ajax
- jQuery
- font awesome
- Vue.js
- animate.css
- Command Line
- Babel
- Webpack
- ES6 Import and export
- Vue.js single-file components
- Vue Router
- Advanced JavaScript: scope, scope chain, JavaScript Garbage Collection, Closure, IIFE(Instantly Invoked Function Expression), THIS, etc.
- Express.js
Best Complete Web Development Books:
#1 Web Coding & Development All-in-One For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) 1st Edition by Paul McFedries
#2 Learning Web App Development: Build Quickly with Proven JavaScript Techniques 1st Edition by Semmy Purewal
#3 Agile Web Development with Rails 5.1 1st Edition by Sam Ruby & David B. Copeland & Dave Thomas
#4 Fundamentals of Web Development (2nd Edition) by by Randy Connolly & Ricardo Hoar
#5 Web Coding & Development All-in-One For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech)) 1st Edition by Paul McFedries
such a good website with excellent online courses
How can I enroll to this course and what is the price of it?
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