Table of Contents
#1 Become a C++ Developer – Udacity
The C++ nanodegree online course was offered by Udacity. David Silver (product lead), Stephen Welch and Ermin Kreponic are the instructors of this nanodegree program. All the instructors are well qualified with years of experience. Students will learn how to create, compile and run the C++ programs. You will understand about the object oriented programming, management of memory etc. instructors will provide you five handson projects, from those you people will enhance your C++ programming skills. You will gain the certificate of completion at the final stage of your course.
Key points:
- Here first course is the C++ foundations. From this students will learn all the basics of C++ programming, functions, syntaxes, compiling, linking of files, loops, I/O libraries etc. you can understand that how to utilize the A* search implementation for planning path by obstacles in ASCII.
- And also learn how to write the programs and uses of openstreetmap data etc.
- The next course is OOP, here students will understand the topics like OOP in C++, access modifiers and inheritance, system monitoring, templates and polymorphism.
- Third Course is the memory management. From this you people will learn about the heap vs stack, pointers and references, smart pointers, malloc and memset operators and so on.
- You people will learn the better way for synthesizing the memory management and know how to write the smart pointer.
- From concurrency course you will learn about parallel algorithms, thread synchronization and threads. From this you people are able to build the multithread chatbot with hundreds of conversations.
Rating: 4.6 Out of 5
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
#2 C++: From Beginner to Expert – Udemy
Arkadiusz Włodarczyk is expert in programming. He will teach about web development and also about math. He is having 15 years of experience on a website development and he is also having 10 years of experience on programming. In this course you will learn about how to become an expert in C++ programming language. Here 28K+ peoples are register their names to learn this course. No need of any previous knowledge to learn this course. He will teach you about semantics of cpp and also about different types of variables which are present in C++. you will also learn about concept of compiler and also about assignment operators. He will teach you about output streams and also about switch conditions. You will also learn about do while loop and also about pointers of C++. It is having full lifetime access, 15 hours on demand videos, 101 downloadable resources and it is also having 4 articles.
Key points:
- In this course he will teach you about multi dimensional arrays and also about logical operator.
- You will learn about overloading functions and also about function templates.
- He will teach you about in IDE how to build the projects and you will also learn about object oriented programming.
- You will learn about fstream library and also about the structure of C++ programs.
- He will also teach you about operators and also about loops of the C++ programming language.
Rating : 4.4 out of 5
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
#3 Beginning C++ Programming – From Beginner to Beyond – Udemy
Frank J. Mitropoulos and Tim Buchalka learn programming Academy are the instructors on Udemy. Frank having 30 years of experience in IT fields and also in the computer science. he will teach about Apple development tools, mobile application development, game design etc. he also developed the computer games like corona, spritekit etc. Tim Buchalka learn programming Academy is founded by tim Buchalka. He is having 35 years of experience as a software developer. In this course they will teach you about C++ programming language. Here 14K+ peoples register their names to learn this course. You will also learn about STL skills which are need for the game development. They will also teach you about application development and also about object oriented programming. You will learn this course perfectly because they will provide you live coding exercises and also assignment which are related to this course. It is having 3 articles, 23 downloadable resources, full lifetime access and it is also having 39.5 hours on demand videos.
Key points:
- In this course they will also teach you about modern C++ programming language. They will also provide you material which is related to C++ language.
- You will also learn about how to write the programs by using C++ language.
- They will also teach you about C++ features and also about advanced features like inheritance etc. You will also learn about polymorphic functions etc.
- Instructor will explain about functions, constants, variables, characters, strings, operators, statements, pointers, controlling program flow etc.
Rating : 4.6 out of 5
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
#4 Learn and Understand C++ – Udemy
Ermin Kreponic is an IT expert and also an instructor on Udemy. He is also a Linux enthusiast and he will also solve the problems which are related to network. He is also having good skills on Wireshark, IOS operating system, network gear brands and etc. he will also know about how to solve the end user issues. In this course he will teach you about C++ programming language. 97K+ peoples enrolled their names to learn this course. You will also learn about how to use the C++ in softwares. He will also teach you about how to use C++ language in ethical hacking. You will learn about how to develop the games by using C++ programming language. To learn this course no need of any previous knowledge and no need of any previous experience. It is having 14 hours on demand videos and also having full lifetime access.
Key points:
- He will teach you about C++ code and also about C++ functions. You will learn about by using C++ language how to build the applications.
- He will also teach you about how to write the C++ code. You will also learn about operators of C++ programming language.
- You will also learn the macro constants, constant variables, if else statements, logical operators, relational operators, for loop, do while loop, while loop, break statement, infinite and nested loops etc.
- Instructors will also know functions, arrays initialization, array algorithms, strings, standard exceptions, static attributes, vector, deque, map etc.
Rating : 4.3 out of 5
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
#5 Learn C++ Programming from Beginner to Expert : Udemy
Harsh Kajla is a developer and also an instructor on Udemy. He is also a machine learning enthusiast and he is also doing his B.Tech in computer science engineering. In this course he will teach you about C++ programming language. 1k+ students enrolled their names to learn this course. You will also learn about compiler and also about if condition of C++. to learn this course no need of any experience. He will teach you about while loop and also about for loop. You will also learn about else condition and also about variables of C++ programming language. He will teach you about pseudo codes and also about how to use pattern printing. You will learn about bubble sort and also about selection sort. He will also teach you about functions of C++. you will also learn about how the data will be stored by using 1’s and 2’s complement. It is having 17 hours on demand videos, 70 downloadable resources and also having full lifetime access.
Key points:
- In this course you will learn about header files and also about concept of integer overflow.
- He will teach you about different types of variables and also about bitwise operators.
- You will also learn about arithmetic operators and also about logical operators.
- He will teach you about how to design the flow charts and you will also learn about arrays of C++.
- You will learn about number system and also about typecasting. He will also explain you about local variables and also about global variables.
Rating : 4.7 out of 5
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
#6 Learn Advanced C++ Programming – Udemy
John Purcell is an instructor on Udemy and also a trainer. He is also having 14 years of experience as a software developer and also as a CSC in UK. he will also train the students about software development. He was trained 1K+ students. In this course he will teach you about advanced C++ programming language. 20K+ peoples register their names to learn this course. To learn this course no need of any basic knowledge. You will also learn about advance features of C++ programming language. He will also teach you about STL and template classes of C++. you will also learn about lambda expressions of C++ programming language. It is having full lifetime access, 2 downloadable resources, 15 hours on demand videos and it is also having 2 articles.
Key points:
- You will learn about how to develop the complex C++ applications. He will also teach you about C++ 11 features.
- By learn this course you will get complete knowledge about C++ and you will also get the best jobs.
- You will learn about custom exception, standard exception, reading and writing text files, parsing text files, structs, writing and reading binary files, two-dimensional vectors, memory and vectors, maps, lists etc.
- Instructors will teach you the standard template library concepts like sets, queues, stack, sorting vectors, STL data types, template classes, functions, polymorphism, object slicing, function pointers and more.
- From C++ 11 you will learn advanced features like nested template classes, range based loops, ring buffer class, initializer list, lambda parameters, return types etc.
Rating : 4.5 out of 5
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
C++ programming language is an object oriented programming language and it is used to create the large scale applications. This course is very useful for your career. At the end of the course they will provide you certificate with your name. You can also add the certificate to your resume for more weight age. You will get job opportunities by taking this course like game designer, software developer, video game programmer and more. If you think this article is helpful for you then your can share it with your friends through social media like, instagram, Twitter and etc. If you want to say anything about this article you can drop your comment below
Best C++ Books
#1 The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition by Bjarne Stroustrup
#2 C++ Primer (5th Edition) 5th Edition by Stanley B. Lippman
#3 Beginning C++ Through Game Programming by Michael Dawson
#4 Beginning C++ Through Game Programming by Michael Dawson
#5 Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (2nd Edition) by Bjarne Stroustrup
#6 Effective Modern C++: 42 Specific Ways to Improve Your Use of C++11 and C++14 by Scott Meyers
#7 C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design by D. S. Malik