Auto desk maya is a software named as 3D animation software and was designed by the auto desk. It is used for animating the films, designing the video games, visual effects etc. this is most favourable place to select the auto desk maya online course. From this auto desk maya online course students are able to learn the topics such as modeling the objects, creation of shadows, lightning the scenes, how to apply the textures to the shaders, how to download the model and HDRI, different tools, reference materials, creation of rough models (TOP, BASE), importing and downloading the models for rig, how to animate and use the humanIK rig, rigging for the animations, maya rendering and so on. At present there multiple number of autodesk maya online courses in the world because it is more popular software. From those our experts has picked a few best auto desk maya online courses which are listed below.
Table of Contents
#1 Maya for Beginners: Complete Guide to 3D Animation in Maya – Udemy
3D Animation in Maya online course was created by Lucas Ridley (animator) and Video school Online Inc.. here 5k+ candidates are registered to learn this 3D animation in Maya online course. Students will understand the concepts like modeling the objects and scenes, shading the objects, creation of UV, texturing the objects, animating the keyframes, know how to rig the characters for preparing the animation, creation of shadow, lightning the scenes and so on. This online course also includes certificate with lifetime access, 25 hours on demand videos, one article and one downloadable video resource. You people are enable to use the render, texture, light, rig, animate and dynamics.
Key points:
- Students will understand about the interface introduction, camera movements and manipulators.
- From 3D modeling students will understand the topics such as ghostbuster trap, bevel and normals, extrude, append, insert edge, cord, fronts, booleans, topology linflow, bones sculpting, bones eye socket edge loops, bones cleaning topology, bones mirror etc.
- Instructors will explain the topics such as introduction of look development and UVs, UVs straightening and transfer, shaders introduction, photographic textures, scene adjustments, mix rust shader, introduction of hypershade etc.
- From the rigging you people will understand the concepts like rigging quick rig, prop rigging pivot control, bones joint orientation, bone recreate limbs, bones reverse foot rig, bones skinning to the feet and so on.
- You people will also understand the animation topics like overshoots, contrast, antics, referenced rig, walk cycle start and so on. Students are able to learn about the animation demonstration and FX concepts like fix sim, ncloth vest, bullet shatter, alembic cache etc.
Rating: 4.6 Out of 5
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#2 Learn Maya – A Beginners guide to Creating Realistic Scenes – Udemy
The Maya online course was created by Bhaumik Patel (3d artist). Here students will learn that how to design the realistic texture, models, render and animation in the auto desk Maya. you people will learn how to model the objects in maya and know how to use the keyframes for animating the objects. Here 5k+ students are registered their details to learn this Maya for beginners online course. Students are enable to apply the textures to the shaders, uses of path for animating the objects, know how to set the lightning in the maya and know about the UV unwrap objects in the Maya. this online course also includes two downloadable video resources, certificate and 18.5 hours on demand videos with full time access.
Key points:
- Here you will understand the fundamentals of auto desk maya and know the installation steps of Maya in the pc or iOS. From Maya fundamentals students will understand the topics like maya workspace, viewport shading modes, showing and hiding the objects, smoothing geometry etc.
- From the toy train project instructor will explain about the creation of image planes, creation of wheels by using primitive, transform tools, creation of base of train, duplicating, parenting, mirroring, creation of engine room and roof, organization of scene with the layers etc.
- From the wizard desktop project students will come to know about the polygon tool set, polygon component display, book shape, candle holder, UV unwrapping tools, chair frame and so on.
- You will understand about the rendering, texture and lightning. From car rendering project you people will come to know that how to download HDRI and model, setting the camera, applying the materials etc.
- Instructor will also explain about the maya references like transform tools, deformers, commands of duplicate etc.
Rating: 4.6 Out of 5
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#3 Rigging 101 for Video Games – Maya – Udemy
People who knows about the 3D and wants to learn about 3D rigging, then you people must take this Rigging 101 for the video games with the Maya online course. Here 2k+ students are enrolled their details to learn this online course. Alex Zaragoza is the instructor of this online course. Here students will learn about the different concepts and tools to rig the characters and props in the Maya. you people will learn how to rig the characters and props for the video games and animation. This online course also includes certificate with full time access, 6.5 hours on demand video and ten downloadable video resources with lifetime access. You will understand all the 3D rigging fundamentals.
Key points:
- Firstly you will understand about the rigging, menus of rigging, channel box and transformations, outliner, hypergraph, parenting, transforms and shapes, name conventions and neutral nodes, extra attributes, node editors, local and global space etc.
- Students will learn about the basic tools such as references models, joints, constraints, switchers, blend shapes, set driven keys, inverse kinematics, weights and skin binding.
- From biped rig you are able to understand the concepts like rig planning, spine, head, legs, feet, arms, orders of rotation, biped rig binding, weight planning, baking/exporting, hierarchy and cleaning scenes etc.
- You people will also know that how to export the animations to the unity and also know how to develop the necessary models that needed to animate.
- Instructor will explain some important shortcuts and tips that to enhance the workflow.
Rating: 4.4 Out of 5
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#4 Fast animation and rigging techniques using Maya – Udemy
Rigging and Fast Animation Techniques by using the Maya online course was created by Bhaumik Patel (instructor and 3D artist). 2k+ candidates are enrolled their details to do this online course. This online course also includes five hours demand video, two downloadable videos and certificate with lifetime access. Students are able to understand how to rig a biped by using the human IK in the maya. Instructor will explain that how to edit the motion capture by using the graph editor and time editor. Learn how to retarget and apply the motion capture downloaded from internet. Instructors will also understand how to paint the skin weights on the characters with the important tips.
Key points:
- Students will understand how to prepare the geometry for rigging, know how to use quick rig one click solution, know how to attach the models for the skeleton, know how to bind the geometry for the skeleton by using the skinning etc.
- Students are able to paint on skin by painting the weight for hands, legs and body. Learn that how to apply the motion capture to the characters, know how to animate and use the humanIK rig and know how use the raw motion captures which are downloaded from the internet.
- From the Animate a Walk cycle you people will learn the concepts like poses of walk cycle such as contact pose, down pose, up pose, opposite contact pose, arms animation, adjustment of body and head animation etc.
- You people will learn that how to download and import the model for rigging and know how to create the skeleton by utilizing the HIK, know how to adjust the local rotation axis for the joints, creation of clips in time editor etc.
Rating: 4.7 Out of 5
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#5 Learn Maya – Intro to 3D Box Modeling Techniques with Maya – Udemy
Learn 3D Modeling Techniques with Maya online course was created by Kyle Pew (microsoft certified trainer). Here students will learn that how to create the efficient models by using the primitive shapes. Here 2k+ students are enrolled to learn this online course. Students will understand that how to navigate the 3D space for speeding up the production while modeling and also learn how to produce the 3D models in the maya. This online course also includes one downloadable videos, two hours on demand videos and two articles. Instructor will explain about the common hotkeys to become more productivity in the modeling workflow.
Key points:
- Students will learn that how to work with the 3D space in the maya, know how to move the camera along the axis, how to zoom and also know to use mouse hotkeys and keyboard.
- You people will also know how to manipulate the objects by the channel box like sub division, rotate, translate and scale. Students will understand about the maya transform tools for working with the objects like scale tool, move tool and rotate tool.
- You will also learn about the commit to memory, working with the sub objects models, cut tool, extrude tool etc.
- Instructors will explain about gathering the reference materials, creation of rough models (BASE), adding the details for base, utilizing the edge loop tool on base, creation of rough models (TOP), crank modeling, separating the crank from pillar, adding the details to the top, animating the crank etc.
Rating: 4.5 Out of 5
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#6 Maya Quickstart – Create a Low poly scene for Beginners – Udemy
The Maya Quickstart online course was offered by Bhaumik Patel (3D artist). Here 2k+ candidates are registered their details to learn the maya quickstart online course. Students will understand that how to add fog and volumetric atmosphere to scenes. Learn how to use tools for moving, rotating and scaling. You people will also know how to manipulate and assign the material shaders. This online course also includes two hours demand videos with full time access. Here students will also understand that how to deselect and select the objects and know how to use various lights in arnold renderer. You will also know how to use the powerful commands of modeling including the insert edge loop and bridge.
Key points:
- Students will understand the process of downloading the maya and basics of maya like creation of objects, navigation of viewports, rotate and move the objects, objects selection etc.
- Instructors will explain that how to create ground and start the creation of wall, know how to add the details to walls by using the insert edge loop tool, know how to use the snapping tools for aligning objects, duplication of objects, renaming the objects etc.
- You people will also understand the topics like creation of skirting boards and window, from the creation of picture and book shelf you will learn the uses of snapping tool for objects aligning etc.
- Learn that how to create the chair and table by using the mirror command. You will learn about the creation of mug and laptop and know features of bridge command.
- From the Assigning colours for objects by using shaders lesson you people will understand the concepts such as how to change the diffuse colour, know how to assign the shaders to the objects.
Rating: 4.6 Out of 5
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#7 3D Animation & Data Visualization in Autodesk Maya – Udemy
3D animation and the Data visualization in the Autodesk Maya online course was offered by Lucas Ridley (animator). Here 300+ candidate are enrolled to learn this online course. You people are able to design four different types of data visualization in the 3D like map data, line graph, pie chart and bar graph. Learn how to render and ight the 3D images as movie files and learn all the basics of animations in the Maya. students will understand that how to manipulate the map images in the photoshop to utilize inside the maya as the textures. Here they will also offer you the certificate with full period access, 5 hours demand videos and 17 downloadable videos.
Key points:
- Students will learn all about the Maya. from the line graph students will learn the topics like creation of data points, creation of lines between the data points, rigging line for the animation, addition of text, background modeling, addition of shadings and materials, compositing the after effects etc.
- From the bar graph instructors will explain the topics like modeling of backgrounds and bars, bar animations, rigging for the animations, maya rendering, after effects rendering, addition of texts, refinement of animations and so on.
- From pie chart you people will understand the concepts like addition of text, creation of glass material, adjustment of animations, lightning, cleaning up rig, creation of base of pie chart, duplicating the rig etc.
- From the map data instructors will explain about the addition of map images, addition of contrasts, cleaning the borders, polishing in the photoshop, render, camera, fixing of values, adding the displacement and so on.
Rating: 4.7 Out of 5
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#8 Modeling a Theme Park Ride in 3d with Maya (Beginner) – Udemy
Modeling the Theme park ride in the 3D with the Maya online course was created by Virtual Dreamz. Here 900+ students are enrolled to do this online course. You people will learn that how to utilize the various 3D modeling methods and tools in the Maya for creating the amazing themes. This online course also includes the certificate with the full period access, two downloadable video resources and 15.5 hours on demand videos with lifetime access. Here students will come to know that how to create the cool roller coaster car and track and also know that how to utilize various deformers. Understand that how to create the fancy 3D logos and signs.
Key points:
- Students will learn how to set the hotkeys, preferences, scripts, know how to use the objects of polygonal and their different components, modeling workflow of nurbs etc.
- You people will understand about the roller coaster concepts, designs, research, creation of roller coaster track, know how to save the scenes by using addendum, addition of height to track path, creation of track geometry, adding of track supports etc.
- Instructors will explain about the creation of car geometry, refining the car base by adding the headlights and front plate, addition of pipes, mirror, front bumper, seat details, creation of seat restraints, geometry of wheel assembly etc.
- You will also know about the creation of base sign backdrop, addition of text, overview of theme park elements, creation of trash can, creation of pipe rail/gate, creation of turnstile, flag, simple foliage and so on.
Rating: 4.7 Out of 5
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#9 The Complete Maya Course: How to Create The 3D Gun Model – Udemy
The Complete Maya online course was offered by Animation Hacks institute. You people will learn that how to design the modern games and films and also learn how to model the nice weapon as the pistol with wonderful details. Here 1k+ students are registered their details to learn this Maya online course. This maya online course included four hours demand videos with lifespan access, one article and two downloadable video resources. Instructors will explain how to use the maya and also understand maya interfaces. You will gain the modeling skills for creating the 3D models and also understand the principles of the modeling. Become master in 3D texturing and learn with the model example of gun.
Key points:
- Students will understand that how to develop the good quality assets for games, animations and portfolios. You will learn the basics of modeling the pistol, modeling the gun handler, modelling of bullet container etc.
- You people will understand about the detail modeling of pistol, modeling the trigger, utilizing the macros with the hotkeys, modeling the lower trigger etc.
- Instructors will explain about the retopology for detail of pistol, retopology finalize and doing bullets, finalizing the small objects of pistol, cleaning the gun, combining the parts of pistol and so on.
- Learn about the UV unwrap for pistol, retopology of pistol upper part, making the small objects of pistol etc.
- From this maya course you people are able to work in the 3D industries like design, different animations, video games, visual effects and so on.
Rating: 4.3 Out of 5
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#10 Maya – Create realistic images using Arnold renderer – Udemy
The Maya-creation of images by using Arnold online course was created by Bhaumik Patel (3D artist). Here instructor will explain that how to create the realistic images by using the arnold renderer in the maya. People will know that how to apply the arnold render view to the troubleshoot and the diagnose renders. Students will also understand about the different types of light in arnold and know how to utilize the arnold depth of the field controls. This maya online course included the certification, one downloadable videos and 3.5 hours on demand videos with full time access. Learn how to use the samples for reducing the grain in the images and also now how to utilize the ai standard shader for designing the glass, wood etc.
Key points:
- Firstly learn about the arnold renderer and know why it is popular renderer. Know how to download and set the projects correctly.
- In the arnold renderview you will understand that how to utilize the arnold renderview and also know why arnold renderer is best than standard maya renderview.
- You will learn the concepts such as arnold light settings, different types of arnold light, know how to set the key light by using the area light, setting the fill light by using the skylight, know how to smooth the geometry in the arnold etc.
- Students will understand that how the ai standard materials will work on the overview of board. And also know how to design the wine shader, glass shader, grapes shader, cheese shader and so on.
- Instructors will explain that how to work with the displacements in the arnold cheeses wedge shader. Students also know how to develop different looking wood shader for cheese board.
Rating: 4.7 Out of 5
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Students that who wants to learn this Auto desk Maya online course article will help you lot. Instructors will determine all the required information regarding to this article. If anyone interested to learn this auto desk online course, then select any best Auto Desk Maya Online Course from the listed courses. By taking this online course students can get the job opportunities like graphic technician, animation and rigging trainer, rigging artist, cloud engineer with auto desk, technical consultant, analytics advisor, application monitoring engineer and so on. You people can also add the auto desk maya online course certificate to your resumes which will enhance your professional career itinerary. Instructors will clear up your queries. Please share this article with your buddies, work fellows through whatsapp, linkedIn, facebook, twitter etc.
Best Autodesk Maya Books:
#1 Introducing Autodesk Maya 2016: Autodesk Official Press 1st Edition by Dariush Derakhshani
#2 Mastering Autodesk Maya 2016: Autodesk Official Press 1st Edition by Todd Palamar
#3 Autodesk Maya 2018 Basics Guide by Kelly Murdock
#4 Autodesk Maya 2018: A Comprehensive Guide by Prof Sham Tickoo Purdue Univ
#5 Autodesk Maya – An Introduction to 3D Modeling by 3dExtrude Tutorials
#6 First Lessons in Autodesk Maya 2018: Level 1: Tutorials 1 – 5 by Donna Betancourt