Best Algorithms and Datastructures in Javascript Online Courses
Table of Contents
#1 JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Masterclass
This course crams months of computer science and interview prep material into 20 hours of video. The content is based directly on last semester of my in-person coding bootcamps, where my students go on to land 6-figure developer jobs. I cover the exact same computer science content that has helped my students ace interviews at huge companies like Google, Tesla, Amazon, and Facebook. Nothing is watered down for an online audience; this is the real deal 🙂 We start with the basics and then eventually cover “advanced topics” that similar courses shy away from like Heaps, Graphs, and Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm.
I start by teaching you how to analyze your code’s time and space complexity using Big O notation. We cover the ins and outs of Recursion. We learn a 5-step approach to solving any difficult coding problem. We cover common programming patterns. We implement popular searching algorithms. We write 6 different sorting algorithms: Bubble, Selection, Insertion, Quick, Merge, and Radix Sort. Then, we switch gears and implement our own data structures from scratch, including linked lists, trees, heaps, hash tables, and graphs. We learn to traverse trees and graphs, and cover Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm.
#2 Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms
As businesses collect increasing amounts of vital data, the need to structure software components increases every day. Using appropriate data structures and having a good understanding of algorithm analysis is key to writing maintainable and extensible quality software, thus solving the crisis.
Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms will show you how to organize your code with the most appropriate data structures available to get the job done fast, and in a logical way that is easy to maintain, refactor, and test. By using effective data structures, you can take advantage of advanced algorithms, thus making your web applications more powerful and scalable. You will learn about common software engineering data structures, such as linked-lists, trees, and graphs, and get to know how to implement them in JavaScript. You’ll also master ways to use them in various types of algorithms.
You will begin by finding out how to build on native JavaScript constructs, and create collections such as maps, queues, stacks, sets, graphs, and other data structures. You will then discover how to develop, analyze, and improve algorithms to search deep trees, lists, and other complex collections, as well as sorting containers of data.
This practical course will guide you through a web application development cycle using a structured and disciplined approach, focusing on accuracy and efficiency as you build quality software.
#3 Learning Data Structures in JavaScript from Scratch
This course teaches data structures (linked lists, binary search trees, hash tables) from the ground up. Data structures allow you to improve the efficiency, performance, speed, and scalability of your code/programs/applications. You will learn what data structures are, why they are important, and how to code them out in JavaScript. You will also learn other important programming concepts along the way such as recursion, time complexity, the “this” keyword, the prototype object, and constructor functions, since data structures use these concepts by their very nature. This course heavily uses diagrams and animations to help make understanding the material easier.
This course is also very good for anyone who is interviewing for developer/engineering jobs at both large and small companies. Interviewers will very often ask candidates to write data structures out in code, and this course will prepare you very well to do that. If you have recently graduated from a coding bootcamp or are currently looking for a job, you will find this course to be beneficial. Knowing data structures will help you to excel in technical interviews.
Best Algorithms and Data Structures in Javascript Books:
#1 Object Oriented Data Structures Using Java
#2 Java Programming: Master’s Handbook: A TRUE Beginner’s Guide! Problem Solving, Code, Data Science, Data Structures & Algorithms (Code like a PRO in … web design, tech, perl, ajax, swift, python) by Codewell Academy & R.M.Z. Trigo
#3 Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms: Hone your skills by learning classic data structures and algorithms in JavaScript, 2nd Edition by Loiane Groner
#4 Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms by Loiane Groner
#5 Data Structures Using Java 1st Edition by Duncan A. Buell