Scala is the alternative programming language of Java language, where as Spark is the general purpose data processor. By using Scala and Spark you can analyze the big data. People who are searching for the best Scala and Spark online courses, this is the best place to select the course. From this course you will know the importance of Scala and Spark in Big data industries. By this course you will learn different concepts of Scala programming like Tuples, strings, boolean operators, functions, flow control, comparison operators and loops like for loop, while loop. You will understand that how to manipulate the data by using Spark and Scala. Now a days there are many Scala and Spark online courses, from those our panel of experts selected some best courses which are listed below.
Table of Contents
#1 Big Data Analysis with Scala and Spark – Coursera
This course is created by École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. Dr. Heather Miller teaches you about Big Data with Scala and Spark. She is an Research Scientist EPFL. In this course you can learn how the collections of Framework work with Scala Programming. She will train the students in simple logical methods. Javascript, Python and C++ are some of the other languages also be known to learn this course. Course Completion Certificate with your name also be given after completion of this course. Regarding course you can ask and clear your queries, she will be available in live chat.
Key Points:
- First they will teach you fundamentals of Sparks and Distributed systems such as Latency and basics of Scala Programming with Big Data.
- You also learn special operations such as Reduction and Distributed Key-Value pairs. Some of functional oriented data Framework for Data processing also be learned.
- Implementation of joins operation and how to shuffle the data from parallel Scala collections also be learned in this course.
- They will teach you some of structured databases like SQL, DataSets and Data Frames. How to optimize the Powerful automatic Spark SQL also be learned in this course.
- Loading data in to Apache Spark and how to read the data and how to manipulate the Data and how it functions with Spark Scala also be learned from this course.
- In this course you can learn expressing the algorithms for data analysis. Model Spark and Scala programming with Big Data collections are explained in detail.
Rating : 4.5 Out of 5
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#2 Scala and Spark for Big Data and Machine Learning – Udemy
Jose Portilla is the creator of this course called Spark and Scala for Big Data and Machine Learning. He was experienced in Programming and Data Science. More than 735k+ students trained by him. He will teach the latest Big Data Technology which includes Spark DataFrames. He will available 24/7 to clear your doubts regarding this course. It is also useful to create Machine Learning Models with Spark Scala programming language. 17k+ students enrolled to learn this course. You will be certified professional after completion of this course. Jose trained the students in simple method and in a easy way. You will be expert in Spark Scala by taking this course. This course offers you 10 hours video and 12 articles with full lifetime access.
Key Points:
- You can learn how to use Scala and Spark for processing Datasets and programming. Analyzing Big Data also be trained in this course by using Spark and Scala.
- Latest technologies like Spark’s MLlib, Spark DataFrames, Spark SQL also be learned by taking this course.
- Understanding of using Spark on AWS and using of Spark’s MLlib for Machine Learning. Big Data Ecosystem also be learned by the trainer.
- Installation of Spark and scala on your Windows Machine and Learning of IDEs for Spark and Scala from various methods.
- You will learn how Machine Learning is performed to clear E Commerce problems and Financial issues.
- Big Data Technologies and Large Datasets also learned by using Scala and Spark for Big Data and Machine Learning.
Rating : 4.5 Out of 5
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#3 Apache Spark 2 with Scala – Hands On with Big Data! – Udemy
Apache spark is created by sundog Education by Frank Kane. Frank Kane was the founder and he has 9 years of experience in developing and technology management. He has nearly 120k students. Some of the fields like Data Mining and Machine Learning for 17 issued patents holded by the frank. He is passionate of giving training with real life examples. More than 28k students enrolled to learn this course. This team help you to improve your skills in Apache Spark with Scala. You will certified after completion of this course. They will help you to come out with your doubts regarding this course by 24 hours. This course offers you 8 hours video and 2 article with full lifetime access.
Key Points:
- Apache spark is an Cluster Computing Framework.You can learn how Spark SQL and Data Frames are used for the transformation of structured Data.
- Problem analyzation on Apache Spark Scripts from Big data Frames also be trained in this course.
- You can learn how to run Spark scripts on Hadoop Clusters and also building of Spark Scripts. Using GraphX you can also analyze and traverse the Graph Structures.
- By using Scala language you can learn how to develop the distributed Code. They gives training on other Spark Technologies like Spark Streaming, DataFrames and DataSets.
- Running of Spark on Cluster by this using Spark-Submit also be learned in this course. With SQL Query string you can learn functioning of social network data.
- They will teach you the concepts like Distributed computing and Distributed Datastores. Implementation of Algorithms also be learned by this Spark Scripts.
Rating : 4.2 Out of 5
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#4 Taming Big Data with Spark Streaming and Scala – Hands On! – Udemy
Sundog Education by Frank Kane is the creator of this course called Spark Streaming. Frank experienced as a trainer in Spark streaming. You will be well trained in Machine Learning, Data Science and Big Data. Kane owned a company as a Frank’s company by Sundog Software LLC. 156k students trained with Sundog Education. Mostly the trainer focus on your understanding levels with the subject then he will train you accordingly. More than 10k students enrolled to learn this course. Regarding this course if you have any queries you can ask, instructor will available 24/7 in live chat. Certificate is given to you after the course completion. This team offers you 7 hours video and 2 articles with full lifetime access.
Key Points:
- This course helps you learning of creating Spark Application by using Scala Programming Language and using of Spark 2’s structured streaming API.
- Integration of Spark Streaming with Spark SQL will also be learn in this course. Data Sources including Flume and Kafka also be integrated by Spark Streaming.
- You can learn how to analyze streaming data by sliding windows. Spark streaming is useful to build fault-tolerant streaming applications.
- He will explain you about the fundamentals in Spark Streaming like RDD called as Resilient Distributed Database and how it works in Spark Scripts.
- Ingesting Log Data and accessing Apache, Streams transforming also learned in this course.
- Training will be given in Machine Learning models with Big Data and learning of massive streams in cluster with Apache Spark Streaming.
Rating : 4.1 Out of 5
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#5 Apache Spark with Scala By Example – Udemy
Apache spark with Scala Programming is created by Todd McGrath. He is a Software Developer and Menter. McGrath has a record as a Data Engineer. Todd teach you with real time examples which will you understands in easy manner. By taking this course you will be advanced in Spark skills and be a more Productive. More than 2k students enrolled to learn this course. After completion of this course you will be certified as a Scala Programmer. Manipulating Apache Spark is more useful for Data Scientist. He available you 24 hours to clear your queries. This course offers you 3 hours video and 6 articles with full lifetime access.
Key Points:
- Fundamentals of Apache Spark DataSets are learned from this course and you learn how to Design Core principles.
- You get knowledge on deploying and exploring of Apache Spark by taking this course. Preparation of Spark Environment also be learned in this course.
- He will teach you some of the concepts like Machine Learning, Spark SQL and Spark MLlib. Exploration of Spark SQL with Data Sources like CSV, JSON and MYSQL database.
- You will also learn about Scala Ecosystem such as SBT Plugins. Making of packages to the Spark also be learned in this course.
- Inserting Spark Command and its uses also taught in this course. Custom Spark Streaming Application with Slack Configuration also be learned in this course.
- You can also learn how to predict Machine Learning on Data arrives from a Spark Streaming Source.
Rating : 4.4 Out of 5
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
Conclusion :
You will be professional in Spark and Scala after taking this course. This course gets your hands on to real live data applications. Spark and Scala is one of the first industrial uses of functional ideas. You feel comfortable putting Spark and Scala on your resume after completion of this course. Most of the companies like Amazon, Ebay and Yahoo uses this Spark in various methods. Drop a comment if you have any other queries. You have 24/7 online support team available to help you with any technical queries you may have during the course. Feel pleasure to share with your friends.
Best Scala and Spark Books:
#1 Programming in Scala: Updated for Scala 2.12 3rd Edition by Martin Odersky
#2 Scala Programming Projects: Build real world projects using popular Scala frameworks like Play, Akka, and Spark by Mikael Valot & Nicolas Jorand
#3 High Performance Spark: Best Practices for Scaling and Optimizing Apache Spark 1st Edition by Holden Karau
#4 Professional Scala 1st Edition by Janek Bogucki