Table of Contents
#1 Data Structures and Algorithms Specialization by UC San Diego & HSC – Coursera
Daniel M Kane, Pavel Pevzner are the creators of this course called data structures and algorithms from . They are the assistant professors in the field of data structures and algorithms specialization. The will teach you in good way and they will cover all the topics in this course. They will teach you with both theoretical and practical way. You can ask any queries regarding this course they will be available for 24×7 to clarify your doubts. They will teach you the different algorithm techniques to solve any problems by your own.
Key points:
- In this course they will explain you about the fundamentals of different Algorithms techniques for different problems in a practical way like, how to divide the big problem in to pieces and how to sort and search the problems.
- Then they will introduce about the data structures which allows to manipulate the data by using different algorithms.
- In this course you will learn different concepts like Amortized Analysis and Dynamic Arrays.
- And also you can understand what is Priority Queues, Disjoint Sets, Hash Tables, Binary Search Trees and more.
- From this course they will teach you about the graphs and algorithms. You can learn how to use graphs in real situations.
- You will learn about typical applications like finding the disjoint paths, optimal matchings, segmentation in computer visions etc.
- You know many string algorithms to search for the efficient information and search engines etc.
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
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#2 Algorithms Specialization by Stanford University- Coursera
The Team of Stanford was created this course called Specialization of Algorithms. Tim Roughgarden is one of the Professors who taught this course. In this course he will explain about each and every topic deeply and in easy way. He will explain from the introduction of algorithms and makes you to become expert in Algorithms and from this you can attend the coding interviews more confidently. So after the completion of this course you will the certification. If you have knowledge in any programming language then it is easy to learn this course because you can able to solve the problems by your own.
Key points:
- In this course he will explain the main and important concepts in this algorithms called Searching and sorting, Divide and conquer (integer, closest pair, master method etc) and random algorithms like, Quick sort, bubble sort Merge Sort etc.
- In this course he will explain about some data structure concepts like, bloom filters, Hash Tables, BATs, heap, balanced search trees etc and algorithms and also the concepts of graphs, shortest paths, connectivity etc
- The main Concepts of this Specialisation is huffman coding, clustering greedy algorithms, Minimum Spanning trees etc. you can understand each and every topic clearly.
- From greedy algorithms you will learn clustering hamming codes, scheduling, spanning trees and from dynamic programming you will learn the topics like optimal search trees, sequence alignment, knapsack etc.
- You will learn the topics of shortest paths like bellman ford, local search, floyd warshall, heuristic analysis and more.
Rating: 4.8 Out of 5
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#3 Data Structures by UC San Diego & HSC – Coursera
The instructor of this course is Alexander S. Kulikov, Michael Levin, Daniel M Kane. all together come from the computer science department and they will teach in a efficient way with simple logics so that students can understand easily. instructors will teach you about the implementation of the data structures and algorithms and how to use these algorithms and Data structure in writing the programs. From taking this course you can confidently go to the coding interviews because you will get practice here with real time examples. After the completion of this course you will get the certification.
Key Points:
- In this course you can learn about the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms that, where it is used and when to use to solve many real world problems.
- They will teach you the topics like, Dynamic arrays, amortized analysis and the use of this Amortized analysis is to analyse the algorithms performance when it gives the unsatisfactory results.
- They will discuss the common topics present in this course is Queue, stack, Trees etc.
- From this course you will come to know about how to write code more efficiently how it is useful for the future by using Priority and Disjoint sets.
- And also you will gain knowledge in topics of BSTs, Hash tables, and basic knowledge in programming languages like, C, python which is provided by these instructors.
- You can learn how to overcome the real time problems by using data structures and algorithms.
Rating: 4.7 Out of 5
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#4 Algorithms, Part I by Princeton University- Coursera
Kevin Wayne is the creator of this course called Algorithms. He is the Senior Lecturer at Princeton University in the Field of Computer Science. He is very much interested in Algorithms topic especially for discrete Optimisation and Graphs. He will teach in a good way and understandable Manner so that students can become Expert in this topic. In this course he will covers all the topics like, Sorting, Elementary and Searching of Data structures and Algorithms starting from the Basics. You may also get knowledge in Java programming. After the completion of this course you can get the Certification.
Key Points:
- In this Course initially he will start teaching from the Introduction of the Algorithms and Data Structures.
- He will teach how to analyse and Implement the Algorithms and Data Structures and Sorting (two types called Selection and Insertion Sorting ) topics like, Quicksort, Merge Sort etc.
- You can understand the two important Data types called Stack and Queue. You can learn how to implement the Stack and Queue for various Applications.
- From this course you will come to know the different topic called Heap Sort Data Structure which is an efficient Sorting Algorithm.
- You can learn about the Balanced Search Trees which is used to build a Symbols tables. And also you will come to know about two types of BSTs called red-black BSTs and B-tresss to implement the Binary Search Trees and different File systems along with Applications.
- He will discuss about one of the important topics called Hash tables which is Implemented in Java language along with its unique properties
Rating: 4.9 out of 5
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#5 Practical Data Structures & Algorithms in Java + HW – Udemy
The instructor of this Course is Imtiaz Ahmad. He is the founder of Job ready Programmer and also he has 13+ years experience in Software field he developed programs in Java, C, python etc. 94k+ students are learning from this instructor. He will teach in most efficient way so that the students can become good Software developers from his training. In this course he will explain about the implementation of Data structures and Algorithms using Java Programming language to students who has zero knowledge in this course. Nearly 12k+ students are enrolled to learn this course. The Instructor offers the 11.5 hours on demand video with 2 articles and full lifetime access.
Key Points:
- In this course he will teach each and every topic present in this Course from the beginning. And also you can get some Idea about the tools which is used in this topic.
- He will explain how to use algorithm, where to use and when to use with some of the real time examples so that you can able to solve the Complex problems based on time and space.
- He will cover all the topics in data structures and algorithms like Stack, Queues,searching, sorting like insertion sort and selection sort, trees.
- If you the basics of some programming them it is little easy to learn this course. You will learn the concepts like graph, hash tables, heap data structures, sorting algorithms, searching algorithms, data structures, linked lists etc.
Rating: 4.5 Out of 5
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#6 The Coding Interview Bootcamp: Algorithms + Data Structures – Udemy
Stephen Grider is the creator of this course called algorithms and data structures. He is an engineering Architect. He is an udemy instructor and he will explain you with simple logics and in easy way. More than 250k+ students are learning from him. He will be available for you at 24 hours to ask your queries regarding this course. In this course he will teach you coding in javascript by using Data structures and algorithms. Nearly 26k students are enrolled to learn from this course. You can get the certification after the completion of the course. He offers you the 13 hours on demand video and 4 articles with full time access to learn this course.
Key points:
- In this course he will explains you about the introduction of algorithms and Data structures to write code in javascript.
- You can understand how to develop web development by using Data structures.
- You can learn how to solve the real time problems in javascript by using different algorithms.
- You can practice different challenges to become a good interviewer and also you can understand each trick and how it is used in javascript.
- You can learn the different reverse strings concepts and different strategies are used to tackle the system design problems.
- You will learn about string reversal, palindromes, integer reversing, max chars character maps, problem statements of array chunk, anagrams etc.
- You will also understand the capitalization, steps of printing, pyramids, general matrix spirals, finding of vowels etc.
Rating: 4.6 out of 5
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#7 Data Structures & Algorithms – Interview – Udemy
Ds Guy is the Creator of this course called Data Structures and Algorithms with Java. He is the Instructor of Algorithms in Udemy. He was worked in Software industry for 7 years and later he Started giving Data Structures and Algorithms Training to the Students. He will Explain with simple logics so that students can understand easily. From this course he will shares his complete knowledge in this topic so that you can become expert in this. He will cover all the topics present in this course. After completion of this course, you can get the certification. Ds Guy Offers you the 10 hours On demand Video with full time Access.
Key points:
- In this course, he will start teaching from the Foundations of the data Structures and Algorithms if you are a beginner.
- You can implement the Data structures in java by getting the complete information and knowledge in Data structures.
- From this course you can able to solve the time and Space complex problems easily from the real time examples.
- You will come to know about the java coding and how to write programs and some of the topics like Arrays
- If you have some basic knowledge in java programming, then it is easy to you to learn Algorithms and data structures in better way.
- You will about the notations, types of arrays, creation of arrays, 2D array operations, linkedlist types, stack, queue, binary tree, recursion, AVL tree etc.
Rating: 4.9 out of 5
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#8 Algorithms and Data Structures in Python – Udemy
Holczer Balazs is the instructor of this course called Data Structures and Algorithms in Python. He is a software engineer, researcher and developer in data Structures and Algorithms in java and python. He will teach you each and every topic present in this course. You can easily understand from his training. Nearly he has 78k students to learn this course. In this course he will explain about the implementation of the data structures and and Algorithms from the scratch. You can get the certification after the completion of the course. Nearly 6k students are enrolled to learn this course. Holczer Balazs offers you the 14.5 hours demand video with 14 articles and full lifetime access.
Key points:
- In this course he will train you from the basic level of the Algorithms and data structures in order to get good command in this. So that you can implement the problems by your own in python programming.
- From this course you may learn about the data structure topics like, Queues, Stack, BSTs, Linked lists, heaps, and some of the topics like AVL trees and red black trees.
- And also you can know some of the Algorithms topics like graphs, Graph Algorithms, shortest path algorithms and and Spanning trees etc.
- The instructor discuss the above topics completely with real time examples so that you be able to solve the real time problems by using data structures and algorithms.
- You can understand the sorting Algorithms like counting sort, insertion sort, quick sort, bubble sort, Merge sort, Radix sort etc and where and when to use these algorithms
- From this course you can understand the detection and correction of inefficient code.
Rating: 4.3 out of 5
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#9 Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java – Udemy
Tim Buchalka and Sarah Ettritch is the creators of this course called Data Structures and Algorithms using java. Tim Buchalka has created the Learn Programming Academy. Both the instructors has 10+ years experience as a software developers. From this course you may learn each and every concept present in this course .The will start teaching from the 13k+ students are enrolled to learn this courses. After the completion of this course you will get the certification. The instructors offers the 16 hours On demand Video and 2 articles with full lifetime Access.
Key points:
- In this course they will explain the basic fundamentals of data structures and algorithms so that you can easily solve the problems by your own
- If you have some knowledge in some programming language the it is little easy to learn because you need to write code by using this algorithms and data structures.
- They will teach the concepts that are present in this course like linked lists, arrays applications, sorting applications, Trees, Hash Tables, Stacks, Queues, Search Algorithms etc.
- You can also get some knowledge in programming languages like Java and python.
- From this course you will come to know how to use algorithms and data structures in coding and how to solve the real world problems using algorithms and data structures efficiently.
- You will learn the concepts like binary search algorithm, linear search algorithm and you will also know how to insert the binary trees, insertion of heap etc.
Rating: 4.4 out of 5
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#10 Data Structure and Algorithms Analysis – Job Interview – Udemy
Hussein Al Rubaye is the Creator of this course called analysis of data structures and algorithms. He is the software engineer and a developer. He will train you like a gem and you can attend for interviews with more confident by his training. He helps you to improve your programming skills. 100k+ students are learning his courses. One of the course is data structures and algorithms you will become an expert in this course. In this course he will teach how to write code faster and in efficient way by using less memory. 29k+ students are enrolled to learn this course. The instructors offers the 10 hours on demand video and 2 articles with full time access.
Key points:
- In this course he will teach you the basics of algorithms and data structures and later he will explain how to write code in efficient manner.
- You can understand how to write a code in short period and how to solve problems by using algorithms
- You will come to know how to implement data structures and algorithms and apply these algorithms and data structures for problems in java and python programming language.
- And also you can find the complex problems and solve easily by this course. You will learn the data structure concepts like one and two dimensional arrays, dynamic array, linked list, hash tables, stack, priority queues, graph theory, sorting algorithms etc.
- You will also know about the concepts of dynamic programming, short path in graph theory and you also know how to edit the distance etc.
Rating: 4.1 out of 5
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Data Structures and Algorithms are used to solve the Complex problems. This Course makes you a good developer. Above we’ve shown you some of the Best Algorithms and Data Structures Online Courses. If you are interested in this, then you can choose any course which is suitable for you. At the end of the course you will get the Certificate with your name. And you can add this Certification in your resume that will help you & for your Future. If you like this Article and if you feel it is helpful to you & for your career then please share this with your friends in facebook,whatsapp, twitter etc. If you have any queries about this article you can ask in comment Section.
Best Data Structures and Algorithms Books
#1 Data Structures and Algorithms Made Easy: Data Structure and Algorithmic Puzzles 2nd Edition by Narasimha Karumanchi
#2 Data Structures & Algorithms in Java 2nd Edition by Robert Lafore
#3 Data Structures and Algorithms in Java 6th Edition by Michael T. Goodrich
#4 Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java (3rd Edition) 3rd Edition by Mark A. Weiss
#5 Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures Using Python SECOND EDITION 2nd Edition by Bradley N. Miller
#6 Data Structures and Algorithms 1st Edition by Alfred V.Aho