Blockchain is a distributed and decentralized database, which is existed in multiple computers. Blockchain will support the digital currency. If you are seeking for the best Blockchain online courses, this is more advantageous place to select the course. Here you will come to know the mechanism and structure of Bitcoin, Multichain, Ethereum and Hyperledger blockchains. You will understand the basics of Blockchain, Smart contracts, Decentralized applications and Blockchain platforms. You will come to know about cryptography, cryptocurrency, digital signatures, distributed networks, Bitcoin transactions, Ethereum ecosystems and so on. There are many online courses to learn Blockchain, from those our panel of experts selected some Best Block Chain Online Courses which are listed below.
Table of Contents
#1 Become a Blockchain Developer – Udacity
To become a best blockchain developer, then you people must take this Blockchain Development nanodegree online course which was offered by Udacity. Brandy Camacho, Jessica Lin, Jeo Nyzio, Rachna Ralhan, PK Rasam, Nik Kalyani and Elena Nadolinski are the instructors of this nanodegree online course. You will understand the fundamentals of block and you can able to create private blockchain and can able to secure the digital asset by using the blockchain identity. Students will understand the concepts like blockchain architecture, ethereum smart contracts, Dapps and tokens and so on.
Key points:
- Creation of your own Private Blockchain is the first project, here you will learn the topics like blockchain basics, blockchain transaction management, digital assets on blockchain, bitcoin core testnet and so on.
- Build Cryptostar Dapp on Ethereum is project-2, from this project students will understand the topics like smart contract with solidity, ethereum Dapp, development tools, ethereum fundamentals etc.
- Ethereum Dapp for Tracking items through supply chain is third project, from this you are able to learn the topics like privacy of blockchain, planning of blockchain solutions, architecture security and management of risks etc.
- Flight Delay insurance Dapp is the last project, here you will understand the topics like autonomous smart contracts, multiparty control and payments with the smart contracts and handling the smart contract payments.
- You are able to use all the new skills that what you are acquired from above projects for building the capstone project. Students are able to implement ZK-snarks by utilizing the zokarates frameworks.
Rating: 4.6 Out of 5
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#2 Blockchain Specialization by The State University of New York- Coursera
The State University of New York and University at Buffalo are the creators of this course called Blockchain Specialization. Highly Experienced teaching Professor Bina Ramamurthy teach you this course. Here more than 468k students are registered for this course. If you have any queries regarding to this course you can ask them and they supports you and clear your queries. Course completion certificate is given after the completion of your training. Some other courses like Solidity Programming, Peer-Peer Transactions, Algorithm and Blockchain Transactions. By using Ethereum Protocol you can learn how to develop the Applications and Programming. The basic topics of Blockchain and its components BlockHeader are learned in this course.
Key Points:
- Creation of Nodes and Accounts are learned in this course and you can how to work with Virtual Machine Image and Blockchain Transactions.
- They teach you the Operational aspects of Blockchain Bitcoin, Techniques using algorithms, Consensus Protocol and how the Payment Model is used to execute the code.
- The basics of Smart Contracts and Solidity, using of Smart Contract they makes you learn how to design a solidity Programming also learned in this course.
- Development of End-End Decentralized applications and Truffle Commands like Compile, Testing Dapp and Parameters are learned in this course.
- You learn some of the concepts like Application Models, Microsoft Azure’s Blockchain, Hashgraph, Scalability, Dapps Platforms, Interplanetary File System(IPFS) and Solidity Features.
- You will understand about the blockchain, block mining and its transactions. You will also learn how to design, coding, deploying and executing the smart contract.
Rating : 4.5 Out of 5
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#3 Blockchain Certification Training – Edureka
Edureka is the creator of this course. At Edureka well experienced trainers with 12 years IT experience teach you the concepts in a simple method. Some of the topics like Ethereum, Hyperledger Composer and Multichain Platforms. After getting trained in this course you will become as a Blockchain Developer. At the end of the course you will get course completion certificate. If you have queries regarding to this course you an ask this team they will help you and clear you queries and they available you 24/7 in live chat. You can learn how to create Business Network and how to develop Smart Contracts by using Solidity Programming Language you can learn.
Key Points:
- In this course you learn about Blockchain Ecosystem, Structure of a Blockchain, Key Vocabulary and Blockchain Technology working.
- This team teach you how to sell and buy Bitcoins and storing of Bitcoins. In Bitcoins concept Scripting Language and its applications also be learned in this course.
- Creation of Paper Wallet, how to set up Bitcoins, Cloud Mining working with Bitcoin, Use of Algorithm in Mining and centralizations also be learned in this course.
- Bitcoin Mining Software installation, Ether types and Optimization are explained in this course. Ether Transformation, public and private Blockchains, use of Libraries, Application Model and Debugging of Ethereum also be learned in this course.
- Some of the concepts like Global variables, Network Topology, Hyperledger, Round Robin Mining, Transaction MetaData, Inheritance, Native Assets, Hyperledger Fabric Model and Exploration of Frameworks also discussed in this course.
Rating : 4.7 Out of 5
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#4 Blockchain A-Z™: Learn How To Build Your First Blockchain – Udemy
Hadelin Ponteves, Kirill Eremenko and SuperDataScience Team are the creators of this course called Blockchain. Hadelin is an Artificial Intelligence Entrepreneur and implemented some Machine Learning Models for Business analytics and he has trained nearly 414k students. Kirill is an Data Scientist with 5 years of experience in retail and Transport Industries and he has nearly 610k students. SuperDataScience Team published some of the courses like Blogs, Podcasts and more. This team has nearly 566k students. More than 17k students are enrolled to learn this course. They teach you in simple manner and if you have any queries regarding to this course you can ask your queries and they will be available 24/7 in live chat. By the end of the training they will provide you a certificate. This team offers you 15 hours video and 9 articles with full Lifetime access.
Key Points:
- First they explain you about introduction to Blockchain and creation of Blockchain. Creation of Smart Contracts also be learned in this course.
- They make you to understand the concepts of Distributed P2P Network, SHA256-Hash, Immutable Ledger and Byzantine Fault Tolerance(Dependability of a fault tolerant computer system).
- You can learn how to create Cryptocurrency and its applications, creation of Smart Contract also be learned in this course.
- Some of the topics like Bitcoin, Mining Pools, Virtual tour of a Bitcoin Mine, Orphaned Blocks, Ethereum, Alt Coins like Cardeno, Neo and Stellar Soft and Hard Forks and how it was working also be learned in this course.
- This course makes you learn working of Wallets and about Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets(HDW) and they discuss about Segregated witness(SegWit), Decentralized Applications(Dapps), Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAOs) and Initial Coin Offering (ICOs).
Rating : 4.5 Out of 5
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#5 Blockchain and Bitcoin Fundamentals – Udemy
George Levy is the creator of this course called Blockchain and Bitcoin. He is an Certified Instructor on Cryptocurrency at Blockchain Institute of Technology. Here total 41k students are registered for this course. He explains you in a simple manner to get the concept. If you have any queries regarding to this course, you can ask them and they available you to clear your queries. Course completion certificate is provided at the end of the training. Some of the courses like Cryptocurrency, Digital Tokens, Smart Contracts and Coinbase Transaction. This course offers you 3 hours video and 2 articles with Full Lifetime access
Key Points:
- By using Cryptography you can learn how to create the units of Bitcoins and How Bitcoins are transferred by verifying between Parties.
- In the Bitcoin Mining by using SHA-256 Hash Function they make you learn how the Block is secured on the Bitcoin Blockchain.
- You can learn how Bitcoin is started and how it was came in to existence and more about Bitcoin Key Concepts.
- Uses of Blockchain Tokens also called as Digital Tokens and the value of Blockchain which includes Cryptocurrency and Smart Contracts.
- In Blockchain Technology DAOs and DACs are most important concepts are explained in this course.
- Bitcoin Cash is an newly created Cryptocurrency and working of it to Bitcoin also learned in this course.
- Some of the topics such as Merkle Trees Data Structure, Bitcoin Wallet, conversion of Bitcoins in to Local Fiat like dollars, Hash Functions and more.
Rating : 4.2 Out of 5
You can Signup here <=> ClickHere
There is a huge demand for Block Chain in the job world. By learning the Block Chain you will get many job opportunities like Block Chain developer, Block Chain engineer etc. If you like to do this Block Chain Online Courses, you can select the best course from the above listed courses. From this course will learn the concepts like transaction metadata, round robin mining and you will understand how to set privacy, permissions in multichain Block chain, Hyperledger architecture, application model, network topology, applications of Bitcoin script, nodes and networks in Bitcoin etc. You can add this certification in resume. If this article is helpful to you, then it with your friends, co-workers and also in twitter, facebook, linkedIn.
Best Block Chain Books:
#1 Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, and the World by Don Tapscott
#2 Mastering Bitcoin: Programming the Open Blockchain by Andreas M. Antonopoulos
#3 The Business Blockchain: Promise, Practice, and Application of the Next Internet Technology by William Mougayar
#4 Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps by Daniel Drescher
#5 Blockchain For Dummies (For Dummies (Computers)) by Tiana Laurence
#6 Blockchain: Discover the Technology behind Smart Contracts, Wallets, Mining and Cryptocurrency (including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Digibyte and Others) by Abraham K White