Now a days Android Development is having huge demand. If you are searching for The Best Android Online Courses then this is the right place to select best course. About Android app development, Android N development, fundamentals of Android, DDMS, activity lifecycle, about Android O, about Android app development by using Java programming language and etc. all this topics will be covered in below courses. This courses are more useful for your career. At present we are seeing many Android Development online courses in the world. From all the courses, our expert Panel picked some Best Android Development online courses and those courses are listed below.
Table of Contents
#1 Become an Android Developer – Udacity
The Android Development nanodegree online course was created by Udacity. James Williams, Reto Meier, Dan Galpin, Jocelyn Becker, Katherine Kuan, Lyla Fujiwara, Jennie Kim Eldon, Jessica Lin, Asser Samak, Nikita Gamolsky, Cezanne Camacho, Jeremy Silver and Jose Nieto are the instructors of this nanodegree program. After this nanodegree program students will become professionals in android developer. Instructors will explain that how to develop the android apps, Gradle for android and the Java, material designs for android developers. Instructors will provide the certificate of completion and handson projects.
Key points:
- Sandwich club app is the project-1, here you will understand the topics like creation of new project in the android studio by mock data and connecting the project to the internet.
- From the second project students will understand that how to fetch the data from internet by utilizing the movie database API, know how to use the custom list layout and adapters for populating the list views etc.
- From the third project, here you will understand the concepts like background tasks, content providers, preferences in app settings, android app architecture, frameworks for handling android lifecycle etc.
- Baking app is fourth project. Here students will understand the concepts like how to use media player to display the videos, errors handling in android, widgets, espresso, fragments etc.
- From the fifth project students are able to learn the gradle fundamentals, gradle for Java and android, custom tasks and advanced android builds.
- Make your app material is the sixth project, here instructors will explain about the fundamentals of android design, surfaces, constraint layouts, adaptive design etc.
- From seventh project you will learn an application description, UI flow mocks etc. from the eighth project you will understand how to demonstrate the acquired skills in the projects.
Rating: 4.8 Out of 5
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#2 Android App Development Certification Training-Edureka
Edureka is one of the best website which will teach you about Android app development. In this course you will be trained with best Android professionals. After completing the course they will also provide you certificate with your name. This online course is certified by the Google. This course is suitable for the people who want to build a mobile applications. They will also teach you about how to integrate mobile apps in social media like, Facebook, twitter etc. by learning this course you can build your own projects. While building projects if you get any doubts then you can ask them any time because they will respond you at any time. You will learn about all Android development tools like DDMS, activity lifecycle and etc.
Key points:
- They will teach you about basic architecture of Android platform and also about Android application tools. You will learn about by using visual tools how to create user interface and you will also learn about how to code for Android apps.
- They will teach you about by using multiple activities how to build your own applications and you will also learn about how to share the information with multiple activities.
- You will also learn the concepts of RecyclerView, GridView and ListView. They will teach you different types of animations which are available in Android system and you will also learn about how to build Android applications by using animations.
- They will teach you how to implement SOAP services and you will also learn about API of Android framework.
Rating : 4.5 out of 5
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#3 Android App Development Specialization by Vanderbilt University – Coursera
Dr. Douglas C. Schmidt, Michael Walker, Dr. Julie L. Johnson, Dr. Jerry Roth and Dr. C. Jules White are the team who will teach about Android app development. They will give you complete knowledge and skills for developing mobile apps. You will also learn about feature of Java programming language and also about fundamentals of Java. they will teach you about core Android components and also about persistence mechanisms. By learning this course you can develop your own apps and you can also build your own projects. The complete course is divided into five courses.
Key points:
- In the course one they will teach you how to use Java programming language for Android apps. You will understand that Java is used in android for developing the applications.
- In second course you will learn about components of Android apps. The components are like, intents, broadcast receiver etc. you will learn how to program the core android development to currency frameworks of android.
- In third course they will teach you about services, content providers and etc.
- In course four you will learn about how the Engineering will Maintain the Android Apps. from this course you will learn how to maintain the apps and learn how to run the unit test by using Junit.
- In fifth course you will learn about how to develop Android apps. From this course you will learn how to create the android apps and you will also learn the special features like android activity, service, content provider components etc.
Rating : 4.5 out of 5
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#4 Android Basics by Google – Udacity
The Android Basics by Google nanodegree program was created by Udacity. Katherine Kuan, Jessica Lin, Jennie Kim Eldon, Asser Samak, Lyla Fujiwara, Joe Lewis, Vicky Tu and Chris Lei are the trainers of this nanodegree program. Here students will gain this nanodegree program certificate. Here you people will understand the concepts such as basics of android, user interface, user input, multi screen applications and networking. You can enhance your knowledge and skills by building the real world projects. You people are able to develop the android applications after this nanodegree program.
Key points:
- Build a single screen app is the project-1, from this project you will understand the topics like creation of basic structure of single screen app, grouping the layouts for more creativity, designing and implementing the single screen applications etc.
- Scorekeeper app is the second project, here students will understand the topics such as views updating, creation of interactive layouts by using the buttons, creation of interactive user experience etc.
- From third project students will understand that how to plan the app design before coding, creating, styling and positioning the views, creation of object in the Java, creation of interactivity by the Java code and buttons click etc.
- Musical structure app is the fourth projet, here you will learn about the creation of new activities and custom class, Java break interfaces, loops, arrays, intents etc.
- Tour guide app is the fifth project, from this project instructors will teach about the images and visual polish, fragments, activity lifecycle, handling of images, building the layouts and so on.
- From the sixth project, you will understand the topics such as handling of errors, connecting to the API, Json parsing, HTTP networking, how to use parallelism and threads and so on.
Rating: 4.8 Out of 5
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#5 The Complete Android N Developer Course-Udemy
Rob Percival and Marc Stock are the Instructors on Udemy. Rob Percival is also an web developer and he have a degree in Mathematics from Cambridge University. Rob Percival is also the founder of Codestars. Marc Stock is an mobile game app designer and also an app marketer. From 2008, Marc started App Promote Ology Online Course and he is also an Monetization Business. In this course they both will teach you about complete Android N development. They will teach you how to build apps in Android 7 including whatsapp, Uber etc. 90K+ students enrolled their names to learn this course. They will teach you about advanced features of Android. To learn this course no need of any previous knowledge and no need of any previous experience. You will learn how to build the apps for Androids by using Java language. It is having 47 downloadable resource, 106 articles, 32 hours on demand videos and it is also having full lifetime access.
Key points:
- You will learn the procedure that how to install the android studio in the windows. You will learn about how to build android apps with your imagination. Instructor will also teach about Java.
- From this course you will learn the layouts, fading animations, grid layouts and you will know how control the audio in android studio.
- They will teach you how to create the apps and also how to upload the created apps in Google play list. From advanced features of android you will learn the time table apps, brain trainer app, string manipulation etc.
- You will also learn about instagram clone, uber clone, maps, geolocations, twitter clone, setting the marketing website etc.
Rating : 4.4 out of 5
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#6 Android O & Java – The Complete Android Development Bootcamp-Udemy
Philipp Muellauer is an Android developer and also a instructor in Udemy. He is expert in Java, VBA, R and swift. He will teach you about how to build the apps and also how to code the apps without any knowledge on programming. He was trained 23k+ students. In this course he is going teach you about Java and also about Android O. you will learn complete concept of Android development Bootcamp. He will teach you how to code the Android O projects in Java programming language. He will also teach you how to build musical apps. To learn this course no need of any previous experience. You will also learn about how to work with data structures. He will also teach you about how the networking will works in Android. It is having 17 downloadable videos, 61 articles, 20 hours on demand videos and it is also having lifetime access.
Key points:
- In this course you will about how to build any Android apps and you will develop the apps by using data types, variables and arrays. You will also learn the Java language.
- Philipp will teach you about how to build the apps for business. Here you will understand how to build the music app.
- You will learn that how to build the whatsapp clone and know how to use the cloud for data storage. And you will also know all the fundamentals of user experience and user interface designs for mobiles.
- He will also teach you about Object Oriented Programming and also about software design in apps.
Rating : 4.5 out of 5
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#7 The Complete Android & Java Developer Course – Build 21 Apps-Udemy
Paulo Dichone and Fahd Sheraz are the instructors on Udemy. Paulo Dichone is a Java developer and web developer. He have a good experience on Android App Development, web development and mobile app development. He have a degree in Computer Science from Whitworth University. He is also the founder of Magadistudio. Fahd Sheraz is a web developer and software engineer. He will also develop the mobile apps and web programs. He completed his MSc degree in Computer Science from Birmingham, United Kingdom. He is having 23 years of experience as a web developer. In this course they both will teach you all the concepts of Android development and also about Java development. Here 24K+ students enrolled their names to learn this course. By learning this course you can build your own apps. It is having 4 downloadable resources, 80 articles, 56 hours demand videos and it is also having full lifetime access.
Key points:
- They will teach you about Java programmings and also about Android developments. You will learn how to build Android apps by using Java and you will also learn how to upload those apps in to Google play list.
- They will give training in visual training method. So you can learn this course very easily. You will also learn from scratch how to build 21 different Java apps and Android apps.
- You will also learn how to write programs in Java. trainers will also teach you about concept of APIs, databases and web services and they will also teach you how to work with them.
- They will also teach you about different tools which are used to build Android apps.
Rating : 4.4 out of 5
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#8 The Complete Android + Java Developer Course™ : 85 Apps-Udemy
Morteza Kordi and Samy Mkacher are the instructors on Udemy. Morteza Kordi is also a programmer, app developer and designer. He is also having good experience on developing mobile apps and also on teaching. He was trained 44K+ students. Samy Mkacher will teach about computer science and also about humanities. He graduated his Master of Research in Logics & Epistemology from the Sorbonne, Paris. He is expert on teaching programming languages like, Java, C, C++ and Python. He was trained 133K+ students. In this course instructors will cover all the concepts of Android and also about Java programming language. You will also learn about advanced Android development. To learn this course no need of any previous knowledge. This course is suitable for the people who want to become a programming expert. It is having 53 downloadable resources, 17 articles, 97 hours on demand videos and it is also having full lifetime access.
Key points:
- By learning this course you can build your own Java applications and also android applications. You will learn how to install the Java, android studio softwares into systems.
- You will learn all the basics and advanced concepts of Java programming. You can also become a Android developer by learning this course. You know how to set the servers.
- They will teach you how to build great Android applications and you will learn the master animations in android.
- By learning this course you can build your own mobile apps. They will also teach you about latest Android APIs and also about its services.
Rating : 4.3 out of 5
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Android Development is good for your professional career path. By learning about Android development you will get best jobs in Software companies. Some of the best Android Development online courses are shown above. Everyone will provide you Certification with your name at the end of your course. You can add this certificate to your resume to get more weightage. If you have interest to learn about Android Development then you can check all the courses and then you can pick any course which will be suitable for you. If this article is helpful to you , then please do share it with your friends and also in social media. If you have any Queries you can ask in comment box.
Best Android Books
#1 Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (3rd Edition) (Big Nerd Ranch Guides) by Bill Phillips & Team
#2 Android Application Development All-in-One For Dummies, 2nd Edition by Barry A. Burd
#3 Android Programming for Beginners: Learn all the Java and Android skills you need to start making powerful mobile applications by John Horton
#4 Learning Java by Building Android Games: Explore Java Through Mobile Game Development by John Horton
#5 Head First Android Development: A Brain-Friendly Guide 2nd Edition by Dawn Griffiths & David Griffiths
#6 Android 9 Development Cookbook: Over 100 recipes and solutions to solve the most common problems faced by Android developers, 3rd Edition by Rick Boyer
#7 Professional Android 4th Edition by Reto Meier & Ian Lake
#8 Android Cookbook: Problems and Solutions for Android Developers 2nd Edition by Ian F. Darwin
#9 Introduction to Android Application Development: Android Essentials (5th Edition) (Developer’s Library) by Joseph Annuzzi Jr. & Team
#10 Android Application Development Cookbook – Second Edition by Rick Boyer & Kyle Mew