If you are searching for The Best Bigdata Hadoop Online Courses then this is the right place to select best course. The Big Data is useful to store more Data. in Big Data 25 technologies are involved. The 25 technologies are like, HDFS, Hadoop, Pig, Spark, Flume, MapReduce and etc. Hadoop is an open source software to store & access data. This course is more useful for your career. If you have basics of Python and Java then this course is very easy for you to learn. This course is very useful for Big Data engineers and also for Big Data scientists. At present we are seeing many Big Data online courses in the world. From all the courses, our Panel of expert picked some Best Big Data online courses and listed below.
Table of Contents
#1 Become a Data Engineer – Udacity
To become a professional data engineer you must enroll to this online course. Udacity was presented this Data Engineer online course. Amanda Moran, Ben Goldberg, Sameh EL-Ansary, Olli Juvonen, David Drummond, Judit Lantos and Juno lee are the instructors of this online course. Here, you will learn the important concepts of cloud data warehouses, data modeling, data lakes with sparks and automate data pipelines. In this online course instructors will interactive contents for students through videos, handson programs/projects and practice tests etc. from this online course students can able to design the efficient and scalable data warehouses.
Key points:
- Data modelling is the first course, where students can understand the process of creation of NoSQL and relational data models for the data consumers. You will come to know the dis-similarities between the different data models.
- There is also a project in this first course called Data modelling with postgres and apache cassandra.
- Cloud data warehouses is the second course. From this you can understand the topics such as implementation of data warehouses on AWS, introduction of cloud with AWS and so on. Data infrastructure on the cloud is the project in this second course.
- Data lakes with spark is the third course. Here you people will learn the concepts like data wrangling with spark, power of spark, introduction of data spark etc. Big Data with spark is the project of this third course.
- Automate Data pipelines is the fourth course. Here instructors will explain the concepts like data quality, data pipelines and production of data pipelines. You will know that how to run the data quality checks, track data lineage etc.
- Data pipelines with airflow is the project in the fourth course.
Rating: 4.6 Out of 5
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#2 Big Data Specialization by UC San Diego-Coursera
Big Data specialization was created by UC San Diego. Amarnath Gupta, Ilkay Altintas and Mai Nguyen are the team who will teach you about Big Data. by learning the overview of Big Data you can able to take good decision for your business. They will also teach you about Big Data analyze and also about Big Data interpreted. This course is very useful for Big Data engineers and also for Big Data scientists. To learn this course no need of any previous experiences. They will also teach you all the basic of Hadoop, Pig, Hive, Spark and MapReduce. After learning Big Data you can also practice by applying all your skills. They will teach you about Big Data with different modules.
Key points:
- In course one they will teach you, how Big Data is useful and why should you must use Big Data. you will learn the core concepts of big data applications, systems and different problems.
- In course two you will learn about Big Data management system and modeling. You will also learn, who you will store your data in Big Data solution. Here you will learn how to analyze the data and know the different tools and systems like impala, hp vertical, neo4j etc.
- In third course they will teach you about Big Data processing and Big Data integration.
- In fourth course you will learn about machine learning with the help of Big Data.
- In fifth course you will learn Big Data graph analytics.
- In sixth course they will teach you, how to build Capstone project by using Big Data.
Rating : 4.5 out of 5
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#3 Big Data Hadoop Certification Training-Edureka
Edureka is one of the best website which will teach you about big data Hadoop. In this website you will be trained with all professionals. After completing the course they will also provide you certificate with your name. That certificate will be more helpful for your career. In this course they will train you about Big Data Hadoop. By taking this course you will gain complete knowledge about Hadoop ecosystem and also about Big Data. the Hadoop ecosystems are like, Hive, Oozie, Sqoop, HDFS, Pig and etc. social media, aviation and etc are the real time projects, in this course you will work with those projects. if you have any doubt then you can ask them, they will respond you any time.
Key points:
- They will teach you what is Big Data, for big data problems what are the traditional solutions and also how Hadoop solves Big Data problems.
- You will learn about Different Hadoop Distributions, Big Data Architecture limitations and solutions.
- You will also learn by using Sqoop how to load data techniques, how to setup multi node and single node Hadoop cluster.
- They will teach you about Hadoop MapReduce framework and also about in HDFS on data storage, how MapReduce will work.
- In this course you will also gain complete information information about YARN Components, YARN Workflow, YARN Architecture and etc.
- You will learn about the spark ecosystem, different components of spark, scala context, components of scala, spark RDD etc.
- you will also learn about the advanced apache hbase concepts like data model of hbase, hbase client API, data model of zookeeper, services of zookeeper etc.
Rating : 5 out of 5
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#4 The Ultimate Hands-On Hadoop – Tame your Big Data!-Udemy
Frank Kane was started Sundog Education in 2012. He will also train the students about Big Data analysis, data mining, distributed computing and machine learning. He was having 9 years of experience at Amazon and IMDb companies. He is also an instructors on Udemy. in this course he is going to explain the technologies what are present in Big Data. in Big Data totally 25 technologies are present. The technologies are HDFS, Hadoop, Pig, Spark, Flume, MapReduce and etc. if you have basic of Linux command lines then this course is very easy for you to learn. In this course you will also learn about database administration and Big Data analysts.
Key points:
- You will learn, how can you manage design distributed systems by using all related technologies in Big Data.
- He will teach you, how to use the HBase and MongoDB to analyze the non related data in Big Data.
- In this course you will learn, how to publish the data in Hadoop cluster by using Sqoop, Kafka and Flume.
- Frank will teach you how to use the MySQL and Hive for analyzing the data.
- In this course you will also know the information about Tez, Hue, Zookeeper and etc and you will also know how all this are managing Hadoop cluster.
- For processing the data in Hadoop cluster you have to create scripts. The scripts will be created by using Spark and Pig.
- You will also learn to store the application how to choose appropriate data storage technology.
Rating : 4.6 out of 5
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#5 Taming Big Data with MapReduce and Hadoop – Hands On!-Udemy
Frank Kane was started Sundog Education in 2012. He is also an instructors on Udemy. He will also train the students about Big Data analysis, data mining, distributed computing and machine learning. He is having 9 years of experience at Amazon and IMDb companies. In this course he will teach you about taming Big Data with Hadoop and MapReduce. To learn this course 15k+ students enrolled their names. He will explain you in detail about Big Data by giving best examples by using mrjob, Python and Amazon’s Elastic MapReduce Service. In this course you will learn what is meant by Hadoop and how it works. This course having 1 article, 5 hours on demand videos and also having full lifetime access. Instructor will offer completing certificate.
Key points:
- You will learn how to analyze the big data sets by using MapReduce. In this course he will teach you, by using MapReduce how to analyze social network data.
- If you have basic on MRJob and Python then it is easy for you to learn MapReduce. By using movie recommendations and MapReduce you can also analyze movie rating data.
- He will also teach you about Hadoop based technologies like, Pig, Hive and Spark. By learning this course you can analyze and solve more complex problems in MapReduce.
- You will learn the advanced topics like data preprocessing, code walkthrough etc. you will learn the fundamentals of hadoop, apache YARN, hadoop streaming, fundamentals of distribution computing etc.
Rating : 4.5 out of 5
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#6 Taming Big Data with Apache Spark and Python – Hands On!-Udemy
Frank Kane is an instructors on Udemy. He started Sundog Education in 2012. He is also having 9 years of experience at Amazon and IMDb companies. He will train the students about Big Data analysis, data mining, distributed computing and machine learning. He was trained 140k+ students. In this course he is going to teach about Taming Big Data by using Python and Apache Spark. If you know basics of Python language then it is easy for to learn about Big Data. who are doing software development jobs for them this course is very useful. By learning this course you can answer the common data mining questions with the help of MLLib machine library. You will also learn about the working functions of data structure and spark SQL. It is having 1 downloadable resources, 1 article, 5 hours on demand videos and also having full lifetime access.
Key points:
- In this course he will teach you about Spark problems and frame big data analysis problems. They both are slightly similar.
- By learning this course you will get better jobs by using Amazon elastic MapReduce services on cluster with Hadoop YARN.
- He will teach you by using accumulators and broadcast variables, how to share the information between nodes on a Spark cluster.
- Frank will teach you to solve network analysis problems how the graphX library will helps.
- He will teach you about big data by using Large data analysis with the help of Python and Apache Spark.
Rating : 4.4 out of 5
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#7 Learn Big Data: The Hadoop Ecosystem Masterclass-Udemy
Edward Viaene is expert in Cloud, DevOps, Big Data. he was working in some software companies to develop their processing and he will also teach about Big Data on Udemy platform. He is having 10 years of experience as a full stack developer, system administrator and also as DevOps engineer. He was trained many people who are working in S&P 100 and FTSE 100 companies. In this course, he is going to teach about masterclass of Hadoop Ecosystem. Here you will learn how to write the Hadoop Ecosystem programs by using Yarn, Spark, Ambari, Kafka and HDFS.for software engineers this course is very useful. If you have basics on any other programming languages then this course is easy to learn. To learn this course 7k+ students are enrolled their names. It is having 1 article, 6 hours on demand videos and also full lifetime access.
Key points:
- He will teach you, how to use the popular softwares in Big Data industry. By using this technology you can update your linkedin profiles.
- While trying this technology, if you get any doubts then immediately he will clarify you.
- In this course you will learn how the Big Data will works and what are the technologies used in Big Data.
- He will teach you, how to develop Hadoop Ecosystem by using MapReduce, Pig, Ranger, Knox and HBase.
- You will also learn how to process the Big Data by using batch and real time.
- In this course he will teach you how to install Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP).
Rating : 4.3 out of 5
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#8 Hadoop MAPREDUCE in Depth | A Real-Time course on Mapreduce-Udemy
In Udemy website the Hadoop real time learning is an instructor. They will teach you how to implement the Hadoop programs and also how to build the live projects. They will provided you complete knowledge about this technology from basics to advance level. They will explain you all the course which are helpful for your live projects. In this course they will explain you complete programs about Hadoop and MapReduce. You will also learn, for MR how to code by every component. They will teach you how to write the program with Hadoop. 900+ students enrolled their names to learn this course. To learn this course you must know the basic of HDFS and Jave code. If you have this basics then for you it is easy to learn this course. After learning complete course they will provide you certificate with your name. It is having 24 downloadable resources, 5 hours on demand videos and also having full lifetime access.
Key points:
- They will teach you each and every concept of Hadoop and MapReduce to build live projects and also for scratch.
- You will also learn the advanced topics of MapReduce in this course, which are not available in internet also.
- They will teach you how to code for the programs in MapReduce according to their requirements. Who will know about Java course for them it is very easy.
- You will learn each and every component of Hadoop and MapReduce and you will also learn their functioning.
- They will teach you how to build MapReduce code in real time working environment.
- Hadoop and MapReduce code will also ask in some interviews. So, it is very useful to learn for your career.
Rating : 4.5 out of 5
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#9 Learn By Example: Hadoop, MapReduce for Big Data problems-Udemy
Janani Ravi and Vitthal Srinivasan are the founders of Loony Corn. they both are instructors in Udemy. They both work in Bangalore, Bay Area, Singapore and New York. Janani is having 7 of years experience at Google, Flipkart and Microsoft. Vitthal is having 5 years of experience at Google, Inseat, Flipkart and Credit Suisse. They both will teach you about Hadoop and also about MapReduce to solve Big Data problems. They will also teach you how to think about MapReduce in parallel. To learn this course you must have some knowledge about Java code and also about object oriented programming. If you don’t have also no problem because they will teach you from basics. It is having 112 downloadable resources, 1 article, 13 hours on demand videos and also having full lifetime access.
Key points:
- They will teach you how to process Big Data by developing advanced MapReduce applications.
- In this course they will teach you about HDFS, YARN and MapReduce and they will also teach you how to interact with them.
- You will learn how to solve variety of problems by using Hadoop and MapReduce programming.
- By learning Hadoop you can create your own mini Hadoop. In single node you can store multiple data.
- They will teach you how to break up the task into Map transformations.
- To create your own cluster first you have to learn the basic of managing and also about tuning.
Rating : 4.1 out of 5
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The Big Data is used to store large Data. the Big Data will work with 25 technologies. Above we are showing some best Big Data online course. If you have interest to learn about Big Data then you can check all the courses and then you can pick any course which will be suitable for you. Everyone will provide you Certification with your name after completing the course. The Certification will be more useful for your career by adding it to your resume. If this article helpful , then please do share it with your friends and also in social media. If you have any Queries you can ask in comments.
Best Hadoop Books:
#1 Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work, and Think by Viktor Mayer-Schönberger
#2 Hadoop: The Definitive Guide: Storage and Analysis at Internet Scale by Tom White
#3 Big Data: Principles and best practices of scalable realtime data systems by Nathan Marz
#4 Modern Big Data Processing with Hadoop: Expert techniques for architecting end-to-end Big Data solutions to get valuable insights by V. Naresh Kumar
#5 Hadoop BIG DATA Interview Questions You’ll Most Likely Be Asked (Job Interview Questions Series) First Edition Edition by Vibrant Publishers