Top 10 Online Courses

Best Assembly Language Online Courses, Training with Certification-2022 Updated

Assembly Language Online Courses, Training with Certification

Assembly Language Online Courses, Training with Certification

Best Assembly Language Online Courses

#1 Assembly Language Adventures: Complete Course

This is the full collection of x86 Assembly Adventures. It covers everything from the real basics to being an independent (and tough) x86 Assembly programmer.
Main topics covered:

Course structure
The course is made of video lectures. A lecture could be  from a  presentation, or a real world example, showing me doing stuff at the computer.  Almost every video lecture is accompanied by some kind of exercise. The exercises are open source, and you can get them from github.
It is crucial that you complete the exercises. You will  learn a lot from the lectures, but it is pretty much a waste of your time and  money if you don’t do the exercises. (Or at least verify that  you know how to do them, if you are more experienced).
Course tech stack
No prior knowledge is assumed for this course, but I do assume some things regarding your system, so make sure that everything here describes you:

For the tech savvy, some more details about the tools we are going to use in this course:

We Advice you to learn via Online Courses, Rather than Books, But We Suggest you use Books Only for reference purpose

Best Assembly Language Books:

#1 Assembly Language For X86 Processors by Irvine
#2 Assembly Language Step-by-Step Third Edition by Jeff Duntemann
#3 Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming: 32-bit, 64-bit, SSE, and AVX by Daniel Kusswurm
#4 The Art of Assembly Language, 2nd Edition by Randall Hyde
#5 Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming: Covers x86 64-bit, AVX, AVX2, and AVX-512 by Daniel Kusswurm
#6 Mastering Assembly Programming: From instruction set to kernel module with Intel processor by Alexey Lyashko

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